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Flashpoint Etiquette


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I'm new to SWTOR. Started 3 weeks ago as FtP and subscribed a couple days later.


I've started one character of each basic class and got them all up to the 10-15 range. On each of them, I did the first Flashpoint.


My first run was a charm! The group was obviously made of players quite used to the game and it was probably as obvious that I was pretty unsure as to what was going on. All 3 were incredibly helpful to me. I thought to myself "Wow, what a great bunch of people! I think I'll really enjoy this game!".


Then came the same (or mirror) Flashpoints with my other characters. Not as good...


Now I can get to my point: is it standard etiquette to be as greedy as possible? Take all the gear I can get and sell what I cannot use? Is this how Flashpoints are played in general?


Last Flashpoint was made up of 1 Jedi Sage, 1 Jedi Shadow, and 2 Commando's. I was one of the two commando's.


During the whole episode, only 2 items dropped with +Aim/+Endurence attributes. We both went "need" on them and the other won them both.


Had the roles be reversed, I would have passed on the second item.


Now, here's my dilemma. Am I just naive in trying to be fair?


So far, I've never clicked the "greed" button and I've always passed on items not relevant to my class. I'm wondering if I should simply start grabbing everything I can.


Please keep in mind that this post is not about the fact I came out of a Flashpoint empty-handed.


It is about myself wondering what the general consensus is regarding fairness/greed during Flashpoints.



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I, too, am relatively new to SWTOR. I have played other MMO's. The way I do it seems to keep everyone happy I run with. I greed everything. If I need it and can use it I will need it. Usually I throw out a statement before we start to let everyone know greed everything unless You really need it. I also let them know if They want anything I got on a roll just say something. Most everyone I have been grouped with is from the group finder (not friends). They all do pretty much the same thing. If someone gets something you wanted or need talk to them and see if they really need it. Most people are real friendly about it, especially on lower level FP's.
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if you need it need, even if you already had something from the instance. it will happen that you are the only one using aim and don't expect people passing items just because it's not their stat.

greed or pass it's just free will.

remember that at higher levels when speeders or crafting mats drop, probably everyone will choose need, so need as well. if you grab something that you don't need and someone starts complaining u can always give it to him. different is when you need something and someone else grabbed it.


good luck

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I, too, am relatively new to SWTOR. I have played other MMO's. The way I do it seems to keep everyone happy I run with. I greed everything. If I need it and can use it I will need it. Usually I throw out a statement before we start to let everyone know greed everything unless You really need it. I also let them know if They want anything I got on a roll just say something. Most everyone I have been grouped with is from the group finder (not friends). They all do pretty much the same thing. If someone gets something you wanted or need talk to them and see if they really need it. Most people are real friendly about it, especially on lower level FP's.


Yeah, in my age bracket (semi-old geezer), not many of my friends are into video games anymore. All my Flashpoints were done through Groupfinder. I guess I got the cream of the crop on my first try and it was just too hard to reach the same level on the following fp's.


I'll try to verbalize a little more but, aside from the first fp, there was very little communication and it was mostly speedruns.


I'll keep faith in humanity for a little longer! :)

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Most people iv found though my numerous Fp runs, will always greed especially the higher up u get , as you also have to equip companions to.


So only need for your own character, greed for companion/or to sell it. The only time i ever pass on items is when i am helping lower lvl people out, and the items are useless to me and don't sell for anything really, so then and only then will i pass and let the others take what they like lol.


As was said though, if there is 2 of you needing an item, go ahead and need don't worry, let the roll system sort it, its just pot luck then. The best way to think of fp's though is don't enter thinking your gonna get stuff, there has been many times iv gotten nothing but the experience, its just how it goes some times.

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Most people iv found though my numerous Fp runs, will always greed especially the higher up u get , as you also have to equip companions to.


So only need for your own character, greed for companion/or to sell it. The only time i ever pass on items is when i am helping lower lvl people out, and the items are useless to me and don't sell for anything really, so then and only then will i pass and let the others take what they like lol.


As was said though, if there is 2 of you needing an item, go ahead and need don't worry, let the roll system sort it, its just pot luck then. The best way to think of fp's though is don't enter thinking your gonna get stuff, there has been many times iv gotten nothing but the experience, its just how it goes some times.


