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Make lvl 55 ship parts so I will actually do the new(ish) space missions.


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Seriously in my book fun dosen't = Hard. I hate those missions.


Oh come on, I've been doing those missions on 7 characters since I got lvl 7 gear. After the first day, I have never failed a mission and get at least 1 if not 2 of the bonuses. They are the exact same every single time...just learn the mission and they are easy for anyone. You just have to spend the time to learn the mission...look this up on youtube if you want to see what you are doing wrong.


My beef if that they took away all the rewards for doing heroic space missions now. Just one or two classic comms (no more elite comms), and fleet comms that can only be used on outdated stuff. And, certainly not many credits. Why bother?

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