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I think with the QoL improvements going forward, its time to finally share.


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And by sharing, I mean sharing all commendations that aren't basic, elite, or ultimate.


I would like to see this, because to be honest, there comes a point in the life of a level 55 character where we don't give a whoop about planetary comms, but if we could share with our lowbies to help them grind up, then that would be awesome.


And while we're on that - the way it is now, players end up outleveling the armor and weapon content on the planet vendors by the time they actually save up enough to use 2 or 3 pieces from there. Maybe heroic missions could just not give armor variants anymore and instead just up the planetary comm rewards on all +2, +4 and area heroics to in the 8 to 15 planet comm, so that leveling players can actually buy mods and armor that pertains to their level while still leveling on the planet?


I realize the net effect is a feeling of speedup to level 50. But isn't that going on anyway? People trying to just grind to the end to get to end game? Why not then allow people to gear up as they grind - accelerate the pace of earning planetary comms via heroics.


And looking forward, to prevent farming, you can always reduce the number of comms earned on a sliding scale for those who are partnered with someone overleveled for the heroic. I'd say scale the heroics and put them in groupfinder as well to help clear some of the dps glut (since you can so just about all heroics with 4 dps), but not all heroics are instanced I don't think. If they are, I am all for this.


Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just putting this out there.

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I settle for share credits and legacy bank tabs for crafting mats.


It easily takes 5-10 minutes to log on to an alt only transfer credits or crafting mats to another toon.


Ideally, it would be awesome to send an alts companion on crew skill mission w/o having to log on to that character.

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1. You can buy armorings, mods, and enhancements with planetary comms that are BOE, meaning they can be mailed to your alts.


2. I don't know how you're managing to screw yourself so hard... I've been leveling an alt since 2.0, and my routine has essentially been


A: Send level 10-15 mods to alt from higher character

B: Nearly capped on comms after Coruscant/DK

C: Buy mods on next planet

D: Get capped again

E: Upgrade again at start of next planet


And so on.


There's no reason for planetary comms to be shared via legacy, really. It would be nice, but considering that everything you can buy, except actual equipment pieces, is mailable, and given the ease of acquiring orange sets now thanks the to the cartel packs ( I put together a set for my companion for less than ten thousand credits), they're better off spending the time it would take to implement this, working on other things.

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You guys are missing the point. You are correct that technically, you can do those things, but did you bother to read the whole post?


By the time you save up enough planetary coms on one planet, you have moved on to the next. Even with the planetary unification of coms, it still means you end up skipping planets and missing content on the commendation vendors.


They should up the comm levels in heroics and have shared planetary coms. Its QOL so that would make things more convenient for leveling AND enjoying all the game has to offer along the way.

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You guys are missing the point. You are correct that technically, you can do those things, but did you bother to read the whole post?


By the time you save up enough planetary coms on one planet, you have moved on to the next. Even with the planetary unification of coms, it still means you end up skipping planets and missing content on the commendation vendors.


They should up the comm levels in heroics and have shared planetary coms. Its QOL so that would make things more convenient for leveling AND enjoying all the game has to offer along the way.


Your sort of correct. Read the whole post btw. But in essence, it's only the FIRST planet where you skip the comms, I have 3 toons I've started leveling since 2.0. two of them are in their late 20's, one in the 30's. other then the starter planet, I've had plenty of comms to gear up once I hit a new planet. the only time I ran out of comms is when i switched companions, and ended up gearing up two on the same planet.


So once your past the initial planet, your golden. So I think a good thing to do would be to up the comms you get from the starter planet, or provide a solid 20 comm reward for leaving said starter planet. or give the BT/Esselles run a comms boost, that way you can step off the fleet onto Dromund or Coruscant with enough comms to pick up a few things.


Other then that your ahead of the curve for the rest. I was always frustrated with the previous system...it really locked you in, and I always had dozens of comms for each planet left over because they were useless. now im running out of comms cause Im buying so much STUFF. it's great.

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