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<Hyperspace Motivators> is recruiting


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With so many great guilds recruiting, it's a challenge for smaller guilds to draw players. But that's exactly what I aim to do, here.


The Hyperspace Motivators are looking for players to run content at all levels. All we ask is that you be 18 or over, and a willingness to help a guild mate if asked. We have a Vent server, and a Guild Bank, and a website at http://hypmotivators.enjin.com.


Now, we aren't for everyone. We don't field multiple raid team, though we are looking to form one. We don't do much in the way of PvP. What we have are consistent, helpful, knowledgeable players, and an abiding desire to play the game. We would also be happy to speak to other small guilds, whether to partner, or to merge with us. Have a small tight knit group of your own, and don't want to lose that? Let's chat.


If that appeals to you, please come check us out at the website, or reach out to Fixi, Silkbunny, Festus, Kinze, or Simz.


Good hunting.

Edited by Borgbunny
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Thought I forgot, didn't ya? No such luck, people! We continue to seek warriors willing to harness their killer instinct in service to the Republic. And, yes, we allow kicking them when they're down. It ain't fair, but it is funny.
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Hello, again, from the cheap seats overlooking the wretched hive!


As ever, we are still recruiting players to come, hang out, and help us blow crap up. Mostly because blowing crap up with your friends never gets old. Check out our website, or drop us a line in game. You can reach out to Fixi, SIlkbunny, Patchbunny, Nuvik, or Kinze.


We look forward to hearing from you, but, until we do, we wish you good hunting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And the recruiting continues!


While we may be slow, we are now beginning S&V HM progression, and we are looking for players to help us with that. So come and help us! We won't bite, unless you're into that sort of thing.


Either way, good luck and good hunting.

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Great to see so many new and returning players, as well as transfers from other servers! Welcome!


Please consider joining the Hyperspace Motivators for all your galactic conquest needs. After all, blowing stuff up on your own is boring, right? Friends don't let friends decimate planets alone. Check out our website for more info.


Until then, we wish you good hunting.

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I see that no few returning players are still looking for guilds. It's a tough choice, with so many guilds, catering to so many different play styles. Different raid days, times, and makeups, PvP efforts, and leveling approaches all combine to offer some pretty complex combinations. To say nothing of the player needs in those same areas. It's crazy making. And not just for the players.


Guilds are also trying to attract players, while maintaining existing ones and provide an environment in which everyone gets what they need. It's no easy task, let me tell you. And yet, here we are. Still. Working to offer players what they need to get what they want form the game. On that note, I'd like to encourage players to come by the Hyperspace Motivators website, and give us a look. Until then, good luck, and good hunting.


And to you other guilds as well. Whether competitor or ally, your ongoing efforts on behalf of new and old guildies is the foundation of the social fabric of this MMO. And I, for one, applaud your efforts.

Edited by Borgbunny
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  • 2 weeks later...

No one puts Baby thread in a corner!


Yes, fellow galactic citizens, it's that time again. I come to you, arms outstretched in welcome, with an offer like so many others: Join Us!! Cool stuff! Community! Social! Additional buzzwords!!


Check us out at our website, and give us a look. As always, good luck and good hunting.

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With the summer winding down, I anticipate a fair number of returning faces, and I'd like to welcome you all back. Hope you enjoyed your summer as thoroughly as I enjoyed mine.


Now that you're back, though, and possibly looking for a community as much as a guild, I'd like to offer the Hyperspace Motivators as an option. We have all the usual perks, as well as a friendly community of adults that want to hang out, run end game content, and enjoy playing the game. Please stop by the clubhouse, and give us a look.


Good luck, and good hunting.

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And a'bumping we will go! We are still looking for folks to run content with us, as we covetously eye the next tier of content coming in October. If you are looking for a relaxed atmosphere, where hanging out with friends is way more important than how well you parsed on the dummy, then stop by the clubhouse and look us over.


Don't get me wrong, we want to do difficult content, we just don't want to get wound too tight about it. This is, after all, a game. Either way, we wish everyone good luck and good hunting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks!


It's been a pretty exciting couple of weeks for us. We took down Toborro's Courtyard in 16 man HM with Noblesse Oblige (a really great group of people, if I do say so myself). We have had some great new members join us, as well, which has been fantastic. And we are still looking for more folks. We have all the usual perks, as well as a fairly lively vent channel, and quite a few scheduled activities throughout the week. We mostly raid from 9 PM EDT, and are starting to take a serious look at Hard Mode progression.


Swing by the clubhouse and have a look. Until then, good luck and good hunting!

Edited by Borgbunny
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, folks, it's that time again, where your host goes thread bumping for fun an profit! Ok, less profit, and more fun, but hey, who's really keeping track?


If you are a Republic player, and enjoy beating up world bosses, running Ops (or looking to start), and punishing Flashpoints, you should come have a look at the Hyperspace Motivators. We have the usual perks, as well as a great group of people who like to hang out in vent. We look forward to hearing from you, and wish you good luck and good hunting.

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Hello again!!


Our little band continues to grow, and we have successfully downed Dash'roode in 16 man Hard Mode, with Noblesse Oblige. For a couple of casual raiding guilds, that's nothing to sneeze at. We'd like to build on that victory by continuing to progress through S&V Hard Mode, but we need your help. We need you to come join us, to lift up your blasters and sabers, and declare your intent to destroy anything that gets in our way. For peace, of course.


Come by the website, and check us out. Until then, good luck and good hunting.

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Hello again, peeps!!


The Hyperspace Motivators continue to work our way through hard mode S&V. We have a very solid roster, but could always use a deeper bench when it comes to preserving the integrity of the Republic. But raiding isn't all we do, folks!! We do Hard Modes, dailies, alt leveling, Bounty Boards, and the events as they roll around. Come check out the website, and, if you like what you see, post an app and join us.


Until then, good luck and good hunting.

Edited by Borgbunny
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This was the kind of home I hoped to find after a year away. It's a really friendly and fun-loving bunch on top of being a group of really skilled and knowledgeable players. Everyone has been extremely helpful and patient while I'm getting acclimated with all the changes.


There's an easy to use website for event signups, and there's plenty to do. Ops are really well run. Communication is A+ and this group works very well together.


I'm having a blast! (and isn't that the point of a game?)


Kavich - 55 Smuggler

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Another week has passed, and a whole bunch of new content has dropped with 2.4. We are having a good time trying to work our way through that Dread Fortress boss, Draxus. Man that guy is tough, but we're getting there. If you'd like to join us in kicking his patootie (love that word!), then check us out at the clubhouse. We look forward to hearing from you.


Good luck and good hunting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's that time again, peeps. Yes, indeed, the Motivators are looking to add moar folks to our roster!! A few more, and we could be fielding 16 man Ops teams! From humble beginning, you know?


We are a group of mature folks, who enjoy playing the game. We tend to focus on end game, but we have a lot of people leveling on both sides of the factional line, so the odds are good that you can find someone to run stuff with all through the week. We have taken up the challenge with Dread Fortress and Dread Palace added to our schedule, and looking to have both of them on farm, and moving toward Hard Mode, in the not too distant future. We have Vent, where you can feel free to lurk, and let the silliness was over you, or participate to your heart's content. We have a guild bank, and the website, and an Imperial presence as the Ilum Swim Team. We aren't focused on the Imperial side, by any means, but we do play there, when the mood strikes us.


Come by and check us out! Either way, good luck and good hunting!

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