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Thanks for killing PT in pvp


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From what I have been noticing, all melee classes have been nerfed (Besides Ataru sents/maras) to the point where they are all practically meat shields.




LOL, no.


Wow, how much stupid can we fit on one thread. This one is picking up speed - and fast.

Edited by islander
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I know several PTs that can match or finish ahead of my damage in warzones. Granted I don't run lethality dot spam, but still...


Whole lot of doom and gloom about a class that's perfectly viable imho unless you just suck at it and were relying on your NES controller to play it before 2.0. I spoke to two such PTs on Pot5 and they both said the same thing jokingly - "I had to upgrade to a SNES controller in 2.0"


You're missing the blatant point here which everyone seems to get but you. Any PT can spam dots and aoe dmg and top the DPS charts. WIth the 2.0 changes in terms of dot-dot-dotting its even easier. In terms of sustained DPS, PTs are right where they were. The problem is the burst, which in PVP, is king. And boy, did the PTs burst get nerfed hard. AP/TD burst dmg got halved and the latter half was made into a sustained dmg dot. Railshot penetrates less armor, meaning less burst to line up. CGC/Plasma Cell dmg got halved.


YES, we can be fluff dmg extraordinaires and top the DPS charts with easily healed through dmg.


NO, we cannot burt down single targets or healers.... you know, the thing thats most important in ranked.

Edited by revcrisis
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My own vanguard is still 50 - my main is a sniper. The VG is my 'main' on the pub side though, I'll get around to leveling him in a few weeks. I want to go earn his 55 gear first.


If you are struggling and on Pot5, I'd be happy to point you in the direction of PT's who know *** they are doing. Just send Gllies a tell - I'm on in the early/mid evenings. I can think of 3 or 4 guys off the top of my head who aren't 'struggling'.

I must admit, your knowledge about VGs/PTs is more deep than my own. My PT is 36 lvl, I wonder how things will go in pvp with it's progression in level.


Still, I fail to comprehend, why did they remove burst from the pyro tree. Now we have a burst class without a burst, if compared to others.


And the number of buttons used by VGs/PTs... well it's not the players fault. I'm sure they would be glad to have more buttons, thus more utility :)


I don't know how things are in 55 bracket, but in 30-54 i keep seeing huge red numbers above my head, while the maximum damage number i saw from rail shot was 5.2 (to a sorc ofc).

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I'm not 55 on my PT yet but I've been enjoying the Advanced Prototype tree that I leveled to 50 with. I switched to Pyro when I hit 50 but now again leveling to 55 I've gone back to AP. Pyro may still have a little bit of an edge on damage but the extra utility of the AP I find useful in PVP. Four seconds added to hydraulic overrides is awesome for walking into the endzone in huttball. The single target slow that comes with the retractable blade is useful in Voidstar to allow friendlies to cap while enemies are being slowed. Those two abilities alone have helped my teams win a few matches. I'm digging it. Edited by madcappah
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Says you..probably a smasher (easier class to play in game) who uses only 3 buttons and gets top score every match, does no objectives then brags about it.


I'm sorry you got owned by powertechs before.


I actually play an assassin. I pwned PT's before, I pwn them now. But its always nice to see an easymoding facerolling class, a monkey can play (yes like smashers as you mentioned), get a very well deserved nerf.


Continue crying little PT's, This thread is AWESOME!

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You're missing the blatant point here which everyone seems to get but you. Any PT can spam dots and aoe dmg and top the DPS charts. WIth the 2.0 changes in terms of dot-dot-dotting its even easier. In terms of sustained DPS, PTs are right where they were. The problem is the burst, which in PVP, is king. And boy, did the PTs burst get nerfed hard. AP/TD burst dmg got halved and the latter half was made into a sustained dmg dot. Railshot penetrates less armor, meaning less burst to line up. CGC/Plasma Cell dmg got halved.


YES, we can be fluff dmg extraordinaires and top the DPS charts with easily healed through dmg.


NO, we cannot burt down single targets or healers.... you know, the thing thats most important in ranked.


You make it sound like other classes can solo burst down a ranked, guarded healer from full health. Cute.


I won't argue your facts about DD versus Dots, though (because I just checked the trees)...but suggesting they are worthless now..I'm just not buying it.


This "killing PT in pvp" is just another overdramatized title in the lolPvP forums. Even IF there was some semblance of truth to the gist of this thread, it's still not going to affect 95% of the PTs in the PvP end game because either a) they don't do ranked because they don't have a team or b) they are skilled enough to adjust with personal skill. Unless you were a PT tank (and those aren't usually used on ranked teams, right?), you were playing a 4 button class before 2.0. Seriously.

Edited by islander
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I actually play an assassin. I pwned PT's before, I pwn them now. But its always nice to see an easymoding facerolling class, a monkey can play (yes like smashers as you mentioned), get a very well deserved nerf.


Continue crying little PT's, This thread is AWESOME!



