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Shroud/Seeds [HEROIC 4] run times


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Maybe I'm alone in this, but I am finding it very frustratingly difficult to get people to run HEROIC 4 Dark Designs (Shroud) and HEROIC 4 Uprooting the Last Seed (Seeds). I thought I'd try to get a server thread going for folks to look for people to run these with.


I know it doesn't help that I can only play at weird times, but, in case anybody is looking for someone to run these with, I'm planning on trying to get a REPUBLIC group together at 2:00 AM Eastern tonight (4/19) to run at least one of them.


If you want to join me, pst Axelson (Vanguard - Tank) in game. I'll be on the Republic Fleet, hopefully around 1:30 AM, trying to start finding people. I'll check this thread before I log on, and if anybody has responded that they'd like to go, I'll hold a space open for you until 2:10 AM


Hopefully we can get one of these done tonight.


Please post times you'll be on and try to get your own groups going too.

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