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Boston Marathon


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I'd just like to stop for a moment and appreciate the country I live in. Incidents like this are terrible, but few and far between here in the United States. There are places out there torn by war that have this happen every single day and worse.


What makes me incredibly saddened is that this was just a marathon. A marathon, might I add, that was honouring victims of a school shooting. Yes, only two people died... but I don't want to minimize the impact that this had on everyone present. It's called terrorism for a reason, and nobody has to die to be afraid.


So, I'm taking moment of silence for any effected by this and any other acts of violence across the world.

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I'd just like to stop for a moment and appreciate the country I live in. Incidents like this are terrible, but few and far between here in the United States. There are places out there torn by war that have this happen every single day and worse.


What makes me incredibly saddened is that this was just a marathon. A marathon, might I add, that was honouring victims of a school shooting. Yes, only two people died... but I don't want to minimize the impact that this had on everyone present. It's called terrorism for a reason, and nobody has to die to be afraid.


So, I'm taking moment of silence for any effected by this and any other acts of violence across the world.


It's also Patriot's Day in Massachusetts. It's also the 100th birthday of Kim il-Sung.


I was a block away from the finish line when the first explosion sounded. Like a good Marine, I ran TOWARDS the sound of chaos while every sane person around me ran away from it. An HM3 buddy of mine and I were helping people hurt while the BPD and MNG were working their way to us. We hopped the barricades ot get to them. We weren't waiting.


As I've said in other areas, the amount of blood you see in pictures is only the tip of the iceberg. The body parts on the ground...

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It's also Patriot's Day in Massachusetts. It's also the 100th birthday of Kim il-Sung.


I was a block away from the finish line when the first explosion sounded. Like a good Marine, I ran TOWARDS the sound of chaos while every sane person around me ran away from it. An HM3 buddy of mine and I were helping people hurt while the BPD and MNG were working their way to us. We hopped the barricades ot get to them. We weren't waiting.


As I've said in other areas, the amount of blood you see in pictures is only the tip of the iceberg. The body parts on the ground...


Thank you so much for your service. It's stories like this that restore my faith in humanity. People who risk themselves to help others because they know how to do it.


My boyfriend is in the army, and sometimes I take it for granted or get annoyed at it, but today really made me stop and appreciate what our armed forces and emergency responders do.

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I want to say something elaborate, but I'm stunned, really. It's a terrible thing to happen, but I want to know: who did this? North Koreans? Terrorists? Criminals? Some guy in Boston who just *really* wanted to win the marathon, so he blew it out of proportion?

Whoever posted here who said he was in the marines; let me thank you for your effort in trying to help those in dire need.

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A cowardly act carried out by cowards who believe violence is a way to get their point across, instead of words, so they hide behind bombs.

All I can say, to those who were victimized by this cowardly act, do not let fear grip your heart, for then these cowards will have won.

Let anger and grim resolve take hold instead. Show those who would commit such acts, that we stand together against their hatred & cowardice.

They will be found. Justice will be done.

You cowards chose hatred & ignorance over love & understanding.

You chose wrong.

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It's also Patriot's Day in Massachusetts. It's also the 100th birthday of Kim il-Sung.


I was a block away from the finish line when the first explosion sounded. Like a good Marine, I ran TOWARDS the sound of chaos while every sane person around me ran away from it. An HM3 buddy of mine and I were helping people hurt while the BPD and MNG were working their way to us. We hopped the barricades ot get to them. We weren't waiting.


As I've said in other areas, the amount of blood you see in pictures is only the tip of the iceberg. The body parts on the ground...


Thank you. That's all I can say, words aren't enough.

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I stand with all of you with my outrage, there are always going to be bad people out there doing bad things, it’s what makes the people like the one above that helped so important and so much more worthy of our attention.


But take heart, and remember one thing:


Dig in and stand firm. If the bad guys are trying to run you down, you must be standing in their way.

You’re doing it right.

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I was near the finish line when the explosions went off and when the second bomb went off alot of people thought the city was under attack. I will say that there were a lot of courageous people there and alot of people could of ran but alot of people ran TOWARDS the explosion to help people in need. Its was a horrific scene to say the least
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Posted on the DotA 2 forums:


"Fake and gay, those pictures of dismembered people circulating on the web were shot in front of green screen long ago and people on them are actors not victims.


Of course it just so happens like with every fake event that the same type of drill took place the same day



And the explosions were the first sign that this even was staged.


Hollywood explosions are designed to LOOK like they are powerful, when realworld explosions DO NOT. For example: Hollywood you will see a fireball and smoke. REAL WORLD you do not. The force of a real world explosion is PERCUSSIVE meaning the explosion moves so rapidly that fire does not have a chance to burn anything an if there was fire would be blown out by the shock wave.


Now depending on the type of explosive used there are different characteristics to look for. With a Fertilizer bomb you have TWO explosions. First is the detonator that is designed to atomize the fuel particles as the fuel, as it spreads then the second is times to ignite that cloud. THOSE TYPE OF BOMBS are very weak, but will produce a fire ball. In hollywood they will use propane to create the fire ball. But a Fert bomb is very difficult to pull off and takes a high level of skill to accomplish.