Not sure if you're joking or actually serious :rolleyes:

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I actually play an assassin. I pwned PT's before, I pwn them now. But its always nice to see an easymoding facerolling class, a monkey can play (yes like smashers as you mentioned), get a very well deserved nerf.


Continue crying little PT's, This thread is AWESOME!


Are you the one who asked for a dot for an assassin?

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All you've done in this entire thread is scream "PT is fine! I do fine! PT is great! L2P!" but you haven't refuted anything anyone is saying. Name one thing Powertech brings to the team that can't be done better by some other class.


Taunts? Tanks have it covered. DPS assassins and juggs can taunt too and do more damage/burst and live longer.

Burst? Railshots hitting for 6k aren't impressing anyone.

CC/roots/snare? Minimal, non-existant and done better by other classes.

dots? rofl.

sustained dps? Easily healed through.


Pull is all I can think of, and that's not worth giving a spot in the team to the most easily killed class in the game.


You're telling me there is a open spot on your ranked team, you have a marauder, a sniper and a PT available, and you're taking the PT? I highly doubt it, and if you do, all you're ensuring is he'll be the first to die.


Totally agree with this guy. PS you're the Akuryu on the Shadowlands server right?

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I actually play an assassin. I pwned PT's before, I pwn them now. But its always nice to see an easymoding facerolling class, a monkey can play (yes like smashers as you mentioned), get a very well deserved nerf.


Continue crying little PT's, This thread is AWESOME!



We want balance, not someone like you saying your sin is like playing death-star mode haaaa haaa I love killing your class! Look bro, we all subbed for balanced pvp we all will get nerfed sooner or later. Please stop acting like a ten year old who enjoys exploiting class balance

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I know several PTs that can match or finish ahead of my damage in warzones. Granted I don't run lethality dot spam, but still...


Whole lot of doom and gloom about a class that's perfectly viable imho unless you just suck at it and were relying on your NES controller to play it before 2.0. I spoke to two such PTs on Pot5 and they both said the same thing jokingly - "I had to upgrade to a SNES controller in 2.0"


Had to be done.


I switched my Vanguard to Shield after 2.0. I might switch back to DPS from time to time but to me all that class really offered was burst and now it's just not there. It seems like every other class got a pretty big boost in damage and utility and Vanguard got a 50% nerf to it's PC DoT, less armor pen on HiB and the damage on AP absolutely destroyed. That's not my opinion that's all in the patch notes.


I guess Shoulder Cannon was suppose to make up for it but the only thing that ability is good for is stopping caps while mezzed. That's an awesome bit of utility but it's the only one they have that makes them unique:


- Taunts - Shadows and Guardians have these as well. Shadows single target taunt doesn't even break them from stealth.


- Pull - Shadow tanks are much better for this. For one their pull is more "instant," I can't tell you how many Harpoons hit a target as it runs behind a pillar or whatever and nothing happens.


- Stealth Scan - Hit or miss really but it can be quite useful except now Snipers get a passive that they don't have to aim.


- Shoulder Cannon - this ability would be laughably bad if you couldn't use it to interrupt caps while stunned. That's and the heal tanks get form it are it's only redeeming qualities. Still the only situation this is useful is solo node guarding. Which a Shadow or Scoundrel would be much better at.


That is all of the Vanguard utility right there. They don't have a group buff like Shadow Tank Phase Walk, Infil Shadow Nerve Wracking, Transcendence or Scrambling Field (which got a buff for some reason). Everyone who is they are fine is saying the same thing everyone said about Mercs/Mandos before 2.0. That "There are some good ones who really know how to use the class but everyone else can't do it."

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I think there is something wrong with the way PT damage gets calculated anyhow.


Dinged 55, got 3 pieces Partisan straight of the bat, popped a queue, engaged.


IP damage approx 2.5k non crit

HIB 2.1k highest crit


Now there could be other factors affecting this, but after speaking with guildies and randoms from fleet, when they dinged, there HIB was critting at 5-6k, since 2.0 mines never gone above 4k max. Something doesnt add up in the consistancy of these figures.

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I think there is something wrong with the way PT damage gets calculated anyhow.


Dinged 55, got 3 pieces Partisan straight of the bat, popped a queue, engaged.


IP damage approx 2.5k non crit

HIB 2.1k highest crit


Now there could be other factors affecting this, but after speaking with guildies and randoms from fleet, when they dinged, there HIB was critting at 5-6k, since 2.0 mines never gone above 4k max. Something doesnt add up in the consistancy of these figures.


Bad gear itemization is bad. I have been buying just the mods and enhancements for now keeping the set bonus from my WH gear. I'll probably switch out the armorings last or not ever depending on whether or not they fix bolster. If I can use PvE armorings with higher main stats/armor ratings and still get some bolstered exp I might just do that.

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Please stop acting like a ten year old who enjoys exploiting class balance


Exploiting class ballance? Oh, you mean like before 2.0 when half the server (every server) played a PT because it was easymode and overpowered to the point everyone could play it pretty much to max potential? Lol...


