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my suggestions


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Imho a nice thing it would be a guild logo armor colours (ex: on wow there is the tabard with guild logo). A guild can decide 2,3 color with a logo and all member can buy with credits a unified color of guild option.



Obv a debuff/buffs filter to see only buff you want. (only my buff/ only buff from skills or talents etc)



More %speed for mounts. Imho 110 is too low.


Guild perks (like 5%exp) with a portable guild bank.


Auto loot a % of credits that will go directly on guild bank.

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Imho a nice thing it would be a guild logo armor colours (ex: on wow there is the tabard with guild logo). A guild can decide 2,3 color with a logo and all member can buy with credits a unified color of guild option.



Obv a debuff/buffs filter to see only buff you want. (only my buff/ only buff from skills or talents etc)



More %speed for mounts. Imho 110 is too low.


Guild perks (like 5%exp) with a portable guild bank.


Auto loot a % of credits that will go directly on guild bank.


/sign on the guild logo or crest..

/sign on the buff/debuff filter..

/sign on the faster mounts.. 140% to 160%.. Somewhere in there..


There already is a guild perk for 5% more XP for anyone that is in a guild.. Portable guild bank?? Meh.. Not to sure about.. It would be nice to have a droid that I could summon to give me access to my bank..


/sign a % of credits earned should be donated in the characters name to the guild bank.. This money should be generated above and beyond what the player actually earns.. If a players earns 100 credits, then an additional 5 credits is generated and deposited into the guild bank.. :)

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