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Best gear set for PVP


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So before 2.0 the Vindicator set seemed to be the best set for Sentinel even though it was Heavy Armor, which means I had to pull the pieces out and put them in Medium Armor to get the set bonus and stats. I was just curious is that still the case? I see there are new sets of armor and the set bonuses are nice but I'm confused which set would be better for Sentinel
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The Weaponmaster/Challenger is the best for Sentinel. You can mix/match Weaponmaster and Challenger because they each count towards the same set bonus. So you can have 3 weaponmaster and 1 challenger for the full set bonus.


You will of course need to figure out whether you want to stack power/crit/strength when choosing how many weaponmaster or challenger you want for your build.


Relics you want the Power proc Partisan and Power proc Conqueror since they stack.


Implact/earpiece/sabers are much more complicated since nobody has done any hard research on whether you should be stacking strength over power (e.g., Conqueror or Vindicator mainhand), and exactly how much alacrity or accuracy or surge that you would need for Focus/Combat/Watchman sentinel.


I understand the consensus seems to be 600 surge and 100% accuracy, and Might augments over Overkill, but I respectfully disagree with these as being constants. For PvP, and particularly Ranked PVP, I think you could sacrifice some accuracy below 100% to get even more surge for certain builds. Also, there could be utility in choosing Overkill over Might augments. In PVE I agree you want to get your gear to get you as high sustained DPS as possible, but in PVP you really want bursts and crits.


I just hit full Partisan last night (still only have mostly MK-6 augments) and I've been Force Sweeping for 9K plus regularly, and my highest Force Sweet so far is 10.5K with zero stims/adrenals active. My blade rushes hit for ~5K, dispatch often for 7K and the last tick of MS for 7K+. Highest damage in a WZ so far is 950K.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Well the Vindi set for some reason gave more Strength and Power versus the Weaponmaster set which gave more crit, but like I said this was pre 2.0 so I'm not sure what is the best set now since Weaponmaster has that nice bonus set.


I'm basically not trying to have to buy multiple pieces and min-max the gear like we've had to do since launch, but I have a feeling we will still probably have to do that

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Well the Vindi set for some reason gave more Strength and Power versus the Weaponmaster set which gave more crit, but like I said this was pre 2.0 so I'm not sure what is the best set now since Weaponmaster has that nice bonus set.


I'm basically not trying to have to buy multiple pieces and min-max the gear like we've had to do since launch, but I have a feeling we will still probably have to do that


Before 2.0 the reason for this was because the Vindicator set had better mods/enhancements. That's not the case anymore, and since you can buy mods/enhancements separately, Min/Maxing is a lot easier. Also, you can "choose" which mods/enhacements you want to a certain extent by having freedom to choose between the Challenger and Weaponmaster set (e.g., you can get the chestpiece with more crit or more power and still qualify for the same set bonus either way).


It seems you haven't bothered spending more than 5 minutes looking at the PVP gear at the vendor so I suggest you do so.

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The Weaponmaster/Challenger is the best for Sentinel. You can mix/match Weaponmaster and Challenger because they each count towards the same set bonus. So you can have 3 weaponmaster and 1 challenger for the full set bonus.


You will of course need to figure out whether you want to stack power/crit/strength when choosing how many weaponmaster or challenger you want for your build.


Relics you want the Power proc Partisan and Power proc Conqueror since they stack.


Implact/earpiece/sabers are much more complicated since nobody has done any hard research on whether you should be stacking strength over power (e.g., Conqueror or Vindicator mainhand), and exactly how much alacrity or accuracy or surge that you would need for Focus/Combat/Watchman sentinel.


I understand the consensus seems to be 600 surge and 100% accuracy, and Might augments over Overkill, but I respectfully disagree with these as being constants. For PvP, and particularly Ranked PVP, I think you could sacrifice some accuracy below 100% to get even more surge for certain builds. Also, there could be utility in choosing Overkill over Might augments. In PVE I agree you want to get your gear to get you as high sustained DPS as possible, but in PVP you really want bursts and crits.


I just hit full Partisan last night (still only have mostly MK-6 augments) and I've been Force Sweeping for 9K plus regularly, and my highest Force Sweet so far is 10.5K with zero stims/adrenals active. My blade rushes hit for ~5K, dispatch often for 7K and the last tick of MS for 7K+. Highest damage in a WZ so far is 950K.



Well that's really good to know you can mix-match the challenger/weaponmaster set and still get the bonus. That makes it a whole lot easier to know which pieces to get now. I didn't like the idea of having 2 or 3 pieces look nice but then not being able to get the 4 piece bonus set if I decide to go with another type of armor

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well at least you can get individual mods instead of having to buy whole pieces, but i don't find the stats on the base set all that strong.


It's not ideal, but it's not like 2.0 where you were stuck with absolutely useless crit mods just to get the set bonus. At least in 2.0 you can get the set bonus with at least some of whichever secondary stat you want to focus on. And then you can swap out the mods/enhacements further for a boost.

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It's not ideal, but it's not like 2.0 where you were stuck with absolutely useless crit mods just to get the set bonus. At least in 2.0 you can get the set bonus with at least some of whichever secondary stat you want to focus on. And then you can swap out the mods/enhacements further for a boost.


I mean, pre 2.0 i had 3 sets of pvp gear from how heavily modified my stuff was -____- so I would say its a bit easier

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It seems you haven't bothered spending more than 5 minutes looking at the PVP gear at the vendor so I suggest you do so.


Wow what a great idea, why even bother having forums if players can't come to discuss anything. I guess I could have just asked in general chat in game and the normal response would be "google is your friend".


BTW, I did look at the armor pieces and put aside some numbers the sets would give me but like I said, it's nice to know I can mix-match the weaponmaster/challenger, which I found out only from people being helpful on here

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Wow what a great idea, why even bother having forums if players can't come to discuss anything. I guess I could have just asked in general chat in game and the normal response would be "google is your friend".


BTW, I did look at the armor pieces and put aside some numbers the sets would give me but like I said, it's nice to know I can mix-match the weaponmaster/challenger, which I found out only from people being helpful on here


I'm not sure how you missed the fact that the set bonus for Weaponmaster/Challenger is the same, which is why I suggested you look at the vendor.

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