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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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I would prefer a level playing field over a gear advantage, but; if there is going to be a gear advantage in PvP I would rather it be gear I could earn from PvP with a set goal to know where I need to get to. This is doing neither of those things and is making PvE gear better, along with gaming the system to get the advantage.


In short; I would take a large gap to overcome with a clear path doing what I like to do in order to overcome; over a smaller gap, forcing me to do what I don't like to do and the path is not clear due to it being exploitable and broken.

Edited by Technohic
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I agree w/ some of those below that PvP and PvE gear should be equal...Expertise should just be done away with. Make PvP and PvE just two different paths to gearing up. If you always PvP then you can get your 72 gear and be viable in PvE should you choose to, and vice versa. It would sure make things simpler for those of us that like to do both as well! :)
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You honestly think the difference between full Partisan or Conquer to bolstered PvE gear is larger than the difference of EWH to Recruit gear? If so, I'm not wasting my time in discussion...


That's not what this thread is about.


IF you took the time to read, you can exploit your stats to give you ~40% of a boost (some are reporting more).


That's what we're on about lol.


If it was just a basic comparison of what you're on about, then i wouldnt even bother myself with posting.

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Why can't we just have bolster ditched at 55, and freebie recruit gear upgraded to not be so horrible? Give it nice stats, just modest expertise. Partisan level stats, cap it at 1400 expertise.


This isn't that hard, and many people besides me have pointed this out. Bioware continues to make more work for itself then it needs to...

Edited by islander
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Why can't we just have bolster ditched at 55, and freebie recruit gear upgraded to not be so horrible? Give it nice stats, just modest expertise. Partisan level stats, cap it at 1400 expertise.


This isn't that hard, and many people besides me have pointed this out. Bioware continues to make more work for itself then it needs to...


Dev's are all PVE carebears and wanted to cater to themselves.

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It's amazing how one comment can make you look so stupid, lol.


Uninformed, not stupid. I hadn't realized how much the augment exploit made a difference. I don't bother keeping up with every single qq thread in this forum, and most of the threads are people whining about Underworld being slightly better. The OP didn't mention what exactly he was upset about...naked bolster and removing relics weren't nearly as bad as the augment issue seems. When everyone is whining about something it's difficult to seperate he legitimate gripes with those that aren't that important.


It's also amazing how stupid contantly typing ', lol' at the end of sentences can make you look.

Edited by ML_DoubleTap
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I'd prefer a thank you. I like the current pvp bolster system personally. Creates a larger pool of viable players, which faster pops and generally more competitive games. The only thing it cuts down on is the super geared coasting to wins against the teams of recruit players I always seemed to get stuck on :cool:






really you like this?


in all seriousness i'm not hating on you, i also fully support the idea of bolster, we need to make it easy to get into pvp for as many people as possible in order to keep pvp alive and healthy in this game.


The issue is that with this bug, you don't know if you lose against better players or against bolster, and for those of us who play competitively, this takes out ALL the fun of the game. Even if i win, i have to wonder if we won fair and square or if some on our team where abusing bolster in some way.


I do not want a gear advantage, if their fix is to remove all gear from pvp i'm happy, if they remove all expertise from pvp i think it's terrible for casuals and bad for pvp long term, but for me personally it's no big deal either, i'll just grind whatever gear is BIS and i'm cool with it. What i'm seriously upset about though is that in order to be competitive against some players, i need to use those exploits, which in turn make me part of the problem vs players who don't use those exploits, and all this is happening to complete utter silence from bioware. I don't see how they could have possibly handeled this any worse than they did, from the first build on the pts until now.



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Uninformed, not stupid. I hadn't realized how much the augment exploit made a difference. I don't bother keeping up with every single qq thread in this forum, and most of the threads are people whining about Underworld being slightly better. The OP didn't mention what exactly he was upset about...naked bolster and removing relics weren't nearly as bad as the augment issue seems. When everyone is whining about something it's difficult to seperate he legitimate gripes with those that aren't that important.


It's also amazing how stupid contantly typing ', lol' at the end of sentences can make you look.




Would you rather I point out how hard i laughed, without typing LoL?


