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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Buying Cartel Packs has come to an end!

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Yeah this last set of packs (which did contain a few neat new items) is the last I'll buy, at least til the first set of the next quad comes out. It's just better for me to buy what I want off the GTN. I can sell the packs for creds or something instead of opening them myself.


I'm a guy who'll purchase multiple hypercrates. It is a shame that the drop rates for "good stuff" is so rare that I end up with two cargo bays full of JUNK after spending that much cash. Gonna pass for awhile.


Thats the point of this thread, and than they add to the disappointment, when you get junk, like jawagrams, in a rare slot that could have had gear. Shame you had to pay out lots of case for little return, people like you actually help the game remain alive. It hurts to know that and yet, feel "shafted" when you open them all and have little to be happy about... Really nice of them. :mad:


I do hope more people will stop buying the packs, because I fear, it is the only way BW will change some of the drop rates and remove useless consumable junk from the rare slots. Once they officially announce some changes, I will buy them up again myself... but not until they say something first.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Jawagrams should absolutely not be classed as rare!


I agree and will not be purchasing any more until drop rate and quality is fixed. Especially on x24 crates, I feel that on these the crate should contain the 24 packs plus a random Ultra Rare that is from any period since the start of CM.


I hope BW are listening here, but then they will realise as purchases drop and the $$$ stops coming in! :rolleyes:

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Thats the point of this thread, and than they add to the disappointment, when you get junk, like jawagrams, in a rare slot that could have had gear.


Dont forget even when you get gear, like 50% of the time you end up with matriarch lower body armor or something similar which has astonishing value of 15k credits on the market or so :-)

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Dont forget even when you get gear, like 50% of the time you end up with matriarch lower body armor or something similar which has astonishing value of 15k credits on the market or so :-)


15k? That is actually lots for that.. lol. However, at least its a item that does not go "poof" when you click on it.... Part of the thing with these packs is all the junk that clutters up inventory and hard to sell, they do really need to allow us to sell the junk to in game vendors.


I actually like the cartel packs, I think they are a good idea, but they need to stop putting things people generally do not want, in rare slots... its like, they are saying, here you go..sucker!.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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After 10 packs and 5 jawagrams and a lot of crappy items and 1 cristal and 1 mount i hate to aprove but this is wrong it is not something i want! You guys are ruining the game!!!!! :( Edited by ionutjany
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As long as people keep buying, Bioware will keep on selling crap in cartel packs.


That is the truth for sure.... Based on what I see on GTN, they are selling many of them. The people that have had enough, the best thing to do is stop buying and get what you need from GTN and keep your green in YOUR pockets.


Maybe, if sales die just some, we can see the packs improve....

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  • 6 months later...
I agree, dump the packs, make all items be able for purchase individually. Packs are ****, i can collect craft materials with my crew skills, i dont care for them in cartel packs, its not something i want from my cartel points, im paying for this game still and if there is something on the cartel market i want buying 8-10 packs and not getting it just makes me go buy it from the GTN, but since i subscribe the option should be to use my cartel points on it first, and only buy from GTN if i dont have the points.
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