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SW:TOR - The Overuse of Crowd Control...


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Good evening,


the last weeks as I leveled an alt I realized something and it really annoys me: there is everywhere CC. Everywhere. And it's horrible, because it's overused in an absurd way.


Let me summarize for the ones who don't know "CC" what CC actually is:



Crowd Control is mentioned to be a special effect on your character, that lowers his effiency. This could be done in many different ways...


... as a stun. You can't control or act with your character.

... a mezz. You are mesmerized and can't use your character - breaks when someone damages you.

... a slow. The running speed of your character is lowered.

... root. You can't move with your character.

... many more.



I played every P2P mmo out there and I played most of the F2P ones. In no other game the use of CC is so ridiculous often.


Every silly mob has got some kind of CC. The weak ones can slow you. The silver ones can stun, slow, mezz whatever - the golden ones can do all of that. And they do it. And it's more than annoying, it's disturbing.


This is just the peak of the iceberg.


As far as I can tell, this use in PvE is annoying but... it can be managed. What can't is the overuse of CC in PvP. Every single AC has got multiple sorts of CC. Many AC's got every imaginable CC in this game. Stun, mezz, root, slow - for example a Sith-Sorcerer / Jedi-Sage. They can do ALL of that and it's horrible, cause they will do.



One of the main problems in PvP is this sort of overuse. It destroys every kind of tactical or advanced gameplay, because all you do is hoping for your stun ( insert every other CC ) to be ready to use it again on cooldown. And that is not the sense of PvP - okay, maybe it is if you have to time your CC specifically.


But in SW:TOR it isn't. There are so many stuns in PvP, too, it's just insane and dumb. Some classes can root you for 4-5 seconds - for example a Sniper. You can't move, while he is burning your HP-bar down. The root ends and the nice little Sniper throws a flashbang ( 30m range ) on you. You are mezzed for another bunch of seconds, nice long enough so that he can get his CD's ready. The same procedure as every time. Maybe if you are lucky you survive this root and the mezz and you go your way to melee him. When you reach him, he uses his stun. 2-4 other seconds you can't do anything. At least now you will be pushing daisies.


That's just one example of dozens. Take a group fight, 4 vs 4 in the new battleground. Every group has more than 10 CC's. And they use it. Flashbang - one group can't do anything for 8 seconds. Fear - the group can't do anything for another ~ 5 seconds. After that a nice stun and they can focus every single person down without any effort.


You see the problem? CC's where you go. They follow you like your shadow and THAT is really horrible in PvP.


It could be acceptable, if the resolve bar would work properly and would have a real sense. Right now it's just broken.


SW:TOR PvP may be one of the worst out there, but it can be fun - nevertheless the overuse of CC is an issue that has to be solved - quickly and with brain.


I like SW:TOR PvP in it's "basic way", but the insane amount of CC ruins my experience.


Thanks for your read, would appreciate your sign or resign.


TL;DR: By far too much CC in the whole game ( PvE & PvP ) - reduce the amount in PvE & PvP and get the ***** resolve bar fixed!


P.S.: This thread is NOT specifically for PvP. It's for PvE, too - so please don't move it.

Edited by LovarBoy
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yea....i hate to break it to you...this game is easy as it is..and if u can play properly u would save ur cleanse for tight spots in pvp and in pve its sooo not a problem...CC makes mmo's chalenging..if not CC's then we would just click click click to win



Edit: Try to interupt sometimes too


Edit2: resolve bar is just fine..just learn to utilize it

Edited by Athrandiel
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yea....i hate to break it to you...this game is easy as it is..and if u can play properly u would save ur cleanse for tight spots in pvp and in pve its sooo not a problem...CC makes mmo's chalenging..if not CC's then we would just click click click to win



Edit: Try to interupt sometimes too


Edit2: resolve bar is just fine..just learn to utilize it


Classes with two stuns ( Hinting towards smugglers ) Who can then Aoe Knockback + root is an issue. Hate to break it to you...

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CCs are meant to be used strategically in PvP. If someone just spams all the CCs they have and fills up resolve bars then they really need to learn the concept of tactics. You can have all the CCs in the world and I wouldn't care if they were just used -correctly-.
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CCs are meant to be used strategically in PvP. If someone just spams all the CCs they have and fills up resolve bars then they really need to learn the concept of tactics. You can have all the CCs in the world and I wouldn't care if they were just used -correctly-.


Yes, they are. But not when they are usable that often - that's no tactic to use your 30 second CD stun all the time. If you give the CC higher Cooldowns, that would be some sort of timing. A 30 second or 45 second CD is nothing that needs big tactics, especially when the TTK is so short, that it's nonsense to spare your CC.


...CC makes mmo's chalenging..if not CC's then we would just click click click to win


Edit2: resolve bar is just fine..just learn to utilize it


CC makes MMO's challenging - yes. But not with this low CD and the high amount of skills that every class has got for CC.


And Resolve Bar is everything but fine.

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Classes with two stuns ( Hinting towards smugglers ) Who can then Aoe Knockback + root is an issue. Hate to break it to you...


Don't forget the Shield and the Bubble.


I don't know how BioWare can be that blind to give one class ALL!!!!!!!! what is out there.... that's the feeling I got.

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Yes, they are. But not when they are usable that often - that's no tactic to use your 30 second CD stun all the time. If you give the CC higher Cooldowns, that would be some sort of timing. A 30 second or 45 second CD is nothing that needs big tactics, especially when the TTK is so short, that it's nonsense to spare your CC.


The cooldowns are fine... Every second counts in PvP. What would seem like not a big deal in PvE (1-2 minute cooldown) is forever in PvP, especially when that skill is pretty detrimental and fills up their resolve bar really fast.


Meaning, even if you CAN spam them, if you're good, you won't. I use my hard stun VERY rarely in PvP.

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Don't forget the Shield and the Bubble.


I don't know how BioWare can be that blind to give one class ALL!!!!!!!! what is out there.... that's the feeling I got.


Without the bubble sorc die in like 2 hits. If you make any mistakes as a sorc you're dead'

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The cooldowns are fine... Every second counts in PvP. What would seem like not a big deal in PvE (1-2 minute cooldown) is forever in PvP, especially when that skill is pretty detrimental and fills up their resolve bar really fast.


Meaning, even if you CAN spam them, if you're good, you won't. I use my hard stun VERY rarely in PvP.



The Cooldowns are fine? Are you jokin'? :D

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