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i am jedi legacy lvl 27 im stuck on the mission to the asteriod to attack my padiwans brother i keep getting him to 800 hit points then i die , where can i get a light sabre i can make stronger , i know how to mod just not where to get the base light sabre , and any other help would be usefull thanks
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i am jedi legacy lvl 27 im stuck on the mission to the asteriod to attack my padiwans brother i keep getting him to 800 hit points then i die , where can i get a light sabre i can make stronger , i know how to mod just not where to get the base light sabre , and any other help would be usefull thanks


Make sure you are using your interrupts. Use your Defensive CD's on his hard hitting abilities if your interrupts are on CD. If you do, this is an easy fight.

Edited by Jossajus
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There are lots of mod-able sabers in the game. Check the planetary vendors.


Also, these are spoilers. Please put them in spoiler tags.


Hell, he was given one already. Unless he vendored it for some reason he should have one (or 2 if he's a Sentinal) from his class mission on Tython.

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i want to think everyone that replied and forgive me for my ignorance on the spoil alert, im just and ol grand pa who's kids got him into playing games :) i am still trying to learn the differences in skills as to how they work , thank you helping an ol man
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Hell, he was given one already. Unless he vendored it for some reason he should have one (or 2 if he's a Sentinal) from his class mission on Tython.


Dear HyFy God bless you for your service , Simper Fi , U.S.M.C disabled 1/8 Bravo

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