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(fun) my most ridiculous WZ so far!


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here goes the story:

Sub 55 WZ, Hypergate, pretty much even match, we held the mid, when like 15 - 20 sec before end of round 2 some REP cap our Pylon.

Our whole team left mid (5 or 6 ppl), ran to the Pylon to kill that one poor REP hero. They left me at mid to get processed by atomic megablast of Rep team (focus fire) and all of them heroically evaporated in the hypergate discharge.

I still dont understand it, if it was some kind of harakiri, or suicidal team streak ...

I had to leave the WZ immediately, because my brain almost fried trying to grasp the whole thing :D

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AHG seems to be the most confusing WZ for people. By far, this is the one where I've seen the most cases of leaving a pylon/node completely undefended. Plus... going to the off pylon to "delay" them, taking the off pylon with 2 minutes left and then wonder why no one came to help defend it, running out of spawn as the explosion is happening so you die, chasing that "bait" by yourself right into the waiting group of the bad guys.


Not to mention that no one, not even Bioware, really understands how the scoring works. :D (Yes, I know, it's not really rocket science, but I still think is unnecessarily complicated.)

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I love AHG.


Every time my team is losing badly, the other team gets cocky an leaves weaker/least expierenced player defending, so they get more points.

point of this tactic is, that that weakest link will either get ninjad 10 seconds before explosion, or will actually ran away 15 seconds before explosions, so he, get that, will not die accidentally.

and it comes twice in a row, leaving me winning AHG 601 to 500 with team doing avarage of 50k dps and no heals.


ofcourse it also comes with (other games) when I see two assassins standing on the pylon, unstealthed and get ninjad...


it's not my favorite WZ (that bloody sound makes my dog bark) but it's one of those that can be won even if all hopes are lost (and other team defender is dumb enouth)

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Hmm, cant say Hypergates is my fav warzone, i like VS and HB better, but it can give some surprising twists.


So I had this warzone in which we lost our pylon to the opponent in the first round, then this happened again second (or 3rd) round, but our team had better dps/they didnt have any healers/i dont know, but we managed to get almost even in the 3rd or 4th round , something like 580-540 for them. So we had 1 pylon and I was sure we were settled, as our points exceeded the enemy's by a huge amount, but approximately 15s before the blast some smart guy on the imp side decided to carry an orb to their pylon, which brought m over the 600, so we still lost.


I thought it was pretty funny, and they deserved the win anyways, 'cause no team should ever loose 2 times a pylon, while you are stronger than the enemy. :o

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Is actually my favorite, i think is a WZ to discover, in the middle MDPSs have a slightly advantage, that fade away fast when u move out the door and RDPSs win the upperhand, and stealthers can easily love the tunnels, ramps and places to hide around the pylons. Out of the obvious, i agree, is the WZ whr an strategical movement can win the game instead of the mass of numbers or the pure sheer of tactical advantages. I think that Hypergate is quite balanced for all classes, at least i enjoy it in all classes.


All this from the pure PUG point of view.

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AHG frustrates me to no end.


- People will always leave a node unguarded. At least once a game I run over to the node form mid/spawn because whoever was there just left.


- The delayers. The people on your team who feed the opponents a steady stream of points by trickling one by one over to the opposite node.


- The "we must take both nodes every round" guys. Never fails. We get both nodes right before the round ends, our victory is all but guaranteed. Then of course everyone thinks they can double cap again so half the team goes one way the other half goes the other, we get double capped and lose.


- Healers are great solo node guards.


- There is no such thing as stealth. Stand right on top of that node.


- The "I'm such a ninja" stealth guy. The guy who stays in stealth by the enemy node the entire round. If you're going to ninja the node do it at the end. We don't need to be down 1 in mid(only one because most likely our guard has come to mid to "help").

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I did not pay attention to the little screen showing the pylons and ran out off the ledge in Hypergate just as the pylons were overloading and jumped right into the big yellow expanding bubble. Insta dead in mid - air.

What's funnier is that I've done that more than once.

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We had a game yesterday where we double-capped them via a ninja twice in a row. Had them beat by like 400 something to zip. It's a lock for us, right? Nope, lesson in humility and counting our chickens followed when they switched tactics to sending massive forces to "our" pylon, and managed to double cap us twice in a row just through brute force. We lost. It was heart breaking, but sort of served us right. Round 3 we were all set to just do the easy double cap on them again, and didn't respond to their threat appropriately.
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