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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thankyou Bioware, the guild launch program broke our community.


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Oh for goodness sake im looking for support in all the wrong places, DID YOU JUST READ THE TITLE or are you trolling?


We have sister guilds PLACED on the server by the guild launch program, we did not CHOOSE this server!! We have splits in many guild on whether to move or stay the logistics of moving are immense and breaking up the community.


This is not our fault we used the TOOL PROVIDED to make things easier.


The guild launch program!

Yes they picked your server. No they didn't make everyone else who wants to play the game outside your guild go there. Grow up.




Edited by Unaki
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The main issue here is not the queues, but the fact that BW seemingly put the majority of pre launch guilds on a server that was already going to be heavily populated. It doesn't look like they looked at the communities plans before launch.
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Omg, you fanbois do not even READ what you are rubbishing...


So here in gold and CAPS for you.


WE WERE PLACED ON THE SERVER BY THE guild launch program, along with our sister ally/nemesis guilds, it is not not just the individual that has to reroll but whole communities with players in there that dont want to move becuase of reserved names etc.


How is this OUR fault?


A simple solution is to offer the GUILD LAUNCH players a one off server transfer. Can ANY~ONE give me a good reason why they have not offered this?


Yeah, I'm a fanboi because your Guild clearly isn't as strongly bound as you claim. Guilds I roll with wouldn't flee because of server queues. You do it as a Guild, or you don't. There is no "we lost some people..." because of queues.


You could have left the server and played on another one. On reality Guilds in TOR are just some way to mark everyone as a group. Make a guild the old fashioned way.


Reserved names? LOL Names you couldn't make on a dead server? Stop making excuses.


Fanboy is such an overused word.

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I guess they dont want to force guilds into other servers as it breaks the ally/nemesis set up they implemented at launch so communities could compete and play together.


However this does not explain why they dont give the power to move server to the players themselves. If they offered GL program players a ONE OFF server transfer we would all move today to a low pop server.


Im raking my brain trying to think of a reason why NOT..!


Then what happens when everyone inevitably just moves to the same server? Would you want another server move?

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The main issue here is not the queues, but the fact that BW seemingly put the majority of pre launch guilds on a server that was already going to be heavily populated. It doesn't look like they looked at the communities plans before launch.


Nope. The guilds that were put on there were somewhat large but there were only about 40 of them. That is the average for most servers.

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Nobody is defending BW, but it is absurd to blame them because you ended up on a popular server. (especially if it's true about the whole naming it pro thing). We are days into launch, and a little over a week from the first day of EA. Is this amount of rage nearly neccessary? MMOs last for years. If you have the patience to sit in a chair for 12 hours a day, have the patience to realize some things take time. Play something else if it's that big of a deal. "Pros" don't rage.
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Stop fooling yourself.


The problem you have is caused by the queue's. If there where no queue's, then the people would not leave.


And the queue's are not the result of the Guild Launch Program but by all the other people and guilds who decided to join the server as well.

Edited by Aeonium
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And you know this how? Because this contradicts what the rest of us are seeing.


The guild search. In the address bar, change the name of the server yours is on if it was prelaunch to a EA server and compare them. It requires more work than the average brainless child of this community can handle but it can be done.

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It does feel though that all guilds were placed on a single server. Currenlty Tomb is the only full server. The rest are practically empty. But I do agree and disagree with some points.


If you feel the guild is breaking up because of this than yes your guild isn't as strong as you thought... my guild is on Tomb, we complain a lot, but we are still playing together (when we eventually go in).


I also heard that Tomb was unofficially named the Spanish Server... which makes it a double bummer.


On the other hand though Bioware did make the mistake of allocating too many guilds on single servers and due to allied guilds it is very difficult at this point to reroll. Rerolling also means starting the story from scratch which can be very frustrating. It took me close to a week to arrive where I am and the concept of starting again is not something i am looking forward to.


The only viable solution that I can see at this point (It's like reliving my early rift days again) :p is to get some sort of character / guild transfer system in place so we can all move our toons to other low pop servers, and maybe even other types of servers... for example i am bugged of PvP and want to move to PvE and vice versa.

Edited by Tako
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It is not just our community of 30-40 players that would have to move.


Each of our guilds that has the ALLY/NEMESIS connection (old skool rivals and RL friends etc) has a split on either staying or moving.


It is not just down to the individual to move, people that keep saying "re-roll" are not understanding that it is FIVE guilds all connected and that all used the guild launch program implemented by Bioware to make things easier.


It is not our fault we will not move, it is logistically impossible to get all guilds to move when they all have splits in them on whether to stay or go.


One guild has already left, this is why the community is breaking up and why i posted.

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It seems to me like the main problem is that Bioware offered a 'guild launch program'.


They probably shouldn't have done that.


It was a good idea.... IF they placed the guilds in such a way so as to populate 25-35% of the servers and not over 50% which what they apparently did. On the first day of early access the server was already full.

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I got in on day 1, before anyone else in my guild. I held back for awhile so we could run some stuff together. Now, though, I'm the highest level person in my guild, and it's not broken. They know that I'm there if they need something killed. Guild chat allows for a great ease of text-based communication, and Mumble allows us to actually talk to each other, and people that stuck with WoW. Not really sure what people's problems are...
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I got in on day 1, before anyone else in my guild. I held back for awhile so we could run some stuff together. Now, though, I'm the highest level person in my guild, and it's not broken. They know that I'm there if they need something killed. Guild chat allows for a great ease of text-based communication, and Mumble allows us to actually talk to each other, and people that stuck with WoW. Not really sure what people's problems are...


