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Why does the vocal minority get so upset when ppl mention solo content?


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I really don't get it. Solo content is not gonna make "Ops or Raids" away. Millions and Millions of MMO players world wide enjoy solo content. And what does it matter to you how another player chooses to spend his time In-game. It dosen't effect you he's doing it by himself (solo)


Every major MMO has solo content or is adding solo content I just don't get why the Raiders on these forums get so defensive and upset whenever someone talks about wanting more solo play in Swtor endgame.


Anyone care to explain?

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Mostly because they think it will tear dev time away from what they want, most solo content is self reflecting meaning the devs have todo little and the players do the rest, like sandbox elements, collecting achievs and roleplaying elements like entertainer class or crew skill just to name a few and to add to that 9/10 times solo content last alot lot lot longer then hardcore raids and flashpoints.


Another good example is fishing, i mean who thinks fishing will ever take off in an mmo. But look at wow. people love fishing in that game, they even have a comp every sunday and people still jump at the chance todo it. yes its tied to a crew skill but little things can make a big difference, you dont need to push a mountain in a pool to make ripples.

Edited by Shingara
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Anyone care to explain?

Only after you explain, what your suggestion is... looks more like a general discussion topic to me.


Since there already is lots of stuff to do solo, it is pretty normal, that in a massive multiplayer game, people would like to see content, where people actually to play together, instead of just alongside each other.

Especially instanced solo content is in my opinion totally going against the namegiving definition of this genre.

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OP I think the main time people get vocal about requests for solo play is when those requests are asking for current group play be altered to give solo players access to it.


The other times are probably when the person asking for solo content acts like they would prefer to be water boarded rather than group up with someone.

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OP I think the main time people get vocal about requests for solo play is when those requests are asking for current group play be altered to give solo players access to it.


The other times are probably when the person asking for solo content acts like they would prefer to be water boarded rather than group up with someone.


^ Yup, this is where I stand. Current group content should be left as group. And those who hate grouping/dealing with other people... why are you playing an MMO?


As for adding independent solo content... I have absolutely no issues with it. I'd even like it myself.

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OP I think the main time people get vocal about requests for solo play is when those requests are asking for current group play be altered to give solo players access to it.


The other times are probably when the person asking for solo content acts like they would prefer to be water boarded rather than group up with someone.


Well, from experience with grouping, it tends to be either good and enjoyable or annoying boring and it ruins the experience of playing the game.


I mean, I came to swtor from wow because I love the idea of conversations and the feeling that I make a difference, I know, you really don't but, its the thought of it that matters, but when I get into a group to do a flashpoint, like Esseles or Black Talon, I get pestered and pressured into 'space barring' past the main reason for playing this game, it really isn't my fault that idiotic players repeat the same flashpoint over and over and over again while levelling up.


I mean I can understand endgame HMs and stuff like that, then after the first experience, its space bar, unless the scene is epic to watch, but while levelling, I shouldn't be pressured into skipping anything, but I am because all those players think of is 'commendations, gear and how fast they can get it'.


Grouping up can be fun, but not when it ruins my enjoyment of it when players just want to rush through it like boring people.


I would honestly like solo versions of the storyline heavy group content, you know like how you can choose between hardmodes of flashpoints at max level? you could be offered a similar thing but for solo play with diminished rewards, but a way to experience everything without the pressure of other players ruining it because they just want to rush through it like children that can't wait until the morning after Xmas Eve to open their presents.

Edited by JamieKirby
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Well, from experience with grouping, it tends to be either good and enjoyable or annoying boring and it ruins the experience of playing the game.


I mean, I came to swtor from wow because I love the idea of conversations and the feeling that I make a difference, I know, you really don't but, its the thought of it that matters, but when I get into a group to do a flashpoint, like Esseles or Black Talon, I get pestered and pressured into 'space barring' past the main reason for playing this game, it really isn't my fault that idiotic players repeat the same flashpoint over and over and over again while levelling up.


I mean I can understand endgame HMs and stuff like that, then after the first experience, its space bar, unless the scene is epic to watch, but while levelling, I shouldn't be pressured into skipping anything, but I am because all those players think of is 'commendations, gear and how fast they can get it'.


Grouping up can be fun, but not when it ruins my enjoyment of it when players just want to rush through it like boring people.


I would honestly like solo versions of the storyline heavy group content, you know like how you can choose between hardmodes of flashpoints at max level? you could be offered a similar thing but for solo play with diminished rewards, but a way to experience everything without the pressure of other players ruining it because they just want to rush through it like children that can't wait until the morning after Xmas Eve to open their presents.

if i have found a group via the finder i tell them no as i at least like to go through the story ones with each character.

If i or others however want to do it for social points (as its the only FP to provide the highest amount) then i never use group finder and if others do then its their risk.

