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How big is the biggest guild in game?


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Largest I have seen in person was one I was in that hovered between 450 and 500 most times, but the number of members online was often in the single digits on off hours. I've heard of some that have more than 500 players with multiple guilds. What is the biggest on your server?
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Keep in mind that any 500 member guild you find is probably artificially inflated by a lot of alts. People who are sending all of their characters in that faction to that one guild. The number online will always seem relatively low because these people can only be logged into any one character at a time.
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I have no interest in kolkhozes so I won't tell ya. I can name the best PvE guild on my server for I prefer quality to quantity ^^


I think I remember someone advertising 200+ active member guild on the general chat once. It doesn't necessarily mean it was around 200 members online. More like 20-30 as they come and go.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Silent council on the ebon hawk has roughly 200-300 active members, they aren't always on, but they never have below 20 people on at a single time and a peak of about 50-60.


When you are that big of a guild you have a thirty day policy before being kicked and only the officers have alts there.

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