I'll let you away with that remark, since you were "Misinformed" < how it should be spelled.

Edited by Scotland
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Would you rather I point out, how hard i laughed, without typing LoL?


I'll let you away with that remark, since you were "Misinformed" < how it should be spelled.


Sorry, my keyboard sucks and drops letters. And, no, I meant uninformed. I didn't have bad information, I was lacking adequate information, lol.


Regardless, you're just looking to be a douche. Carry on, I won't interrupt.

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Sorry, my keyboard sucks and drops letters. And, no, I meant uninformed. I didn't have bad information, I was lacking adequate information, lol.


Regardless, you're just looking to be a douche. Carry on, I won't interrupt.


Hey, i tried to be nice at first.


You had your chance.




You shouldn't be posting AT ALL, if you were "uninformed". I gave you the benefit of the doubt.



Edited by Scotland
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Hey, i tried to be nice at first.


You had your chance.




You shouldn't be posting AT ALL, if you were "uninformed". I gave you the benefit of the doubt.




give him a break please, at least he had the balls to say sorry i was uninformed, thats pretty rare on the interwebs

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Uninformed, not stupid.


Then perhaps you should get informed before you post.


I'm not saying this is you at all, but makes me think of the likely hundreds of thousands of voters in the US that vote for a politician without getting informed of where said politician stands on the issues first.

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If your one of those people crying for a level playing field I am willing to bet your horrible at pvp. I bet you havent taken the time to gear up and expect to be as good as those that have. Well, your not. These people have taken time to grind gear in pvp hence learning their class/role. I personally dont want you on my team unless you've taken the time to grind pvp gear and learn your role in a battleground. Not be given free pvp gear to go bad the place up.

Go play GW2 and stop giving your ****** advice if you dont want gear or progression. But id rather have it and a reason to do daily.

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Why can't we just have bolster ditched at 55, and freebie recruit gear upgraded to not be so horrible? Give it nice stats, just modest expertise. Partisan level stats, cap it at 1400 expertise.


We did have that gear... it was called War Hero & Elite War Hero.


It's sickening to see what PVP has evolved into. The dev team seems to think that they need bolster to bring more people into PVP, just like their failed attempt during the Ilum Gree event. People don't "convert" to PVP... you either do it or you don't. Those that do have PVP gear, or if they don't, it's because of the stupid *** WZ commendation cap. If lowbies could save up their commendations until level 55, they'd be able to buy partisan gear at 55 and we wouldn't need the current expertise crutch known as bolster.

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Then perhaps you should get informed before you post.


I'm not saying this is you at all, but makes me think of the likely hundreds of thousands of voters in the US that vote for a politician without getting informed of where said politician stands on the issues first.


I read several pages of this thread before I posted and they all talked about Bolster...not the augment expoit specifically. I was uninformed on the augment bug...and I admitted that. Based on several pages I read most people were complainging about lvl 72 PvE gear being better. While I agree, that's not the way the advantage should tilt, at least that advantage is not as great as EWH to Recruit. I had to read through a couple of other threads to understand the augment bug...and I agree, that is a pretty game breaking bug.

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If your one of those people crying for a level playing field I am willing to bet your horrible at pvp. I bet you havent taken the time to gear up and expect to be as good as those that have. Well, your not. These people have taken time to grind gear in pvp hence learning their class/role. I personally dont want you on my team unless you've taken the time to grind pvp gear and learn your role in a battleground. Not be given free pvp gear to go bad the place up.

Go play GW2 and stop giving your ****** advice if you dont want gear or progression. But id rather have it and a reason to do daily.


Who is this directed at? And where in this thread is anyone complaining about a level playing field? I think you're confused

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I read several pages of this thread before I posted and they all talked about Bolster...not the augment expoit specifically. I was uninformed on the augment bug...and I admitted that. Based on several pages I read most people were complainging about lvl 72 PvE gear being better. While I agree, that's not the way the advantage should tilt, at least that advantage is not as great as EWH to Recruit. I had to read through a couple of other threads to understand the augment bug...and I agree, that is a pretty game breaking bug.


<3. Cheers mate. It can be hard to find the right information among all of the crap out there

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