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10 Good
  1. I agree, dump the packs, make all items be able for purchase individually. Packs are ****, i can collect craft materials with my crew skills, i dont care for them in cartel packs, its not something i want from my cartel points, im paying for this game still and if there is something on the cartel market i want buying 8-10 packs and not getting it just makes me go buy it from the GTN, but since i subscribe the option should be to use my cartel points on it first, and only buy from GTN if i dont have the points.
  2. Just throwing my support for hopefully a faster outcome, the hood doesn't suit my Cathar Jedi Knight which is similar to the tiara and goggles helmets that i get also don't suit, but at least i can hide them. Hide hood asap, please. a hood down or up option would look cool, so you can see the hood on my robes, just not over my head, also would support Heavy and Medium Jedi robes without the hood at all, Sith have these, make available for Jedi also please. *FORCE PERSUADE* You will include a hide hood option in the next patch.
  3. Hello all, I know the topic of animal mounts has come up before, i do not know about animal companion though So this is my suggestion, obviously i would love to see animal mounts in game, this makes a lot of sense to me as jedi/sith can use mind trick and you often see military forces using animals in the star wars universe, so it works for non force users also. What i would like to see as an addition to animal mounts though is for that said animal to assist you in combat, so once you enter combat from your animal, if it is your chosen companion it will remain and assist your fight, i can see animal companions being either dps or tank spec depending on the species, i could even accept that animal companions cant do crew skills as a vine cat doing a diplomacy mission for me would just end up with the emissaries it meets making a tasty snack. This could also make affection not required, as for combat skills, considering we already fight creatures in the world one would expect that the skills and movements are already available. Thank you for taking the time to read, please show support for this to get the Dev's attention, or even add your idea to this if you like perhaps suggesting creature mounts you would like to see, me personally i would love a vine cat, introduced by the sith onto Dromund Kass as my creature mount/companion for my pureblood maruader, thank you for reading.
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