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Way to WoW it! Too many abilities!


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There are plenty of arcade-style games you can play where you just mash the same 2 buttons over and over mindlessly. This is probably not the game for you. It's a MMO....and, therefore, they designed it like....a MMO. Of course, you are not required to train all abilities and not forced to slot them all on your quickbars. So you're free to try to play the entire game with 2-3 abilities if that's more your style.
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There are plenty of arcade-style games you can play where you just mash the same 2 buttons over and over mindlessly. This is probably not the game for you. It's a MMO....and, therefore, they designed it like....a MMO. Of course, you are not required to train all abilities and not forced to slot them all on your quickbars. So you're free to try to play the entire game with 2-3 abilities if that's more your style.


The fact that it's an MMO is irrelevant. Please explain to me (and I'm being genuine with this, not spiteful) what you think the merit in this design is.

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Please explain to me (and I'm being genuine with this, not spiteful) what you think the merit in this design is.


Player flexibility of playstyle and choice. A lot of things Bioware does are actually designed to give the player more freedom of choice.


It's kind of refreshing to me.. but it means you need to think about your choices and match them to your style. Anyone who wants to play with only a handful of skills in this game CAN do so. But most feel they will miss out on 3% extra damage if they do that.... so they instead try to figure out how to use ever skill in the book.


I have noticed however... that much of the population rebels at the freedom and just want the game to dumb it down and cookie cutter it for them.

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I, for one, am glad that BW allows us the use of talent trees like a certain MMO did back in the day before they decided to hand-hold everyone, give them exactly the right set of abilities and make the 'talent tree' a bunch of optional goodies that have zero DPS impact, or identical DPS impact to each other.


I like having the option of rolling a hybrid spec. Granted, that means there are plenty of players who simply have NO CLUE where to put their points, but they'll learn or they'll eventually lose interest and go back to playing WoW.

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Player flexibility of playstyle and choice. A lot of things Bioware does are actually designed to give the player more freedom of choice.


It's kind of refreshing to me.. but it means you need to think about your choices and match them to your style. Anyone who wants to play with only a handful of skills in this game CAN do so. But most feel they will miss out on 3% extra damage if they do that.... so they instead try to figure out how to use ever skill in the book.


I have noticed however... that much of the population rebels at the freedom and just want the game to dumb it down and cookie cutter it for them.


This sums up my feelings pretty well: Extra Credits: Choice and Conflict


One example I'd also like to add. Having Stealth and Force Cloak separate is unnecessary. Just give Stealth an extra cooldown that lets it be used in combat. Simple =/= dumb. Often smart => simple.

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Bullcrap,just stop with the oh wow this and oh wow that it is getting old and most of you sound silly, play the game!


all you hear in gen chat my auto targeting does not work lol, now this.



oh and i played ffxiv in beta and release it was a trainwreck and ffxiv already said they wanted to be like wow and would use many of the concepts that are in place, wow worked made a lot of money and set a standard for mmo's

unlike some we see today.


so go on kick the lich king in his nads but the fact is wow still is kicking all others mmo's butts still today, is it better looking the swtor NO! does it have less issues Yes!


now you can troll off that i gave you something to feed off.:rak_03:


by the way there is no difference between wow's gen/trade chat and swtor's still same topics still same type of idiots loiter and disrupt same type of comments in the forums nothing changes just the title of the game.


P.S i also told the morons in the wow forums just reverse of what i said here both games appeal to different players bases sometimes they get players who like both genres.

Edited by JediJonesJr
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Some classes are cleaner than others, but I agree that MMO designers have a bad history of being unable to control themselves when throwing in ONE MORE IDEA they just can't resist instead of favoring a simple, clean design. SWTOR is no exception.


To be fair though, the devs have done some housecleaning (Tumult / Pommel Strike / other ludicrously situational trash-killing tools) and SWTOR does keep things tidier than other MMOs in a lot of ways. I still have fewer binds in SWTOR than any of WoW's nightmare classes / trinkets / 9 billion macros from hell.


There's still a lot of waste, though, out of sheer stubbornness I think. For example, look at Operative's "Hidden Strike". It's basically Backstab beefed up a little. They could just as easily add a passive buff while you're in Stealth mode that effectively turns Backstab into Hidden Strike in terms of power / effects, instead of forcing people to keep track of another ultra-situational clone ability.

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Alright then, Maplestory. It's a highly successful MMO with more engaging and addictive intrinsic gameplay qualities than I've ever experienced in an MMO. (Extrinsically lacking perhaps, but that's another issue.)


It is very different from other MMOs, yet it works.


Highly successful MMO?


How many people here have ever heard of Maplestory?

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I love it. I absolutely love it.


Most classes though are centered around 4-5 core abilities. The rest add utility but aren't necessarily essential until you start getting into high level end game content or PvP.


True, it may seem like a lot at first, if not overwhelming, especially if you haven't already played through a character or two. But really, after time your understanding and clarity of your abilities begin to come into focus and it isn't nearly as daunting as when you first start out. You'll even begin to appreciate many of those utility abilities and start incorporating them into the mix.


Keyboard binding abilities and/or using a good gaming mouse/keypad will really help things in the long run. It too can be complex at first, but what you want to do is build up that muscle memory for at least those core abilities so you do them without looking or thinking about it. You can get there, it just takes a little patience and time. Personally, I find it a very rewarding experience to really know how to use all your abilities like second nature.


I play the piano. It took a long time to get comfortable with all 88 keys. But once I did I was able to make beautiful music. I never complained that there were too many notes to choose from. ;)

Edited by Voxx_Voltaare
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