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Macro questline The Shroud Revealed, Need a group


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My last run-through of this mission glitched, and I could not get credit for progress. Customer Service can't seem to fix my phase, so I have to run through the mission again. I have been trying for several days to get a group together to re-run the mission, but have not been able to do so.


If any high-levels from the forums here could see their way to giving me a hand finishing this questline, I'd be much appreciative. It's been a nightmare just getting this one mission done.


I'm usually logged in late evenings... anywhere from 8pm PDT to 6am PDT depending on my schedule.


If you've never run the mission before, great... if you haven't run Dark Design yet, which is the mission before this one, I'll run that one with you too. I've run both missions to the end, so I know all the tricks and puzzle solutions. If you've already run the missions, I know they're a pain, but maybe we could work out some kind of reward system.


Please, I just really need to finish this mission.

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Who are you? Which faction? Some of these answers might help you get some help.


Ah... I figured someone who might be interested would just... I dunno... reply and say so, and we could go from there. But if it helps...


Republic, Jedi Sentinel, Arasyd.

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So, today I felt lucky...


Worked my *** off to find a group to run The Shroud Revealed if I helped them get through Dark Design... which I did... then one of them decided to go ahead and quit to make dinner, then another did because he didn't realize the missions would take so long. So here I was, having run Dark Design for the 4 time already, and I still couldn't get a group together to finish Revealed.


Then got back to fleet, and another person was looking for Dark Design, so I went ahead and signed on again, so that I could get my own mission done. Finished Design for the 5th time, got a 3rd of the way through Revealed, and the tank of the group bailed. Pulled in a DPS whose group had abandoned him, so we had 3 DPS and a healer, but we slogged anyway. Made it all the way to the boss, battled it out a few times, which was rought with no tank, and the healer rage-quits (I assume), leaving 3 dps at the final battle of the whole questline. One of the other DPS quits without saying anything, after the other one says he's leaving in 20 minutes regardless.


So here's me... finished Dark Design for other people 5 times in 6 days. Ran Revealed to the boss twice, beat the boss once but glitched, and I STILL have to run the whole darn thing over again.


So can I please just get a little help here... I just want to grab some other level 55 players... another dps, a tank, and a healer, and get this dang thing done. Won't anybody stick around for the whole mission?

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Well, after 4.5 total groups, 3 run-throughs to the Shroud boss battle, and 6 times running through Dark Design, I finally got to complete my mission... and amazingly, with 2 healers to boot.


I'm thrilled there were some truly desperate people like me out there dedicated enough to see a crappy mission through to the end.

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