Where are all those awesome players named OPFOTMPT and such now? Oh yes they attempted to play a sniper and got litterally facerolled, because sniper actually requires some player skill to perform well.


Exploiting class ballance... comes from PT's... Just lol.

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Wow, how much stupid can we fit on one thread. This one is picking up speed - and fast.


I know right..


The guys complaining on this thread are FOTM rerollers that can't adapt to change, sad but true facts there. :(

Edited by Caeliux
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The issue here is a state of mind. Pretty sure the way PTs are now with very little burst compared to other classes that the illusion is there that it is useless. My PT is pretty effective if backed with a healer as it should be. It also feels completely useless if I do not have a healer or am solo queuing. In 1.7 you didn't need a healer to just burst down people super quick. Now you can't decimate an opponent(healers) so quickly so it gives the illusion that you're just weak and useless.


Most of the time I can still solo 1v1/take nodes. 2v1s are pretty much impossible where in 1.7 2v1s with PT was common. IMO a PT isnt the type of class that should be able to 2v1.


Did the PT get nerfed due the changes? Yes. Are PTs completely useless? No. Would you rather have a PT over a smasher/vengeance mara? Ideally, no, not if your tanks are doing their job and your healers aren't completely worthless(and if the mara/PT are the same ability level). Can you run them in a rated and be effective? Absolutely.

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The issue here is a state of mind. Pretty sure the way PTs are now with very little burst compared to other classes that the illusion is there that it is useless. My PT is pretty effective if backed with a healer as it should be. It also feels completely useless if I do not have a healer or am solo queuing. In 1.7 you didn't need a healer to just burst down people super quick. Now you can't decimate an opponent(healers) so quickly so it gives the illusion that you're just weak and useless.


Most of the time I can still solo 1v1/take nodes. 2v1s are pretty much impossible where in 1.7 2v1s with PT was common. IMO a PT isnt the type of class that should be able to 2v1.


Did the PT get nerfed due the changes? Yes. Are PTs completely useless? No. Would you rather have a PT over a smasher/vengeance mara? Ideally, no, not if your tanks are doing their job and your healers aren't completely worthless(and if the mara/PT are the same ability level). Can you run them in a rated and be effective? Absolutely.


Well thought out and good post.



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The PT is still one of the best classes at applying damage against an evasive target. Gone are the days where you can just make a suicide charge and take out a guy before you die, so now you've to be more careful before going way deep into enemy line. They've always been a relatively hard class to play so far as CDs go, because something like the 30% heal on Knight you can use anytime and it always does what it does, but Energy Shield you really have to anticipate when the incoming damage is and it's not easy to judge that. So while Energy Shield is a very strong CD it's definitely hard to use it correctly, and when using it incorrectly the PT is pretty much one of the lowest survivality class in the game. Edited by Astarica
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I know right..


The guys complaining on this thread are FOTM rerollers that can't adapt to change, sad but true facts there. :(


And you're a delusional PT trying desperately to hold on to your spot on a ranked team.


Caeliux: Ooooooh! Did you see that guys?! 6.5k rail shot BOOM! I bet he'll feel that tomorrow.

Marauder: yeah that's sweet dude... hang on I gotta go smash those 3 guys for 10k each.

Caeliux: What this healer doesn't realize is that I've set him ablaze!!! He is losing HP by the HUNDREDS! Bwahahaha!

Sniper: Actually I think he cleansed those off. You might be seeing my 8k Ambushes... or was that a takedown? I forgot. To be honest I'm just an 8k machine...

Caeliux: I'm going to taunt this assassin! Forcing him to either attack me, or suffer through 6 seconds of damage reduction!!!!

*Assassin turns to Caeliux, killing him in 3 globals*

Caeliux: brb guys.

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And you're a delusional PT trying desperately to hold on to your spot on a ranked team.


Caeliux: Ooooooh! Did you see that guys?! 6.5k rail shot BOOM! I bet he'll feel that tomorrow.

Marauder: yeah that's sweet dude... hang on I gotta go smash those 3 guys for 10k each.

Caeliux: What this healer doesn't realize is that I've set him ablaze!!! He is losing HP by the HUNDREDS! Bwahahaha!

Sniper: Actually I think he cleansed those off. You might be seeing my 8k Ambushes... or was that a takedown? I forgot. To be honest I'm just an 8k machine...

Caeliux: I'm going to taunt this assassin! Forcing him to either attack me, or suffer through 6 seconds of damage reduction!!!!

*Assassin turns to Caeliux, killing him in 3 globals*

Caeliux: brb guys.


Smash is probably overpowered in general and I think most DPS classes compares poorly to a Smasher.


Snipers do the most damage but they're also the worst class at applying damage to an evasive target. A healer stepping behind a wall effectively drop the Sniper's damage to 0. A PT can chase him through the wall or, better yet, just grab the healer.


The damage done by a PT is probably low compared to the some of the top damage dealing specs, but other than Smashers, the classes that can do more damage than you cannot do this damage on the targets you really want to kill.

Edited by Astarica
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