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Keybinders vs Clickers


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I'm a clicker and I am fine with the skill level I am at. I do not wish to improve that skill nor do I wish to learn keybinding because the majority of pvpers find it "more effective", play what you are most comfortable playing with.


Thanks bye.


PS - This games GCD gives seasoned clickers enough time to navigate through abilities with no problem.

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I'm a clicker and I am fine with the skill level I am at. I do not wish to improve that skill nor do I wish to learn keybinding because the majority of pvpers find it "more effective", play what you are most comfortable playing with.

I don't care how people play. But keybinding isn't more effective because lots of people say so; it's more effective because it is demonstrably objectively faster to mouse turn than keyboard turn, and press many abilities in a smaller time window. Denying this is like saying that you'd rather click letters on an on-screen keyboard than use a proper one with your hands. There is no global cooldown when typing a letter, and you might only have one hand, and you might be the fastest clicker in the world - but you aren't beating a good typist who has two hands on a keyboard.


If you personally are fine with how you play and the skill level you're at, great. No one has any right to tell you to change, as long as you admit that you're not bothered about improving. (As a former clicker I can't understand this attitude, but each to their own. Not only did I convert to keybinds, but I've even remapped my keybinds more than once to make them more ergonomic and practical.)


PS - This games GCD gives seasoned clickers enough time to navigate through abilities with no problem.

Which would be fine - if GCD was the key issue, but as I said earlier in this thread this is a red herring. There are many abilities which don't respect the GCD, and you cannot possibly turn and move faster as a clicker than a keybinder. There is no global cooldown for turning your character.


Some people have talked about disabilities etc, and personal preferences etc. That's all fine, because what I said earlier was the 'QED' for this entire thread and is undeniable; *all things being equal* keybinding is faster and more efficient than clicking. The argument for keybinding over clicking isn't, and never has been: keybinders are better players than clickers. The argument is: *you* as a keybinder will be better than *you* as a clicker. (And if someone replies 'err but I only have one hand', this just proves my point. A man with two legs will be faster than a man with one. In principle and practice, two-legged humans are better runners than one-legged ones. The fact that some people have only one leg is irrelevant to this rule. Likewise in principle, keybinders are faster and more efficient than clickers, all other factors being equal).

Edited by Angellis
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im one of them. i tried key binding didnt work for me, i went back to clicking and do far better.


cant say its that simple key binding is better. depends on the circumstances. For me its a injury and i suffer at times with memory problems so key binding dont work for me and i do aweful because at times i cant remember what key bindings i have. i click, i do better. and u cant tell me im wrong coz i cant actually do better as a key binder due to my health. im sure u are right in alot of cases but its not across board it depends on each person circumstances.


No, you aren't wrong, you have tested and improved your skill adapting the way you play a game despite your difficulties.

Instead of saying I can not. You fought.

You have the spirit;) So, you are a real contender.

Enjoy the game!

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I was a clicker and keyboard turner, and did very well. PVE, and PVP. Then one day a buddy found out, and lost his mind laughing at me. I couldn't understand what the big deal was, I was nearly always at the top of the board in WZ's, and in PVE, well, it's PVE. I argued, told him it didn't matter, I was more comfortable and did as well as he regardless, but in the end, he finally convinced me to try keybinding/mouse turning.


I bound A and D to strafe, keybound everything, and didn't allow myself to look down to click. And SUCKED for about three days. But then I was as good as I was when I clicked. And a couple days after that, I was more efficient and faster and harder to kill than I had ever been before.


I now have about 30 abilities I can activate without my left middle finger leaving the W, and my right middle finger leaving the right mouse button. Meaning I NEVER have to stop moving.


If you want to improve, and you're a clicker/keyboard turner, deal with sucking for a couple of days, and learn to keybind/mouse turn. Nothing else you can do will have as big an impact on your gameplay.

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Just out of curiosity, I want to know who uses which.



So..... State whether you're a clicker or a keybinder (During PVP) and why?


I would say 90% of the time I'm a keybinder, simply because it's more efficient. For movement, I mix it up. Heading into the fight or to a node, I use my mouse. While in combat, I use keybinds for quicker response and to free up my right hand to mash buttons....lol


Probably 10% of the time (if the match is well in hand and I'm on a ranged toon), I get lazy and do everything with my mouse (movement and clicking abilities).

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[...] Denying this is like saying that you'd rather click letters on an on-screen keyboard than use a proper one with your hands. There is no global cooldown when typing a letter, and you might only have one hand, and you might be the fastest clicker in the world - but you aren't beating a good typist who has two hands on a keyboard.




Which would be fine - if GCD was the key issue, but as I said earlier in this thread this is a red herring. There are many abilities which don't respect the GCD, and you cannot possibly turn and move faster as a clicker than a keybinder. There is no global cooldown for turning your character.







False-equivalence is false. Typing a letter and MMO PvP combat are not even remotely similar enough to be compared, except that both make use of computers and/or their typical input-devices. That's it.


Your discourse about the GCD-issue only underscores my point:


That it can, and often does change with the individual and situation. Merc/Mando and Snipingers, for instance, have very few abilities that are de-coupled from the GCD. (I can't actually think of even one ATM, except, if memory serves, Sabotage/EMP Discharge for the middle tree of Snipinger, and its re-setting of the cool-downs for the Shield Probe, Hunker Down/Entrench, and the dive-roll. Those latter when re-used are on the GCD, IIRC, along with the now-cooling-down EMP Discharge/Sabotage).


Besides, you can mouse-bootlegger-turn --or space-bar-jump/turn-- and click just fine, or at least I can. I just wish people would stop bunny-hopping constantly like idiots, it looks so incredibly, annoyingly stupid, and UIVMM, confers no advantage at all in this game.

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The GCD argument doesn't work for some classes


Let's take AP bounty hunter for example. You need to be doing something or pressing a button every single second to play it right. If you aren't doing that because you're clicking. You are bad.


You really need to use off-GCD abilities and weave them into a rotation and make it completely seamless (as if there is no GCD at all). Thus with this there is no GCD where you can sit and pick your nose for 1.5 seconds.


Explosive fuel

Retractable blade

AOE taunt


Shoulder cannon

Rocket punch

Shoulder cannon

Rail shot

Shoulder cannon

Flame burst

Shoulder cannon

Flame sweep


Proto flame thrower


(Restart rotation, with the other three shoulder cannon rockets and the single target taunt.)


Someone tell me how you can pull this off flawlessly without missing a single second with clicking?! If you can't, why is this even an argument as to which is better? If you click as an AP you will lose, unless you are running macros to execute off GCD attacks, but then you're not a pure clicker because you have to bind the macros to a mouse button or a keyboard button.

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My monitor is about 1 and a half feet long. I can scale the entire screen in four inches of mouse pad. Each ability toolbar box is half an inch on my UI, meaning one toolbar box is ~3% of my screen, which is about 1 ninth of an inch on my mouse pad to precisely move my entire hand seemlessly.


We're of course assuming that we're not allowed to look at our UI, since that's a definite no-no.


So do you want to move your entire hand 10% of an inch to the left,




a single finger half an inch to the left (Approximate size of a keyboard key?)


or to put this comparison another way -


Do you want to move a large appendix a small distance




a smaller body part a much larger distance?


I mean yeah you can do the former if you're like.... really really good, but it takes a lot less practice to get good at the latter :)

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