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glowing hands


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For my carnage marauder, I was wondering what buff or proc has the visual cue of the glowing hands? Is it the massacre buff to chance of ataru attack? or execute proc or frenzied sabers? I think it's the buff to ataru chances from massacre but I'm not sure
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If you mean the glowing black hands I think it's 30 stacks of fury. The ataru one is I believe the purple flash.


My hands dont glow black when i get 30 Fury. I get this Red aura around me. I am a carnage marauder so you cant say im a different Spec so that gives different effects.

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I'm pretty sure the visual indicator I'm referring to is new to 2.0 but maybe I'm not observant. anyway, the frequency of this animation is high, pretty much every combat. I think it's frenzied sabers although it seems like execute proc really needs a visual indicator if there isn't one
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