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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is it wrong that I believe we should receive some sort of formal apology?


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Our problem is not the people with crap gear .... bolster em

Let me type it once again....


OUR PROBLEM IS PEOPLE IN 72 GEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes...this....When basic comm gear outranks the top end pvp gear and you get bolster on top of it...well it only gets worse with the higher level gear.

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I hate exploiting bugs .... i think em as a game breaker ... when you see a game with many exploiters i believe it is time to change game.


Aside exploits PVE 72 outplays conq gear... People that have access to hardmode operations have FASTER access to better gear than pvpers that will spent a gazilion years to make 3475 ranked comms to buy a single weapon


Basic comms gear out performs conq gear...basic comm is 66 ...conq is 65...basic is the bottom of the heap for pve comms gear

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Basic comms gear out performs conq gear...basic comm is 66 ...conq is 65...basic is the bottom of the heap for pve comms gear


And Conqueror gets Expertise free of item budget, while higher level PVE gear get less expertise when bolstered than Conqueror gives from gear.


Learn the entire system before staring yourself blind on little details like item level. Conqueror > PVE gear right now. Who cares if they have 5-10k more HP if they take a lot more damage while doing a lot less damage and healing.


Really, the major downside of Bolster is that it's too complex for a lot of people to understand. They just stare at item level and whine, without actually checking what each piece of gear actually does in the PVP environment.


Yes, 69 and 72 gear gave too much Expertise in the past, 2.0.1 fixed that. Right now, only real issue in gearing left is the augment bug and a few item slots having slightly better PVE versions than Partisan as well PVE weapons still being worth their loss of expertise when using it in PVP. The point you try to make is NOT one of the problems.

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yeah i don't get it.




at least tell us you don't care so we can do the same thing :-(

Actually.. Bioware has never made official statements aknowledging exploits they have not fixed yet for as much as I remember. They only come back to it afterwards, not wanting to give people that have not yet heard about it an idea to start using it.


So, their silence can be a sign they are fixing it. But please Bioware, fix it soon!

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Actually.. Bioware has never made official statements aknowledging exploits they have not fixed yet for as much as I remember. They only come back to it afterwards, not wanting to give people that have not yet heard about it an idea to start using it.


So, their silence can be a sign they are fixing it. But please Bioware, fix it soon!


How can we assume they are fixing it? After the initial 2.0 crapfest they posted regarding the issues and how they were going to fix it. We've heard nothing for over a week now. How in the heck can a BUSINESS who has major issues going on despite their attempts to fix it, NOT communicate.


To me, the more likely scenario is that they're hiding under their beds with their hands over ears screaming "hear no evil, see no evil." Intentionally or otherwise, we're being ignored. Not smart, and very bad for business.

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The easiest and most sensible fix would be to remove both Bolster and Expertise from the game entirely. Make warzones give comms comparable to what you get for running flash points, ranked warzones hand out comms like Ops, and maybe the warzone adrenals and medpacks like they have been doing and not have a separation between PVP and PVE gear and players.


Really, I think Bioware is over complicating the issue with all this additional crap. If you have one simple rule set and set of mechanics that work for both players and monsters then you don't have all these extra bugs. Extra complexity doesn't mean better, it means more problems and more work.


Can someone please tell me why that doesn't make sense? Because, in my mind it is the easiest fix there is. Let current players trade in their old PVP Gear for equivalent pieces of PVE gear and be done with it. If you want some PVP specific set bonuses, sell them on a vendor as single armor pieces but make them available to everyone.


Bioware needs to remember the oldest rule for success, KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!

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And Conqueror gets Expertise free of item budget, while higher level PVE gear get less expertise when bolstered than Conqueror gives from gear.


Learn the entire system before staring yourself blind on little details like item level. Conqueror > PVE gear right now. Who cares if they have 5-10k more HP if they take a lot more damage while doing a lot less damage and healing.


Really, the major downside of Bolster is that it's too complex for a lot of people to understand. They just stare at item level and whine, without actually checking what each piece of gear actually does in the PVP environment.


Yes, 69 and 72 gear gave too much Expertise in the past, 2.0.1 fixed that. Right now, only real issue in gearing left is the augment bug and a few item slots having slightly better PVE versions than Partisan as well PVE weapons still being worth their loss of expertise when using it in PVP. The point you try to make is NOT one of the problems.


