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(Imp) Group looking for a guild


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We have a Marauder, Sniper, Sorcerer, and a Merc or Shadow.


The sniper and sorcerer have a few different 50 alts.


We are looking for a guild that does some operations preferably around 11pm-2am EST Tuesday, Thursday but open to other times/days.


Send a tell to Lucielen or post here if interested in having us. Thank you!

Edited by Dazarix
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Hello. Come check our Rancor Bait http://www.rancorbait.enjin.com. We are looking for more raiders to join our raid groups. We start a bit earlier than the time you specified but we can see if we are able to work out something that will banefit all. Send me a message on the site or whisper me in-game on (Kalvarius, Kelsie, Kylista, Shakkra, Setzuna, Sezura)
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Our raids times are not going to match up with what you are looking for but we all most always have member on-line. If you want to check us out our website is http://rav.enjin.com/holidaymain our event calendar is posted so you can see all the things\events that we do and times that we have schedule. We are a very active social guild. We also have a Lightside Guild as part as our community.


You can whisper me at Da'rgo, Pa'u, or Chian'a or do a /who holiday and talk to ant of our members they will be glad to answer any question you may have.

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I'd offer you to check out:


The Elite Noobs [Republic]


Plaguebearer [imperial]


I am the GM of the Imperial guild, and since 2.0 the impside guild has been a bit more active than the pubside, but it tends to fluctuate depending on who is playing which side at which time.


We are a more than casual, less than progression PvE guild, made up of adults between early/mid 20s to late 30s, and we use a Ventrilo server.

HM EC 4/4

SM TfB (50/55) 5/5

SM S&V 7/7


If you are interested, please sign up at: www.theelitenoobs.us or you can look up Aster'isk (my imp main) or Back'slash (my current leveling alt) or Trobbit (2nd in command) for information or an invite to the guild.


If your raid-times are set-in-stone, it might not be a great fit though.... Since 2.0, our scheduled raids have been mostly Tuesday/Thursday - Weekends from around 8pm ET to Midnight depending on what we are doing. There is a decent bit of guild activity in the wee hours of the night tho, as we do have a lot of night-owls, and quite a few people spread across different time zones... So starting around 6-ish pm ET and generally going until 2-3am ET there is always people on doing "things"... but the guild-scheduled raids, like I said, generally are 8-12 ET. (TfB/S&V/TC)

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Transcéndent Commercial <



Transcéndent <www.transcendentgamers.com> is an active medium sized community formed with the goal of improving your gaming experience. We strive to provide a supportive and fun gaming environment, organized weekly events, and clear guild policy to prevent drama and elitism. Our roster is dominantly comprised of professionals, parents, couples, mature members active multiple times a week in game and within Mumble. The community frequently enjoys non-discriminatory humor that occasionally borders risqué. We cleanse our roster every 6 weeks to insure it is dominated by "Active" members that are enjoying the end game content together.


Our ideal applicants are mature, respectful, intelligent, and skilled players that understand the importance of balance between gaming and life. Transcéndent strikes this unique balance between a casual gaming and progression guild. Half the week there is PvP, dailys, comms runs. As scheduled Operations events arrive, mains switch to mission-mode with laser-like focus as half our Operations Teams are progression driven and require players whom are engaged in learning their class very well to help the team succeed against the elite end game content.


Infrastructure includes:

  • Mumble Server
  • Guild site with active forums and event calendar
  • Guild bank with 5 tabs
  • Peak hours roster ~ 25-35.
  • 3 OPS teams (2 with current openings)
  • Steam Community for multi-gaming fun.


If this sounds like a guild that you would enjoy being in; please reply to the thread, message Xeenguard in game, or message on our guild site.


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