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Stats and Gearing, let's get to the bottom of this!


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so bottom line of all this is waht?


which are the main stats in % for accuraccy , crit and surge?


casue i was resting on a confortable almsot 99% acc, 24.15 crit and 72.28 surge and my dps is crap in tfb according to MOX tool.


i needed some feedback on the stats if anyone would be so kind :)



Well, you need to have a tad more Accuracy and a tad less Surge. But your overall DPS potential depends also on the amount of Strength and Power that you have. Your actual DPS outcome will primarily depend on your rotation and how effectively you are executing it.

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well for now i have 3005 strengh and 1335 power. i think i am kind cool with my rotations, but honestly after measuring the dps of combat in comparising with a gunslinger other sentnel (watchmen) and a dps sage i mean, we all have almost he same gear (69 with bonus and 72), but the output i got was the lowest, but by an astronomical number..i mean or the MOX tool isnt working correctly, or i simply dont know what to do. the rotations i use them, but i dont have a strick rotation i use what pops openers coolers and stuff like that :)


most of the combat sentinels i speak, have alsmot the same stats as i so i think i am "in the good damage curve".


but i have seen crazy stats such as 85% surge, 20 critical..i ean are those good stats? for what i understodd in here the optimal surge is 75% (600). critical i have seen around 24/25%, and accuraccy close to 100%.


only on boss fights on ops is freaking hard to do dps :( (cause of the 10% defense they have)


so i would welcome very much the feedback on stats regaurding my toon.


what am i missing in here?


any feedback would be welcome.

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well for now i have 3005 strengh and 1335 power. i think i am kind cool with my rotations, but honestly after measuring the dps of combat in comparising with a gunslinger other sentnel (watchmen) and a dps sage i mean, we all have almost he same gear (69 with bonus and 72), but the output i got was the lowest, but by an astronomical number..i mean or the MOX tool isnt working correctly, or i simply dont know what to do. the rotations i use them, but i dont have a strick rotation i use what pops openers coolers and stuff like that :)


most of the combat sentinels i speak, have alsmot the same stats as i so i think i am "in the good damage curve".


but i have seen crazy stats such as 85% surge, 20 critical..i ean are those good stats? for what i understodd in here the optimal surge is 75% (600). critical i have seen around 24/25%, and accuraccy close to 100%.


only on boss fights on ops is freaking hard to do dps :( (cause of the 10% defense they have)


so i would welcome very much the feedback on stats regaurding my toon.


what am i missing in here?


any feedback would be welcome.


Post a parse + your DPS that you were getting + what you expected to be getting. 85% surge I've only ever seen on rage/focus specs because of the surge talent.

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Have to say i'm scratching my head over this one too. I *think* Acc is actually a better focus since as has been said crit and surge is basically fubared now, so may as well make what you put out count. The puzzler for me is whether to take power over crit, i've seen it said that after 30? 40? You see a return on surge from the power. Is that right?
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100% meelee/110% force accuracy should be the first priority to maximise dps even if you have to use the bad high endurance 69 enhancements at first you should, you need 6 69 lvl accuracy enhancements (430ish rating)+ legacy comp buff to get 100% rating as annihilation/watchman spec with the accuracy talent (slightly less rating needed as carnage/vcombat obviously). If you put the rest in surge you should end up with around 68-69% multi with the current gear in the game with all comp buffs.

Power vs crit well i personally run around 150-200 rating with the rest into power but its really up to you as long as you don't stack a ridiculous amount of crit rating you should be ok..

Edited by AngusFTW
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Combat spec relies on burst rotations, while Watchman spec relies on DoTs (and keeping them up as much as possible). As a Combat Sentinel you should not be using Cauterize at all because its damage in Ataru Form is very minimal. Maybe the use of Cauterize is what is keeping you back.
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