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[Daily] Big Red


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He does not move. 2 of the spots (by the Ulgo Fortress and Glarus Valley) you don't need to be at scan location, he can be seen from quite a distance and scanned. I have never not found him although it is always the last spot I check. :p
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Yes, it is an annoying DAILY. And, yes, it is bugged. But, first thing I do when I start the mission is to observe what instance I am in when I first land on Alderaan. Normally, if it gets bugged on Instance 1, it will be in one of the five places on Instance 2. But I do it every day. If there is no Instance 2, and I can't find it in Instance 1, I just go to the other planets (Tattoine, Hoth or Makeb) and do those dailys then come back to Alderaan later on when an Instance 2+ spawns.


In the beginning when this first started happening, it was absolutely frustrating going over all five locations three (plus) times and not being able to find it, till I ventured to another instance and kept finding it there.

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Doing all of the GSI Dailies are a huge time sink. Hoth is the worst followed by Alderaan. for every 5-10 minutes you spend driving around, you spend 3 seconds using your droid or binos. You can't even get into a routine because of randomness.


If you do just the Heroic 2+ you get 20 Basics per day and you can do it in less than an hour plus, you get the weekly done in 3 days. The only one that make take a little time is Alderaan, but that's only if you have to go to the third location, but at least you get 8 Basics for it. This is all I do now.

Edited by Lowyjowylof
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Has anyone completed it? THis is the worse mission ever. Chasing a gaint f'in tuna across Aderaan. Everytime I see it its out of range for the Macrobinoculars. I can't zoom in on it. I've been to all 4 spots and nothing. Is there something I'm doign wrong or is this just broken and poorly design and I should quit wasting my time with it.


When you get to a location, and he is not there, change instances.... out of 4 tries, it works every time, guess its luck too.


The first time, I did not think of instance changes, and I was mad as hell about this mission....

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How odd. Done this quest countless times and only once was he nowhere to be seen. A quick instance-hop soon fixed that.


As I have no reason to doubt the veracity of other posters' claims regarding his habitual absenteeism, I must just continually be lucky at this, I guess.

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I've had the same problem a few times where Big Red was nowhere to be found.

Other than that,

I've found Alderaan dailies can be done in under 20 minutes if you're lucky to find Big Red quick.

Two of the weather towers can be seen right from the speeder pad.

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I will never stop being amazed how many people demand everything to be simple and rewarding at the same time. So there are hard/not easy/requiring some effort quests. Its good that they are. Better than the kill-10-insert- weird-creature-10-meters-from-here, loot-them-and-return-heroically kind of quests..
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I've been having a problem with him spawning lately on The Ebon Hawk.

A friend and I checked all 5 spawn points twice a couple of nights ago and he was nowhere to be found.

That's not the first time that's happened to me... only the first time I had someone along to confirm that I wasn't crazy.


It's not like you can miss him... if you're standing at the spot that's marked on your map and he's there, you can't possibly not see him.

You can see him from quite a long way off but if you're actually on the spot, he's unmistakable.


Instanced hopped and found him with no trouble.

I don't know exactly what the bug is, but something is definitely wrong with him.

Edited by Rankyn
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i've run into the problem a few times of him not spawning at any of the locations. i even asked in general and several other people were experiencing the same thing.

i'll definitely try to instance hop the next time i run into that.


i wonder if it's a bug that he won't spawn in certain instances (such as won't spawn at all beyond the first or something).

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I am pretty sure camping the same spot won't help. From what I have read it is on a 24 hour clock (per instance) for where it spawns. Also fairly sure there are more then 4 spots.


One issue I will agree with. There should be more information on how exactly it spawns. And once you check an area it should no longer be on your map (until he resets).


But Bioware is clearly experimenting with different ideas with many of these dailies.




There are 5 spawn points. I'm pretty sure it's intended that once the daily resets big red does not move. I say that because on a few different occasions (because I was curious) I've gone back to the place I found him as much as an hour later and he was still there. He either doesn't move or I've been incredibly lucky to find him in the same spot.


Having said that, on many, many occasions he was not to be found at any of the 5 spawn points. I've taken this to be a bug but I don't know for sure. I do know that for a puny bit of credits and one basic comm I'm not going to spend more than a few minutes laboring over this mission. When I grab it now, if big red isn't to be found on the four easiest spawn points to monitor in the course of doing the other GSI dailies, I'll simply abandon the mission and move on to the next planet. I'm not wasting time and energy trying to chase this one down even assuming he can be chased down (which I don't think he can).

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I will never stop being amazed how many people demand everything to be simple and rewarding at the same time. So there are hard/not easy/requiring some effort quests.


You've missed the point entirely. The complaint isn't the quest is hard; the complaint is the quest seems to be bugged sometimes and CANNOT be completed regardless of the amount of effort. Don't be obtuse.


i wonder if it's a bug that he won't spawn in certain instances (such as won't spawn at all beyond the first or something).


I've run into this problem myself on a couple occasions and alway in Instance 1, but my sampling is hardly representative. Switching instances has always done the trick, but that is not always an option if I'm playing late night or early morning.

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I've run into this problem myself on a couple occasions and alway in Instance 1, but my sampling is hardly representative. Switching instances has always done the trick, but that is not always an option if I'm playing late night or early morning.
Once I started paying attention to it, I noticed that it always seemed to be Instance 1 when I was bugged but, as you say, my sampling isn't large enough to really determine that as a trend.


However, this morning when I did it as an Imp, there was only one instance and I found it so I quickly hopped over to my Republic character to grab it while I knew it was there.

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Plus, would it be too much to ask of the Devs to give us binoculars that ACTUALLY WORKED LIKE BINOCULARS?

Instead of a very limited mission tool that only zooms in when the mission objective is in the field.


Yea, it would be nice if you got an indication that the binocs will not zoom to the ones flying up high.


But just keep going to all the spots and eventually you'll come to one that's sitting still and fairly close by. That's the one you're supposed to scan. 4/10 for mission implementation.

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