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BH Offhand Fail


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I think the guys at Bioware got something wrong with the Elite and Ultimate Offhands for the BH/PT:



First off all, the only Generator there is, is for a tank. So, again, little love for DPS Powertech. You could buy an offhand blaster, but then the barrel is completely useless and you could only use the mod and enhancement, which are easy to come by anyway.

Ultimate Vendor:

Again, there is only a tankish shield generator, but in this case, it's even worse: It gives STRENGTH! You should move that one over to the Jugs.


Plz fix this, every other class is getting a huge buff by spending their first elite coms on their offhand.


As if the nerfs weren't enough already....

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The issue isn't cost really, it is the lack of a offhand armoring for DPS PT. The mods and enh are one thing, those can come from any item. But the armoring itself needs to either come from a offhand, or it needs to be a player crafted one due to the new lock out of armoring slot.
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  • 2 weeks later...
And the only craftable armoring is the grad 28 one, which is inferior to the elite by quite a margine.

Still, the more important issue is the Strenght offhand at the bh elite vendors


That is pretty lolworthy right there. :|

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  • 1 month later...
I think the guys at Bioware got something wrong with the Elite and Ultimate Offhands for the BH/PT:



First off all, the only Generator there is, is for a tank. So, again, little love for DPS Powertech. You could buy an offhand blaster, but then the barrel is completely useless and you could only use the mod and enhancement, which are easy to come by anyway.

Ultimate Vendor:

Again, there is only a tankish shield generator, but in this case, it's even worse: It gives STRENGTH! You should move that one over to the Jugs.


Plz fix this, every other class is getting a huge buff by spending their first elite coms on their offhand.


As if the nerfs weren't enough already....


BUMPING for someone "IN THE RANKS of BIOWARE" to reply to this.. WHY. is there NO OFFHAND for a DPS build PowerTech on the Elite Comms Vendor, but EVERY SINGLE OTHER CLASS has it??????

FIX THIS.... this is complete disregard for a DPS build Power Tech, and an insult for jacking us a round like that.

Shame on you !

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