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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Jawagrams and Exp Boosts as rares in packs NOW!

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100% agreed.

I personally did my half off 5k coins for 20 dollars.

Then immediately spent another 39.99 for another 5k.

Then i had some CC left over from my last 39.99 purchase last week.


purchased over 50 packs in one sitting. You just do not know how upset i was when i received these stupid jawa items (and a few other things yes like exp space stuff and such... yes i kno i can sell it.. but the value is so low because it is so common it is a waste of money tbh)

So much of it wasting up my inventory. i feel like i wasted my money. I feel cheated. I feel so irritable about it that i am like you i will never purchase another pack again. I just was so floored at all the crap inside the packs to fill my inventory/bank with.


And yes i understand that if i want something i can buy it off the GTN. thank you captain obvious'.

Yes again i know that i am not forced to purchase from the CM and it is my choice thank you again major obvious'.


I understood that there was a few things that you would get that were of lesser quality. I certainly did not expect it to be to this extent though.


TBH because of this i am far less inclined to purchase any CC in the future. I am just miffed and hurt about my purchasing experience. Which as a customer who spends his money regularly i have every right to be.


Ya know this entire post just makes me laugh.

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I believe the tactical markers are going to be a legacy perk in the future. I can't find the screenshot now, but I do recall hearing this. I believe Bioware admitted to that mistake and fixed it.


Now, in regards to the OP. No one is making you buy the packs. You can easily buy those packs, throw them on the GTN and then use the credits you got from them to buy whatever you want. Or you can just save the coins for something else. There is a way to get what you want from the packs without spending real money.


Ah, that is good news if true.

I had originally figured that they had learned it was a mistake when they started introducing reusable Jawagrams instead of the much hated comsumables (I even changed my forum signature from a callout to support the removal of those things to a "thank you for listening, Bioware!") - so it was pretty disappointing to see that they were once again up to their old tricks with the new packs.

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Yeah... I don't think you do, man.

I don't think he does, either. I have not spent one dime on CC (beyond my sub fee + security key) and my main has every non-mood emote and just about every toy (including the TRK-R Treatment thing),all bought with creds off the GTN. I bought Cathar unlock and White Eyes and Chiss and Zabrak species legacy items, a Cathar war staff, several hawkeye crystals, eviscerating crysrtals and more indestructible crystals than I can remember (for resale), all with creds.

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I don't think he does, either. I have not spent one dime on CC (beyond my sub fee + security key) and my main has every non-mood emote and just about every toy (including the TRK-R Treatment thing),all bought with creds off the GTN. I bought Cathar unlock and White Eyes and Chiss and Zabrak species legacy items, a Cathar war staff, several hawkeye crystals, eviscerating crysrtals and more indestructible crystals than I can remember (for resale), all with creds.


Just keep in mind that that's only possible if someone is actually buying the packs and selling the stuff. :p

Edited by Callaron
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Keep even more in mind that if no one bought any packs, their contents would effectively not be in the game and I wouldn't be missing out on anything.


Nor would there be a game* where you could be missing out on things; it'd go the way of the Do... ahem, "the way of the SWG". :p



* Except for all those other MMO's of course.


Don't remove them there cool to have :) if anything just put them in a pack called Jawagrams or something :)


They originally had some of them for sale individually on the CM.

I'm guessing they didn't sell well, so one of the marketting guys had the brilliant idea of "Hey guys! Lets stick them in the packs - that way they will pay for them whether they like it or not, and our development resources won't be wasted!"

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