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Masks and Sentinels


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this may be a noob question, but i was in need of a little bit of help.


my doubt is the following: if for example i equip a light armour mask (if i can of course, not sure if i can equip light armour, since medium armour is the regualr for sentinel) in my sentinel and swap the mods (currently 69), what will happen? will i loose stats?which ones?


also one more doubt, i was looking for the force sentinel headgear ( http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/8578.jpg ) for the republic side..i have read in the forum that it can be achieved on nar shadaa, or taris. now on taris i am reptty sure the social vendor doesnt have it (only the death claw breather)..thouhg i havent checked other vendors neither on nar shadaa. have in mind that i now that there is the circlet, but i really am looking for thr mask for republic side.


i ask this cause i was looking for some mask to use (while i wait for the eradicators warsuit that willcome on 2.1 update, i think it is a seperate item and costs around 500 CC) in my sentinel, and i dont want to buy the revans mask, and i was searching for some mask to use..i have adread guard mask, but for some resosn i cannot use it with the eradicators warsuit with the hoodie on :(


anyone can help me or give some sugestions to search for?

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Using a light armor mask on a Sentinel shouldn't be too much of an issue. You will lose some armor resistance but not much and seems how your job is to do damage and not take it I would worry on that score. As for the Force Sentinel "Mask" I am afraid that it will change into a circlet when pulled over to the Republic side. Its sucks yes but each side has its own look for each item.

The best bet would be to use an adaptive piece such as Revan's Mask or the Eradicator Mask that is coming soon.

As for the hood issue, well, that is an old issue. My toon used to look like this.


Now the mask no longer works with the hood. :(

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