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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Travel costs


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Why is it the right thing to do? Why is it important to wring every possible credit from players just for the privilege of moving around the game? What breaks by increasing the mobility of characters moving from planet to planet by having relatively low, fixed cost based on the premise that the farther you go, the more fuel you burn?


Your argument is all well and good, except that the travel costs were scaled, not to the player level, but to the level of the destination. For example, from the Imperial Fleet to Balmorra (a 16-20 planet) is now 200 credits. From the Imperial Fleet to Nar Shaddaa (a 20-24 planet) is 300. From the Imperial Fleet to Nal Hutta (a starting planet) is free. From Nal Hutta to Nar Shadda, its moon, is 300. Jumping thousands of parsecs across the galaxy is free, but going from a planet to its moon is a noticeable expense for a low-level character. You will forgive me if I find this to be more than a little immersion-breaking.


If Bioware needs to make it more expensive for higher-level characters to zoom around the galaxy, then make the travel costs scale with player level and return the base cost to a distance-based computation as it was before.


But then they'll have to justify why, with a ship's droid to do all the maintenance, your ship becomes more and more inefficient to operate as you gain level, and are better able to afford quality maintenance.




THIS IS MMO RPG so if u want to kill dragons with toothpicks and walk 100000miles/h then i suggest raising money and starting ur own project



And how the hell raising cost doesent have sense?? medpack is 1500creds and for u to do intergaactinc travels is 15 creds??? how's that any sane?


Get a grip whiners and PLS QUIT...less of u more fun for normal ppl

Edited by Athrandiel
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TBH when I'm paying 40,000 credits to train a skill, I'm not really worried about 800-1000 credits breaking my bank. :p


My problem with travel costs is that they're arbitrary and pointless, not that they're crippling. They aren't high enough to be an actual credit sink, so they really seem to serve no other purpose than being an annoyance.

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TBH when I'm paying 40,000 credits to train a skill, I'm not really worried about 800-1000 credits breaking my bank. :p


My problem with travel costs is that they're arbitrary and pointless, not that they're crippling. They aren't high enough to be an actual credit sink, so they really seem to serve no other purpose than being an annoyance.


I haven't noticed travel costs since I was level 5.

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I wonder what all of you crybabies will say when you realize that the trash mini-bosses in SM TFB drop 200k-300k PLUS Grade 10 crafting mats.

Why do you keep posting in this thread if all you ever do is be rude to other people? Everyone here understands that you disagree. How upset could you possibly get over people complaining about travel costs?


On topic: It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either. I don't think it'll make a significant difference, but it's quite the blatant credit sink, which sucks. Credit sinks are necessary for the game economy's health, but they should try to keep them more subtle.

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On topic: It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, either. I don't think it'll make a significant difference, but it's quite the blatant credit sink, which sucks. Credit sinks are necessary for the game economy's health, but they should try to keep them more subtle.


Charging more for transportation between questing areas is a horrible way to remove credits from the game. What really bothers me, though, is that they installed free terminals for level 50+ players to get to Black Hole, Section X and Makeb so that we can do dailies and make hundreds of thousands of credits a day, while the lower level players, the ones that have the fewest credits, have their transportation costs raised exponentially.


Credit sinks are a part of MMO gaming, however it would have been much more efficient and fair to simply raise the GTN listing fees and make the deposits non-refundable. This would have shifted the burden to those with the largest amount of disposable credits, and worked to serve to control GTN price gouging.

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I wonder what all of you crybabies will say when you realize that the trash mini-bosses in SM TFB drop 200k-300k PLUS Grade 10 crafting mats.

because that's obviously relevant to low level who ends up paying 100ds of credits traveling from planet to planet as they quest, right?


sure travel costs are negligible for high levels, since couple of grays can cover them, but quadrupled costs of travel even to low level planets are not so irrelevant for lower level characters, people without high level main to make up some credits for them, etc.


and either way, those mats that drop? are not dropped for every single person in an ops group. one person wins the roll, rest are SoL.


also, what Ladyvyx said. I actually spend almost no credits on transportation when I play my main. i just terminal hop - and if I do have costs, its generally from using up one of those 1k credit emergency fleet passes you can buy if you have security key. its the leveling characters that are the ones being affected.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Charging more for transportation between questing areas is a horrible way to remove credits from the game. What really bothers me, though, is that they installed free terminals for level 50+ players to get to Black Hole, Section X and Makeb so that we can do dailies and make hundreds of thousands of credits a day, while the lower level players, the ones that have the fewest credits, have their transportation costs raised exponentially.


Credit sinks are a part of MMO gaming, however it would have been much more efficient and fair to simply raise the GTN listing fees and make the deposits non-refundable. This would have shifted the burden to those with the largest amount of disposable credits, and worked to serve to control GTN price gouging.


Indeed. I mean, I make some money by selling mats on the GTN and I think they already take a substantial amount away, but I also don't really think some of the mats are worth as much as they are going for.