Yup, that's the way I take it going in. As I said, I was trying more to get a feel of the people more than feel sorry for myself. I'll just sit back, relax, greed and need. Thanks for the input!

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The vast majority of people are ok, but as with any game you will always get some idiots though. The idiots if they don't listen and learn will get kicked from groups constantly later in the game.


So basically all you can do is go with the right frame of mind, which u have so thats good. Never be afraid to say, new to this fp or that fp, people prefer that being said as they then know to give heads up at the appropriate times.


Heck even as level 50 i still have to say im new to certain stuff (mainly the operations) but we all have to learn stuff at some point.


Group finder can be a bit hit and miss, iv had some epic runs through group finder in the past which where a blast, but iv also had some lousy runs also due to idiots that did'nt even know how to play there classes right. Its pot luck again lol.


I'm sure the further u go in the game the more you will enjoy it, just don't let those bad moments ruin it for you, they won't happen all the time.

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...but iv also had some lousy runs also due to idiots that did'nt even know how to play there classes right. Its pot luck again lol.


Well, I'm sure I can be guilty of this one from time to time! :rolleyes: But I read a lot and I learn.


Again, I got mixed in with an awesome group on my very first run, so I got spoiled a little. I'll try not set my expectations too high and just enjoy myself.

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Standard etiquette for loot is (in order of priority):


1) if it is an item that is an upgrade for your character's chosen role/"main spec" for that flashpoint (not your companion or an alt)...click need. Regardless of whether you already got an item or not. If it's an upgrade, you need it. Yes, it is a nice gesture that if you win a need roll over someone else and then you pass on the next item so they can win it, but you are in the minority when it comes to doing this.


2) if it is an item that is an upgrade for an off-spec, a companion, or alt (if Bind on Equip [bOE], as you cannot send Bind on Pickup [bOP] items to an alt)...ask the group if it is OK to click need, get the group's approval (no response can be taken as ascent)...click need. Many characters can fill two roles and some players actively seek out sets of gear that are best suited for those two roles. At lower levels you do not see this as much because there is little differentiation. Once you hit level 30 or so you will begin to see gear that is "tank" oriented with defense, shield, and absorb ratings, DPS gear has more accuracy, and healing gear has more alacrity (stats are not set in stone, just an example)


3) if an item is not an upgrade, but you want to sell it for the credits, or it might be an upgrade for a companion or alt but you are not 100% sure...click greed The term "greed" in this instance is not meant to be derogatory. All it means is that you want the credits the item can generate and you need credits for everything in this game - ability training, crew skill missions and training, equipment repairs...the list goes on. Passing up on any opportunity for credits, especially at low levels, is silly.


4) if an item is not an upgrade, and you do not care about credits...click pass. As a low level character, who is probably strapped for credits on a regular basis, you should not be passing on any item. Even when you have millions of credits sitting in the bank doing nothing, like me, you should always be trying to get more :).


I have been playing MMOs for 13+ years. The etiquette above was taught to me and I have followed it and now I am passing it on to you.

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Standard etiquette for loot is (in order of priority):


1) if it is an item that is an upgrade for your character's chosen role/"main spec" for that flashpoint (not your companion or an alt)...click need.


2) if it is an item that is an upgrade for an off-spec, a companion, or alt (if Bind on Equip [bOE], as you cannot send Bind on Pickup [bOP] items to an alt)...ask the group if it is OK to click need, get the group's approval (no response can be taken as ascent)...click need.


3) if an item is not an upgrade, but you want to sell it for the credits, or it might be an upgrade for a companion or alt but you are not 100% sure...click greed


4) if an item is not an upgrade, and you do not care about credits...click pass.


I have been playing MMOs for 13+ years. The etiquette above was taught to me and I have followed it and now I am passing it on to you.


Good pointers. Thank you! I might have been a bit too nice... Not saying I'll turn into ***** but, hey, if I'm to save the universe, I do need the credits!

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I never hit pass.

If it's something that is an upgrade for my current toon (not companion) I will hit Need.

Otherwise I hit Greed, and hope to win it.

Crafting mats? Eh.... if it's a PUG and you can utilize the Mat.. hit need.

The only valuable ones are the Exotic Element thingy's now so most people will just greed on all of the other stuff.

Vehicles? Roll Need, since some can be vendored for 150k+

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