The problem is a scapegoat must be found outside oneself, because it's too difficult to look inwards and accept responsibility for what you have control over.

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Had the same problem, guild put onto a server that had mahoosive queues almost from day 1.



Because of the stupid staggered access, by the time we had everyone sorted, many people had invested large amounts of time in levelling characters and tradeskills.



Still can't get everyone on because of the 6+ hour prime time queues, and can't even easily organise a move (wasting all that time) for the same reason.

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Omg, you fanbois do not even READ what you are rubbishing...


So here in gold and CAPS for you.


WE WERE PLACED ON THE SERVER BY THE guild launch program, along with our sister ally/nemesis guilds, it is not not just the individual that has to reroll but whole communities with players in there that dont want to move becuase of reserved names etc.


How is this OUR fault?


A simple solution is to offer the GUILD LAUNCH players a one off server transfer. Can ANY~ONE give me a good reason why they have not offered this?


Maybe because the game have been live 2 days?? Seriously the game just officially released and you demanding a free server transfer right after launch. They have been tweaking the servers since early access and done all in the power to make servers balanced but community itself decided to stand the ground not moving. Also even with 5+h queues new players after release day wen't and made the server even more crowded. So again it's not BW fault but all along the community.

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We have the same problem, put on Frostclaw in the guild launch program and now Frostclaw has been listed as one of the "known queuing" servers you should not roll on, unless you want to queue.


Well I don't want to queue, but *I* did not roll on this server by choice, I was put on it by Bioware.

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Maybe because the game have been live 2 days?? Seriously the game just officially released and you demanding a free server transfer right after launch. They have been tweaking the servers since early access and done all in the power to make servers balanced but community itself decided to stand the ground not moving. Also even with 5+h queues new players after release day wen't and made the server even more crowded. So again it's not BW fault but all along the community.




Yes, because they pre-launch wasn't well done at all.


It ended up with anyone daft enough to pre-organise their guild with Bioware being stuck on servers that have queues of 600 at 9 am in the morning and 4000+ at prime time.


This is Biowares fault.

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So... wait. You guys knew that by opting for the guild launch service you were putting your fate's into the hands of a third party in exchange for... what? The ability to guarantee you got your guild name?


I don't understand how this is Bioware's fault. If there had been no guild-launch system, y'all still would have rolled on servers during the EGA, servers that now have queue times. So what exactly does the guild launch system have to do with this?


Sounds to me like a lot of people shaking their fists over the inevitable. "OMG the game is popular?? DAMN YOU BIOWARE!!"

Edited by Mannic
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Yes, because they pre-launch wasn't well done at all.


It ended up with anyone daft enough to pre-organise their guild with Bioware being stuck on servers that have queues of 600 at 9 am in the morning and 4000+ at prime time.


This is Biowares fault.


If all was staying put where they suppose, as the prelaunch guild system offered, we never would have this problem in Tomb of Freedon of nad, honestly. 40% of thoose joined the server was by guild system choosen, the other 60% (thoose made the server crowded) moved to this server because of reasons most should know if they read general chat. Plus you have 2 big communities (spanish/italian) that decided to roll on this server, how is that BW fault?

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So... wait. You guys knew that by opting for the guild launch service you were putting your fate's into the hands of a third party in exchange for... what? The ability to guarantee you got your guild name?


I don't understand how this is Bioware's fault. If there had been no guild-launch system, y'all still would have rolled on servers during the EGA, servers that now have queue times. So what exactly does the guild launch system have to do with this?


Sounds to me like a lot of people shaking their fists over the inevitable. "OMG the game is popular?? DAMN YOU BIOWARE!!"




Because they should have:



1. Spread guilds better.




2. Had more servers up during their pre-access.





Instead of faffing around with their staggered access (which has achieved effectively nothing over the normal non-staggered access) they should have let everyone in allowing them to move together quickly, and they should have put the resources into allowing free transfer.



The question is how is this NOT Biowares fault.

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The problem will continue.

Why, you may ask?

Because what new player see:

Server list, full of lightly populated servers and 2-3 highly populated.

So the logic is: 'I will roll on highly populated server, so I can get groups for PvP and PvE easier'.

So now Bioware have responsibility to prevent this situation happening, and to steer new players to empty servers. Simple solution is to lock highly populated servers for a week or two untill matter settles. I would give it 2 weeks, just to be sure.

They can unlock it later and you shouldnt see great increase in population after that.

I am on ToFN myself and what I can say:

Right now I can live with it, somehow, tho I spend 3 hours per day in queue's (if not more). But at level 50 it will be completely impossible to participate in any form of organised PvP / PvE activity, be it open world RvR areas like 'Outlaws Den' or PvE Operations. Why? Because you never know when the game lets you in, so you cant make a guild event saying : Raid start at 8 pm. Some would come at 8 - if they start queueing at 2 pm maybe? Rest would come at midnight (like I usually do, work commitments dont allow me to start queue'ing during the day).


This has to be fixed.

And has to be fixed ASAP.


Brakkar / ToFN

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