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Whats with the casting lag?


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I am connected to the server at <50ms at all times, but deliverance for example never delivers right after 2.5 seconds of casting is over. It usually takes a little bit longer than that to actually execute the heal. Casting in general just seems sluggish to me, not fluid at all. Is that some sort of global cd I'm running into? I'm just thinking back to playing a mage on WoW and it was so much more fluid there. Is anyone else having this problem?
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I've occasionally noticed some lag on the health bars updating. It doesn't seem to be real casting lag... in that when the heal cast appears finished, I can cast another ability... it's just that there sometimes seems to be a pause before the heal arrives on the HP bars that we see of the person you're healing.


It can be pretty disturbing... but I suspect that it's happening at the right time on the server, where it counts. So it probably doesn't directly affect the survival... but it does make it more difficult to measure how and when to deliver healing to a group-mate.


Is that what you're seeing too? It's likely that it has something to do with the Server->Client synch rate.



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Yeah sometimes I will end up sending a heal, he makes the hand motions and all, but the casting bar never actually even shows up. This happens when I'm deliverance/benevolence spamming. something about just doesn't seem smooth, and to me it does seem to have an effect on my ability to heal the group.
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Yeah same, but it never lagged like this on WoW on this computer on this internet connection. It'a pretty frustrating because in intense moments, like healing a flashpoint, I definitely feel like it makes healing my group harder to do. Hopefully they can fix this soon.
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I've noticed some abilities just not casting at all even though my latency is just fine. I'll click or press the keybind repeatedly and it just won't activate.


And it always seems to be during really tough fights too, lol.


^^Same here

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Yep, I posted in thread just like this here yesterday.


Spells are getting eaten serverside. It has nothing to do with latency of the client. I've noticed Deliverance in particular likes to get munched due to the effect waiting for the animation to finish before triggering (meaning you're likely far into another spell already).


Similarly chain casting disturbances every once in awhile munches one. And to be clear when I say munch I mean: I cast the spell and start casting another, the first one never actually deals dmg or heals, it just disappears with no action, having wasted your valuable time (and occassionally resulting in your death in critical situations).


I'm also not talking about animations getting munched either from casting too fast (like can happen with Tidal Force procs of TKwave), this happens regularly too, but the effects still occur. I'm talking about the seeming random occurance of a spell simply not having any effect despite playing it's animation.


I really hope BW takes notice of this, as I've only seen it affect casting so far, not instants or channels. Which in turn means it affects the Sage/Sorc far more than other AC.

Edited by Khadroth
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I'm having a brain fart right now, but our interrupt ability I was having a ton of problems with the other night. I'd click/press keybind for that thing 15 times and it wouldn't activate, which obviously meant my opponent got their cast off in time. It's really strange and is some sort of input lag even though my latency is fine...
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