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Massacre is Massacred


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Hello Guys,


what is your experience with carnage in pvp? Why force BW the Marauder in pvp to the ragespecc?


I am a great carnage fan, love the gameplay of this specc, but the changes that came with the addon has destroyed the existence in pvp. I know carnage has very cool talents to burst an enemy to hell, but its only proccbased - unreliable, to many rng.


When Slaugther proccs -> a lot of dmage dealt to the enemy - without kockback or stun during the gorewindow, with knockback/stun -> crymoreriver, lowdmg goes to nodamage

Outside the gorewindow -> not more than moderate damage. can be easily healed.

f***k of alacrity - its an wasted useless stat on our gear/class

Ataru-Berserk - the Massacre ragecost are to high, and the damage is to low for an ultimate talent.


Its not viable, the overalldmg is too low to compete with rage.


how could BW solve the situation?


Give us back our old Berserk?

increase massively the Massacredmg?

Smashdmg massively reduced?


what is your opinion? something needs to happen before it's too late, before all pvp Maurauders plays the boring 3button ragespecc.


p.s.forgive my english, german is my first speak

Edited by JoriCardas
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Hello Guys,


what is your experience with carnage in pvp? Why force BW the Marauder in pvp to the ragespecc?


I am a great carnage fan, love the gameplay of this specc, but the changes that came with the addon has destroyed the existence in pvp. I know carnage has very cool talents to burst an enemy to hell, but its only proccbased - unreliable, to many rng.


When Slaugther proccs -> a lot of dmage dealt to the enemy - without kockback or stun during the gorewindow, with knockback/stun -> crymoreriver, lowdmg goes to nodamage

Outside the gorewindow -> not more than moderate damage. can be easily healed.

f***k of alacrity - its an wasted useless stat on our gear/class

Ataru-Berserk - the Massacre ragecost are to high, and the damage is to low for an ultimate talent.


Its not viable, the overalldmg is too low to compete with rage.


how could BW solve the situation?


Give us back our old Berserc?

increase massively the Massacredmg?

Smashdmg massively reduced?


what is your opinion? something needs to happen before it's too late.


p.s.forgive my english, german is my first speak


Not sure if troll, if that's the case than 1/10.


Carnage/Combat is one of the highest, if not THE highest, burst specs in the game. L2P

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Burst is not the problem, it is very fine. I already wrote above, the overalldmg is too low. FS/VT during gore are hardhitter, but outside gore you can not build up enough pressure so that the target gets "panic". Edited by JoriCardas
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Hello Guys,


what is your experience with carnage in pvp? Why force BW the Marauder in pvp to the ragespecc?


I am a great carnage fan, love the gameplay of this specc, but the changes that came with the addon has destroyed the existence in pvp. I know carnage has very cool talents to burst an enemy to hell, but its only proccbased - unreliable, to many rng.


When Slaugther proccs -> a lot of dmage dealt to the enemy - without kockback or stun during the gorewindow, with knockback/stun -> crymoreriver, lowdmg goes to nodamage

Outside the gorewindow -> not more than moderate damage. can be easily healed.

f***k of alacrity - its an wasted useless stat on our gear/class

Ataru-Berserk - the Massacre ragecost are to high, and the damage is to low for an ultimate talent.


Its not viable, the overalldmg is too low to compete with rage.


how could BW solve the situation?


Give us back our old Berserk?

increase massively the Massacredmg?

Smashdmg massively reduced?


what is your opinion? something needs to happen before it's too late, before all pvp Maurauders plays the boring 3button ragespecc.


p.s.forgive my english, german is my first speak

What are you talking about? carnage is fine, and amazing, if anything im finding rage to trail behind you dont just charge in, walk in harass, with massacre and scream and such till they pop knockback then leap gore ravage, if you leap in and ravage immediately you deserve to have it interrupted right away, the new zerk lets us burst faster, gore mass vic throw scream before they can heal, my mass. is critting about 3.5k mh 1.5k oh on average in pvp, you can just spam that with a gore proc and execute at the end of that, burst and sustained are very decent

Edited by HollowVamp
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I never use Berserk in Ataru in PvP, Predation helps the team much more. You may not notice it, but your healer who is getting chased, which you don't see, really appreciates your predation. My Op healer told me on vent numerous times how much he appreciates me constantly poping predation. He told he cannot be killed even with 3 DPS on him when I pop predation for him.


Who are you picking as targets? Because Gore only helps a lot against heavy armors and tanks. Against light and medium armor targets, my damage is high even outside Gore window, and when Gore is used, it is a fate sealer.

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