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Relatively new to sentinel..some questions (pvp and in general)


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I rolled a sentinel during the dble xp weekends, and I have her to level 43, but I don't feel like I'm very effective. I don't think I understand the style (especially for pvp).


2.0 has really kicked my butt. i was doing well before it, but since, not so much. I've tried all 3 trees and I'm not hitting hard enough to offset feeling squishy.


In other threads, i've seen talk about skills stacking and such..forgive the noob question, but do they automatically activate when they stack or do I have to do something? Which ones do I stack?


Heck, what's the most effictive tree now, for pvp, and what rotation? I haven't had much luck finding info on the net that deals with post 2.0.


In short, I'm a sentinel noob just trying to figure out how to be more effective, especially for pvp. Any suggestions or advice is appreciated. thanks.

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I hate to suggest this, but is you are PvPing as sentinel, look no further than Focus. Get to L45 first, that will allow you to unlock Force Exhaustion at top for Focus tree. Then it becomes:


0> Select a suitable group of enemies bunched up together

1> Leap / Zealous Leap

2> Force Exhaustion (If you have focus, try exhaustion first, leap second, gives people much less time to react)

3> Force Sweep

4> ???

5> Profit ! (upto 40k damage in 1 sweep)


Combat is also great for PvP, but its damage potential is nowhere near focus, much easier to shut out, but, at end of day, also more fun than Focus (my opinion)

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