I can tell you now that I have seen people in matches since the "bug fix" that are wearing all PVE gear and have Expertise at over 2000 and main stats at almost 3K, with well over 30K HP. Now are you telling me that anything was fixed at all in the last patch? So is this "Working as intended?"


The notes also say that the bug where you were prompted to buy ROTHC when you already owned it was fixed but I still get this bug every time I am in the Cartel Market. If they can't fix something as simple as this how do you think they will fix a complicated mechanic like Bolster?

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So again... my point is... people bought it anyways. If they knew what they bought, it's their fault. If they didn't know, they should have done their homework.


I prefer to hold Bioware to a higher standard, which they have historically demonstrated they are capable of achieving, instead of giving up and accepting mediocrity. To me, silence signals that the bolster issue is "business as usual," whereas an apology and other actions would indicate they are embarrassed by an uncharacteristic lack of quality (and I do feel that 2.0's bolster qualifies as uncharacteristic lack of quality. As much as we complain about the game, pvp balance, etc., it's been pretty darn playable up until now).


And I call it "entitlement" because as a consumer I have a choice. I can choose to support a product or choose not to. But if I purchase a product in 2011 and I later become less satisfied with that product in 2013, I don't ask for an apology... I find a product elsewhere that more suits my needs.


I can't speak for everyone else, but for whatever reason I can't help but approach this issue from a "what would I do" standpoint. When I say that they need to apologize, take responsibility, maybe give us something, I'm thinking in terms of the best way to handle the situation from a PR perspective. Modern consumers demand quick action on issues like this, and they are starting to expect whatever that action is to resonate. You could argue that this sets a dangerous precedent, but so does losing subs.

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I'd prefer a thank you. I like the current pvp bolster system personally. Creates a larger pool of viable players, which faster pops and generally more competitive games. The only thing it cuts down on is the super geared coasting to wins against the teams of recruit players I always seemed to get stuck on :cool:
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I'd prefer a thank you. I like the current pvp bolster system personally. Creates a larger pool of viable players, which faster pops and generally more competitive games. The only thing it cuts down on is the super geared coasting to wins against the teams of recruit players I always seemed to get stuck on :cool:


Except it doesn't. So many people are exploiting it that it's even worse now. How can you prefer a system as full of bugs as this

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It's not wrong. That being said, the point at which one states they deserve an apology is the point which that individual become terrible at person-hood.


But... this is just a video game so it's videogamepersonhood which matters little.


I hope they send you some flowers though. Or a kitten.


Or a kitten in a bed of flowers.

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It's not wrong. That being said, the point at which one states they deserve an apology is the point which that individual become terrible at person-hood.


But... this is just a video game so it's videogamepersonhood which matters little.


I hope they send you some flowers though. Or a kitten.


Or a kitten in a bed of flowers.


I have a kitten, i would take in game flowers though. RL flowers would be asking too much.


I'll overlook that you think I have become terrible at videogamepersonhood.


If you read my posts going through, I said apology or not, I just want communication

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I have a kitten, i would take in game flowers though. RL flowers would be asking too much.


I'll overlook that you think I have become terrible at videogamepersonhood.


If you read my posts going through, I said apology or not, I just want communication


they owe us nothing though. it's a service that we can terminate at any time. they know there is a problem with this aspect of the game and they are working on it. do people want a daily post from the csrs saying they are working on it?


personally i'm still having fun when i get a chance to log in. whether i'm playing ranked or puggin the game seems fine. skill still beats gear in this game, more so now then ever. bugs or not.

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they owe us nothing though. it's a service that we can terminate at any time. they know there is a problem with this aspect of the game and they are working on it. do people want a daily post from the csrs saying they are working on it?


personally i'm still having fun when i get a chance to log in. whether i'm playing ranked or puggin the game seems fine. skill still beats gear in this game, more so now then ever. bugs or not.




So i should be ok when i get hit for 9.8k mauls with full expertise and armor rating?


Just stop posting.



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So i should be ok when i get hit for 9.8k mauls with full expertise and armor rating?


Just stop posting.




whining about a video game move..


no one is ok being hit by maul/ss (or any move) for that much, that's a silly comment you made there. BTW my highest ss is 9.9k, while dueling. we both have full expertise. know what you are complaining about. now if you have a complaint about maul/ss being able to proc duplicity/infiltration tactics twice in three globals then i'd probably agree with you

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