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Is autotarget working right for you?


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When levelling I play with autotarget activated, especially when I have to run through a mob area with my marauder. Autotarget selects the closest enemy as per definition in the preferences.


Since 2.0 I'm experiencing some issues with that. Approximately in 50% of all cases once I killed the first NPC in a group autotarget either doesn't select another enemy at all or it selects not the nearest one. Very often it's the farthest one I'm looking at even though a closer one stands right next to me because he's a melee NPC. This gets very annoying especially when I play melee characters.


Is there anybody out there who has the same Problem or do I have to blame this on lag or any other technical issue? Does anyone know a fix?

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To my experience, the system will never autotarget a mob, that did not successfully attack you. Some of the Makeb mobs are so incredible clumsy, that they can indeed stand right next to me and watch 2 comrades die, and still not make it on my aggro table ;)


Also, the system favors targets ahead of you over targets, that are beside you or even behind you. As such, a mob 10m in front of you will be targeted before a mob directly right of you would. Only if the "ahead cone" is empty, mobs close around you are targeted as well.

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To my experience, the system will never autotarget a mob, that did not successfully attack you. Some of the Makeb mobs are so incredible clumsy, that they can indeed stand right next to me and watch 2 comrades die, and still not make it on my aggro table ;)


Also, the system favors targets ahead of you over targets, that are beside you or even behind you. As such, a mob 10m in front of you will be targeted before a mob directly right of you would. Only if the "ahead cone" is empty, mobs close around you are targeted as well.


So it's a matter of bad coding then? Because the decription of autotarget, that the closest enemy gets targeted, isn't true then.

Edited by melvp
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