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Arkanian DPS Relice


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I'm looking at an Arkanian damage relic for my DPS Sorceror. I understood that the Elemental one was the correct choice (Arkanian Relic of Elemental Transcendence) but the tooptip says "tech damage", where I'd expect it to say force. Could someone confirm please?


I know this has been done, but I can't find any threads with the answer. Also posted in the sorc forum, with no reply so I'm hoping this'll get more attention! :rolleyes:

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Dark radiance (force internal) is the one you want. Tested both the internal force and elemental tech damage on my mara:


Over 5 minutes, both hit 47 times.

Dark radiance: DPS 47.29, crit rate 21.28%, miss rate 2.13%

Elemental transcendence: DPS 41.54, crit rate 8.51%, miss rate 4.26%


Since they are refundable for 2h (if you don't augment them), feel free to test each yourself.

Edited by NoFishing
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