It's certainly true that people who don't have a level 50/55 character that has some funds to send to alts will feel this change more harshly.

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Maybe the travel cost can scale up with level? I think that would be a better idea...


Another just mentioned making GTN more expensive to use... Many of use use that as a mini-game, you kill that and you would even kill it for people that buy from the CM to resist on GTN, offering those items to the community for the people that choose to not use their real money to obtain, maybe they are low income in real life, but in game doing well with money.


I would NOT be fore ruining GTN, they take plenty in commission already. sometimes items are way overpriced, but you can always find deals if you spend the time looking... Maybe one day there is not, the next there are some bargains.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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because that's obviously relevant to low level who ends up paying 100ds of credits traveling from planet to planet as they quest, right?


I'm honestly kind of curious what all these other low level players are doing that they're so starved for credits. Every character I've made has had a few thousand credits before leaving the starter planet, just from quest rewards and selling trash or drops I don't need/can't use. It's not like you have need as a low level player to run back and forth between planets multiple times in a short period.

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I'm honestly kind of curious what all these other low level players are doing that they're so starved for credits. Every character I've made has had a few thousand credits before leaving the starter planet, just from quest rewards and selling trash or drops I don't need/can't use. It's not like you have need as a low level player to run back and forth between planets multiple times in a short period.


except for those quests that send you back and force between planets. when travel was 50 credits it wasn't so bad. but when its 500 credits? you start to feel it.


without help from high level main or deliberately picking crew skills that were meant to make credits rather than to craft things for personal use - prior to changes, I generally found myself having JUST enough credits to keep upgrading my skills and maybe getting an occasional upgrade. there really wasn't much give there - forget trying to level crew skills as you level, I was basically broke the entire time on my main and couldn't even afford to buy 110% speeder, not right away.

right now, I have my high levels supplement alts, so its not as rough. but for people without mains? it adds up. and its just unnecessary.


hell, if they wanted to add more credit sincs for people, they COULD scale the travel costs based on level. that way, low level characters are not penalized so severely, while high level characters get their credit since that they can actually afford. edited to add - didn't see another person suggest it already, but yeah... :p

Edited by Jeweledleah
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because that's obviously relevant to low level who ends up paying 100ds of credits traveling from planet to planet as they quest, right?


sure travel costs are negligible for high levels, since couple of grays can cover them, but quadrupled costs of travel even to low level planets are not so irrelevant for lower level characters, people without high level main to make up some credits for them, etc.


and either way, those mats that drop? are not dropped for every single person in an ops group. one person wins the roll, rest are SoL.


also, what Ladyvyx said. I actually spend almost no credits on transportation when I play my main. i just terminal hop - and if I do have costs, its generally from using up one of those 1k credit emergency fleet passes you can buy if you have security key. its the leveling characters that are the ones being affected.


I have 8 toons, each of them were NEVER starved for credits while leveling up, I never sent them credits, or twinked them out in gear, I used what I got while questing. Are you guys skipping every mob you see? Doing bonus objectives?

Bonus objectives typically reward a lot of credits, and the vendor trash will pay for your vendor costs.

Unless you're travelling 400 times an hour you won't have an issue with credits, if you play smart.


About those mats, get in a guild. each person wins a drop of the mats, unless your guild does a /roll on each mat drop.

Either way, the money alone from those op runs will net you tons of cash.

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I have 8 toons, each of them were NEVER starved for credits while leveling up, I never sent them credits, or twinked them out in gear, I used what I got while questing. Are you guys skipping every mob you see? Doing bonus objectives?

Bonus objectives typically reward a lot of credits, and the vendor trash will pay for your vendor costs.

Unless you're travelling 400 times an hour you won't have an issue with credits, if you play smart.


About those mats, get in a guild. each person wins a drop of the mats, unless your guild does a /roll on each mat drop.

Either way, the money alone from those op runs will net you tons of cash.


did you level those toons before or after the cost changes?


and i AM in guild. its just not a raiding guild. and while we do occasionally do ops, we are not leet players for whom bosses just fall over and die. we wipe while we figure out a strategy that works for us. we don't always manage full clears. and we maybe do one op every few months, time permitting. it doesn't bother me. I don't play ops for credits anyways. but claiming that just because ops are a source of credits for one segment of a player base means that things are a-ok for everyone is a bit... self absorbed.

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Pick up archaeology and only run for power crystals. I make 90% of my in game income from just selling mats, you make at least 2x what the mission cost is. Underworld training isn't too shabby either if you have a comp with +Mission crit for underworld, as most of it is gambling and hoping you get a purple material as the standard metals barely sell above what it costs to run the mission with the exception of titanium.
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I imagine its a "docking cost" rather than fuel because otherwise it makes no sense to me.


Ok, now about my pub trooper paying speeder fee's to use republic speeders to save the republics *** from their current disaster...Where is my expense account. If the damn jedi council wants me to go to tython for a face to face instead of using the holo like intelligent people, they can damn well pay travel costs...or else use the phone like normal people.

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