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RotHC stands for Rise of the Healer Cartel


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So what if the healers aren't dying..


if you're attacking them and they are running around healing themselves then aren't you still achieving the objective? by stopping them healing their group?..


If they are alone, yes.


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interrupts do no damage and are therefore useless


Interrupts block that skill from being casted for a few seconds. (Meaning i'd be unable to heal outside of my HoTs and my instant, which requires upper hand stacks) If you really believe interrupts are useless, you will never kill a competent healer.

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Interrupts block that skill from being casted for a few seconds. (Meaning i'd be unable to heal outside of my HoTs and my instant, which requires upper hand stacks) If you really believe interrupts are useless, you will never kill a competent healer.


Cmon guys.,.. he was being sarcastic.


i.e. DPS only care for damage, and since the interrupts do no damage they don't use it..


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Cmon guys.,.. he was being sarcastic.


i.e. DPS only care for damage, and since the interrupts do no damage they don't use it..



I thought, or at least hoped it might be the case. Thank the Force :)

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Class buffed and suddenly every healer is "skillful". LOL. Spider tanking is really the issue - but that to me is more of a map problem than anything else.


No, spider tanking is not an issue - it's as it should be. If you can't break the spider tank chain, then you deserve to have no kills. PvP is centered around group effort, so all "1 on 1" or "1 on many" arguments are useless. And in the group if dps people claim that while in group of 2-4 dps guys they couldn't kill 2 healers, then what can I say... learn to use your skills and the brain.

With the amount of stuns, interrupts and knockbacks it's not that hard to shut one healer down long enough to kill another one. Really. You can apply damage to second healer, interrupt-knockback-stun chain etc. You'll get it done within resolve bar, and with applied damage on top of CC, you'll force a healer to heal self/kite and by such abandoning his spidertank post (or stay on it while loosing his casts). You need one dps with a brain to do that, while others can proceed to easily kill other healer using their interrupts/CC.


Well managed healing has always been a tough nut to crack in any game - be it SWTOR, WoW, EVE etc. But that's it's purpose - to provide sustainability for the team that uses it and to bring some more challenge for opposite team. You have to work your way into dismantling healing structure with dps and CC, or tricking it by misdirecting their heals while you swap focus target. It's not about standing in place like a monkey and appying damage without thinking - I know that many dps players do just that - and that's why there's so much whine around now, when it doesn't really work anymore.

Edited by Gorahson
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What blows my mind is that a majority of DPS don't even rebuff after they die :eek: I can't tell you how many FOTM reroller snipers I've seen do this!


Another thing is a majority of DPS don't even use a stim in WZ's! Nor do they use WZ consumables! They also don't believe in using their defensive CD's!


I can't tell you how many times my entire team has died, then I kite around 4-6 people until the respawn comes and then they die just as fast as they did before. As an Operative healer, I'm not going to be able to sustain you if you're not even going to bother to try to keep yourself alive. If I can notice a player popping a warzone adrenal, I'll be more in tune to their health bar then said bad's whose just goes from full to nothing in 2 GCD's.

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They upped the damage and the heals. Breaking a million in either isn't a big deal anymore. Healers are not unkillable. If you think they are, try playing a healer for a while, let yourself get to be known as a healer, see how much you get focused, and then see if you actually think playing is fun any more...


Healers, in general, are more used to paying attention to other players in warzones. They are more situationally aware than other players quite often. There are a lot of bad dpsers out there who think their only job in a warzone is to tab target and dps players. They don't attack the key enemies and they don't pay attention to objectives which is SO ironic since a lot of them have really crap DPS.


As a healer I'm looking at the health of my group and the map a lot. I notice if the health of someone guarding a node solo is going down and I react accordingly. A lot of players I've grouped with don't even have their ops frame up even though it's a handy tool. Or how many times do you find yourself at a node, look around and there's 1 enemy and 5 of your team members are standing there killing him instead of concerning themselves with where the other 7 enemies are?


Mmmm, the truth is strong in this one.....




Since BW has committed itself to balancing the game based on the average player, not based on best practices for each class, it is I think a matter of time before we see a healing nerf. Moreover one must admit that even if player skill were not biased towards healers, the game has become far too defensive. In a typical match between top ranked teams ( a scenario where the dps skills more closely match the healer skills), nothing happens. No nodes can be taken. The winner in Alderaan is determined by who capped their side node first. The winner in Voidstar is determined by who died the least. It's not a healthy endgame result.

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low level pvp matters to balance




it does matter as its a part of this game, and a part that clearly people care about, just because you don't does not mean other don't


let me know when the mmo that you are developing comes out , the one where only top level things matter. I wanna try it.

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Hahahaha. Oh man.... just wow. I think you need to do a little research before making an outrageous claim like that.



How did you kill your act 3 boss if interrupts are useless?



I can't even fathom why someone would say something like this... really just boggles the mind.


First time using the internet?

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Interrupts block that skill from being casted for a few seconds. (Meaning i'd be unable to heal outside of my HoTs and my instant, which requires upper hand stacks) If you really believe interrupts are useless, you will never kill a competent healer.


TA/UH procs are soo easy to achieve now, you should never be running around without one.

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