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Combat PvP needs some love...


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Combat is in need of some love for PvP...

Its focus starved, and needs a slight damage buff. Smash still does the best damage of all 3 sent specs, and combat has been left behind. Dont get me wrong, its damage is good, but not great. It does have insane burst when procs are up, but there in lies the problem. Opportune attack does NOT proc enough.

BW needs to buff the proc rate of it from 30% to 50-60%. Coupled with combat trance that would solve both issues, increase damage and increase passive focus regen with one swoop! Any thoughts?

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I don't need or want any love. I have been killing before RotHC and I'm still killing now. The first rule of survival...........adapt, improvise and overcome.


Lol Combat has stupid high burst so of course you were killing people.

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Combat is in need of some love for PvP...

Its focus starved, and needs a slight damage buff. Smash still does the best damage of all 3 sent specs, and combat has been left behind. Dont get me wrong, its damage is good, but not great. It does have insane burst when procs are up, but there in lies the problem. Opportune attack does NOT proc enough.

BW needs to buff the proc rate of it from 30% to 50-60%. Coupled with combat trance that would solve both issues, increase damage and increase passive focus regen with one swoop! Any thoughts?


My Combat Sentinel isn't far enough along to comment much, but if Smash is your baseline... that would be your problem. If there's a person that isn't surprised Smash hasn't been nerfed yet... I haven't met them. Because it is out of whack with what other builds and attacks can do and there's no way you can't tell that if you're not looking at all the powers with open eyes.

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My Combat Sentinel isn't far enough along to comment much, but if Smash is your baseline... that would be your problem. If there's a person that isn't surprised Smash hasn't been nerfed yet... I haven't met them. Because it is out of whack with what other builds and attacks can do and there's no way you can't tell that if you're not looking at all the powers with open eyes.


Smash might not have been nerfed, but most other classes actually got buffed.

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Smash might not have been nerfed, but most other classes actually got buffed.



But Combat is amazing. My favourite Sent/Marauder spec to date. Even more burst than before with Precision/Gore resets and Dispatch procs, as well as the extra durability is a nice bonus. Damage isn't as faceroll-y as pre-2.0, because you actually have to mind your Focus before touching that Zen button. You also get 2 free GCDs/20-ish secs in the form of Dispatch and double saber throw.

Edited by Helig
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Combat is in need of some love for PvP...

Its focus starved, and needs a slight damage buff. Smash still does the best damage of all 3 sent specs, and combat has been left behind. Dont get me wrong, its damage is good, but not great. It does have insane burst when procs are up, but there in lies the problem. Opportune attack does NOT proc enough.


You're out of your mind. Combat is significantly better on *most maps* than focus. Just because focus ends with a lot more AOE damage doesn't mean it is a better spec. I'd rather have the spec that lets me root their healer 3 times and kill him than the spec that hits people for AOE damage that they get healed from 3 seconds later. But that's the difference between someone who is good and someone who is bad.


I'd take combat over focus for civil war, novare and huttball easily, every single time. The only one where I respec to focus is ancient hypergates and voidstar because the way those maps funnel people.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Combat is the best PvP spec hands down.


This (for maras/sents.) Best single target burst damage. Best CC options. Best group utility. Combat/Carnage helps you win WZs. The only way Focus is better is when there are 2+ Focus players, because Sweep/Smash is stupid.

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Combat is the best PvP spec hands down. The idea that this spec needs help is laughable. Focus is easier and good at number padding, but has none of the great utility and anti-kiting tools that Combat has.


Pretty sure focus/rage is better at anti kiting with 2 jumps, including 1 that can be used while rooted.

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Three roots, transcendence, Ataru's speed, plus the one leap makes kiting quite a bit more difficult than kiting a Focus spec.


Three roots but 1 is melee range, another is cripping throw which is buggy as heck. Focus has 2 roots as well.

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