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I mean, I came to swtor from wow because I love the idea of conversations and the feeling that I make a difference, I know, you really don't but, its the thought of it that matters, but when I get into a group to do a flashpoint, like Esseles or Black Talon, I get pestered and pressured into 'space barring' past the main reason for playing this game, it really isn't my fault that idiotic players repeat the same flashpoint over and over and over again while levelling up.

Wow...care to be any more antagonistic? How about people consider you "idiotic" that you aren't taking into consideration the wishes of the majority of a group and wasting everyone else's time. Did you ever consider someone was trying to fit in a FP before work? Perhaps that's not so much "idiotic" as just inconsiderate. If you want to watch the stories, get a group together that wants to do such a thing. Just because the groupfinder exists doesn't mean that is your only way to form groups.


I would honestly like solo versions of the storyline heavy group content, you know like how you can choose between hardmodes of flashpoints at max level? you could be offered a similar thing but for solo play with diminished rewards, but a way to experience everything without the pressure of other players ruining it because they just want to rush through it like children that can't wait until the morning after Xmas Eve to open their presents.

Or you could just youtube the stories and get no rewards. The story along with the loot is part of the reward of working with 3/7/15 other people. If you don't want to do that and deal with them, then that's the choice you make and there are consequences to choices.


In response to the OP's question, I am totally in agreement with SWGEvictee, and JamieKirby does both of the things SWGEvictee mentions (1. "asking for current group play be altered to give solo players access to it." and 2. "acts like they would prefer to be water boarded rather than group up with someone.").


Edit: Also, to the OP, why do you say "vocal minority"? Do you have any evidence that it is, in fact, a minority of people who don't want to change the existing content to accommodate people who don't want to group in an MMO? Or rather are you trying to make your viewpoint seem more valid by implying that people who disagree with you are some sort of fringe element?

Edited by Phyltr
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Well, from experience with grouping, it tends to be either good and enjoyable or annoying boring and it ruins the experience of playing the game.


I mean, I came to swtor from wow because I love the idea of conversations and the feeling that I make a difference, I know, you really don't but, its the thought of it that matters, but when I get into a group to do a flashpoint, like Esseles or Black Talon, I get pestered and pressured into 'space barring' past the main reason for playing this game, it really isn't my fault that idiotic players repeat the same flashpoint over and over and over again while levelling up.


I mean I can understand endgame HMs and stuff like that, then after the first experience, its space bar, unless the scene is epic to watch, but while levelling, I shouldn't be pressured into skipping anything, but I am because all those players think of is 'commendations, gear and how fast they can get it'.


Grouping up can be fun, but not when it ruins my enjoyment of it when players just want to rush through it like boring people.


I would honestly like solo versions of the storyline heavy group content, you know like how you can choose between hardmodes of flashpoints at max level? you could be offered a similar thing but for solo play with diminished rewards, but a way to experience everything without the pressure of other players ruining it because they just want to rush through it like children that can't wait until the morning after Xmas Eve to open their presents.


I completely agree! Having those choices doesn't take anything away from anyone else who doesn't want to do things solo. Sometimes people work odd hours and getting groups isn't always that easy. I don't want to take anything away from the raiders, the players that enjoy doing just about everything grouped they can, etc. On the same token though, it doesn't take anything away from -them- to have options for players who don't want to miss out on the story and the experience simply because they can't find a group, or don't have time to sit around begging for a group.

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I completely agree! Having those choices doesn't take anything away from anyone else who doesn't want to do things solo. Sometimes people work odd hours and getting groups isn't always that easy. I don't want to take anything away from the raiders, the players that enjoy doing just about everything grouped they can, etc. On the same token though, it doesn't take anything away from -them- to have options for players who don't want to miss out on the story and the experience simply because they can't find a group, or don't have time to sit around begging for a group.


Actually, putting solo mode onto the existing group content does take away from them. There will be a lot more people that will opt for doing the solo rather than the group, making finding groups that much harder than it was before.

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I completely agree! Having those choices doesn't take anything away from anyone else who doesn't want to do things solo. Sometimes people work odd hours and getting groups isn't always that easy. I don't want to take anything away from the raiders, the players that enjoy doing just about everything grouped they can, etc. On the same token though, it doesn't take anything away from -them- to have options for players who don't want to miss out on the story and the experience simply because they can't find a group, or don't have time to sit around begging for a group.


What FuryoftheStars said plus lets say they added solo "raid" content in, would the rewards for that fall somewhere between 63 and 69? If so, then I now have to run that in order to be more prepared for my group content, it would be even more stuff that they min/max'ers have to deal with.


Your argument to this could be "well don't run it! you don't have to be well geared!" to which I respond "take your own advice: you don't have to run ops! With the addition of achievements there is PLENTY of solo content.".

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