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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG - Cybertech] New V-6 Grenades Have Incorrect Icons


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It appears someone screwed up when assigning the icons to the new cybertech grenades. The seismic, freeze, and waste grenade are are correct but the others are not.


The pyro grenade has the stun grenade icon.

The stun grenade has a duplicate icon from the waste grenade.

The pyro grenade icon appears to have not been used at all.


Little things like this when overlooked can cause extreme inconvenience, and this kind of error can be avoided by a little attention to detail. Whoever is in charge of item icons needs to be fired- the icons in this game are a mess! It is clear that whoever assigns icons has never played the game and just randomly picks from a collection of all the current icons with no regard for consistency or duplicates. Some icons are being re-used 4 times or more! We now have two augment components with identical icons for gods sake! The introduction of 2.0 actually changed some ability icons for certain classes for no reason whatsoever and removed perfectly good icons when there is obviously a shortage of icons to begin with!


Please fix this as it will be impossible to tell the grenades apart, as well as they will be confused with the previous tier of grenades. Thank you

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It appears someone screwed up when assigning the icons to the new cybertech grenades. The seismic, freeze, and waste grenade are are correct but the others are not.


The pyro grenade has the stun grenade icon.

The stun grenade has a duplicate icon from the waste grenade.

The pyro grenade icon appears to have not been used at all.


Little things like this when overlooked can cause extreme inconvenience, and this kind of error can be avoided by a little attention to detail. Whoever is in charge of item icons needs to be fired- the icons in this game are a mess! It is clear that whoever assigns icons has never played the game and just randomly picks from a collection of all the current icons with no regard for consistency or duplicates. Some icons are being re-used 4 times or more! We now have two augment components with identical icons for gods sake! The introduction of 2.0 actually changed some ability icons for certain classes for no reason whatsoever and removed perfectly good icons when there is obviously a shortage of icons to begin with!


Please fix this as it will be impossible to tell the grenades apart, as well as they will be confused with the previous tier of grenades. Thank you


/signed :(

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Really so you have some kind of telekinetic power that lets you tell the 450 missions apart?


Because for the rest of us non-superhumans there is no way to do so. I guess you would care less if every single item in the game used the same icon and the rest of us had to mouseover everything in our inventory to tell what it is. (Which is exactly what you have to do if you have [Lanthanide Modulators] next to [Grey Helix Components], or [Molecular Stabilizers] next to [Exotic Element Equalizers]... Or any of a hundred other examples)


There really is no good reason why we can't run two of the same mission at the same time, but whatever... You have to run one of each of two different missions... OK well how the **** are you supposed to buy those missions on the gtn when the icon and description are IDENTICAL??? I'm sorry but buying 20 of them and hoping that a few are of the opposing kind is not a good solution. That is of course if some ****head didn't slip a 150 mission in between the 450s because they like to rip people off, and you can't tell the difference because it too shares an icon!


This whole re-using icons business is the epitome of laziness and disorganization. It says "we don't care enough to take 5 minutes to check to make sure this icon we're assigning hasn't been used before". I'm sure there are hundreds of players who would do that job for free. I certainly would. But instead they just ignore the problem.


Now this nonsense with the grenades... They have plenty if icons to use and the previous tier of grenades had a distinct icon for each, they were fine the way they were!!! But they can't even be bothered to check to see which icons were used last time and see that they are kept assigned to the proper grenades! That is unacceptable...

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