A hydrogen bomb is a sharp crack sound (a high pitch like snap like sound) ANY hydrogen oxygen ignition is SOOOOO percussive that even the smallest one has potential to take your ear drums out or cause permanent damage. With a Hydrogen Oxy bomb you get NO flame because it burns in the infrared spectrum and is invisible to you. YOU WILL SEE A SHOCK WAVE that is very fast (on the par of 40,000ft/sec A massive force to be dealt with but fortunately the blast will tend to go upward and not along the ground.


A TNT explosive is a loud thunder sound with low ground shaking vibrations. A good size destructive force with telltale signs of detonation and particular smell. Gunpowder not as good unless you detonate it in a container.


BUT my point being that is you see fire and smoke coming out of the explosion (which we do in this case) you can rest assured that it is a Hollywood FX team behind it. AND the use of green screen protects the actors from having their ears damaged. IF THIS WERE REAL YOU WOULD HAVE MANY PEOPLE with permanent hearing loss if not completely deaf.


Those who educate themselves, and practice critical thinking will always prevail in any of these BS made for TV events."


I *********** give up on humanity.

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Don't thank me. I'm a United States Marine, and this is part of my job. Just think next time, you might need to make such a decision. Put someone else before yourself like the first responders do and do what you can to help.

Sure, it's your job, but you run into danger so the rest of us can run away. Not many people are willing to do that. So, I thank you too.

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Speaking about 9/11, Jon Stewart said this:

The reason I don't worry about society is, nineteen people knocked down two buildings and killed thousands. Hundreds of people ran into those buildings to save them. I'll take those odds every *********** day.


Since by now we have probably all been reminded of the Fred Rogers quote.

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Don't thank me. I'm a United States Marine, and this is part of my job. Just think next time, you might need to make such a decision. Put someone else before yourself like the first responders do and do what you can to help.


That's not true...

My husband is a doctor, he didn't go into medicine for the money, but because he wanted to help. He deserves thanks, and he gets it, even though its his job.

You willingly ran into a place of danger, where you could have been injured, just to help others...

I have a colleague whose wife was at the Boston marathon, waiting for her brother to finish when it went off, she was with child, and the first person who rushed to her afterwards wasn't a paramedic, but a total stranger. If that stranger hadnt helped her, I'm not sure if they would have both made it, and I don't know if it was you, and I doubt it was, but either way, from me, from her, from my colleague and everyone else affected.... Thank you.

You didn't do it because you had to, you did it because you want to.

You're a true hero.

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i see your pain and such an action is horrible everywhere and everytime, but i came back home from Lebanon yesterday and there, there is someone dying everyday, at war in Syria, killed by bombs ,kidnapped or shot down.

it's just a matter of media coverage and what does make audience...if the death is far from our houses it seems less important and this is worse maybe than the deaths themself. we are all humans, we are the same and we forget this too often.

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i see your pain and such an action is horrible everywhere and everytime, but i came back home from Lebanon yesterday and there, there is someone dying everyday, at war in Syria, killed by bombs ,kidnapped or shot down.

it's just a matter of media coverage and what does make audience...if the death is far from our houses it seems less important and this is worse maybe than the deaths themself. we are all humans, we are the same and we forget this too often.


I used to live in the middle-east myself. I understand what it's like to be in a place like that.


Yet at the same time, I'm not going to minimize what happened here in my home, in the US, because it happens all over the world. Yes, I feel for everyone all over because these sorts of acts are NOT necessary. It's a shame that the tragedies going on in Syria right now are not being recognized by a lot of the world. Thousands of people fleeing everyday (some of them who were already refugees from Palestine), people living under tarps, women and children dying in the streets... It's just not fair.


But at the same time, I'm trying to recognize in this thread not only the deaths and injuries of the people who were in the blast, but the people who HELPED. The strangers, like mentioned above, who would save a pregnant woman without worrying about themselves. The armed forces who came out of the woodwork to assist before the emergency responders arrived, and that sort of thing brings so much happiness to me that I can't even describe.

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In regards to the Boston Marathon Bombing, those of you that are "shocked" by this please educated yourselfs that this has been going on around the world in places like Syria, Lebanon, and Middle-eastern countries around the world. Understand that this may be a home grown threat (based on the size of the blasts one can assume Al-qaida is not involved plus they publically denied involvement.) But do not live in fear I ask you to merely arm yourselfs with knowledge and weapons if need be. and live with a heightened awareness.
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I like to Send my Prayers to all the injured and to the departed souls and all the families that this SENSELESS ACT has for ever changed the lives of. I pray, Justice finds those responsable, and Justice will Eradicate them as harshly as they was to all those INNOCENT human lives, Injured and lost!!!



If People of the world spent the kind of effort it takes to , Loathe each other and trying to destroy one another (for what ever stupid reason it may be) and put that energy as well as effort into learning to Compromise and, and tolerate one another, maybe not love, but at lease, to Like one another. Perhaps this World we ALL Share, Would be a better place to LIVE IN.


If we do not take care of each other and live in Peace and Harmony, Then Man Kind is truly Doomed.


WE ARE ALL BETTER THEN THAT.......................................


Be well......

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