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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware vs EA


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IMO EA needs to stick with sports games and leave fantasy games alone. Without EA bioware might actually come up with an expansion for star wars thats worth it. It's like having a pure sports buff faking becoming a geek overnight. IMO EA is destroying SWTOR whereas bioware ( If it was just bioware ) would come up with longer things. EA just needs to stick with what they know and leave fantasy to those who know and love it.
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More will come out, I feel.


I like the game. It is going pretty good, from my standpoint. I am having a good time.


I think, in time, more stuff will come out. I wouldn't mind a $10 xpac coming out once or twice a year..


I think we just have to wait for it.

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Saying "BioWare vs EA" is like saying "me vs myself". They are the SAME ENTITY now. The innovators that made BioWare an awesome force in gaming have resigned, retired, or been released.


Everything that was ever good about BioWare is now gone, absorbed into the corporate cookie-cutter that is EA. There will be no innovation. There will be no risk-taking. There will only be adding on simple, trite, boring stuff onto what is already there.

Edited by DarthTHC
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IMO EA needs to stick with sports games and leave fantasy games alone. Without EA bioware might actually come up with an expansion for star wars thats worth it. It's like having a pure sports buff faking becoming a geek overnight. IMO EA is destroying SWTOR whereas bioware ( If it was just bioware ) would come up with longer things. EA just needs to stick with what they know and leave fantasy to those who know and love it.



Unfortunately, you will never see another Bioware title. LONG gone are the days of BioWare Corps.


BioWare only exists in name -- EA owns them outright, and the majority of those who made BioWare excellent are gone. That doesn't mean there isn't still talent there -- but we'll never see it thanks to the control of EA.

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Bioware lost....


Until we all stop feeding EA our money, the way they produce games will never change... They will take great development companies and ruin them. They will continue to ship out incomplete games for the fast buck.


Problem is, the kids buy many of their games, do not know any better and keep buying them... EA has little incentive to put out quality, so the focus is quantity.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Where does EA end? Where does BIoware begin? It doesn't matter anymore. There is no distinction. The Doctors are gone now. Much of the talent that created many of the games that made BIoware's reputation is gone now. Bioware exists in name only. Does that mean there will never be another quality game released under the Bioware banner again: Maybe, maybe not. But the point is the great developer known as Bioware that many of us discovered through games such as Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic is long gone.
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Tbh I see EA/BW under the same umbrella with this game. That said, I would appreciate it very much if EA gave the same love to this game as they do the Sims 3.


10 expansion packs


7 stuff packs


Online store for extra content (very similar to our Cartel Store, but deals in Sim points instead of Cartel coins)


all in under 5 years!


If only that were true of SWTOR :D

Edited by chimex
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