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I'm sitting here looking at this high-end talent and can't see how it can be worth getting, at all.


I mean maybe if we had a Force reduction on Whirling Blow to like nothing it might be useful but I seriously can't see how this is an ability that benefits us in any way.


If Rippling Force ticked more than once maybe 3-4 times over 10 seconds it could be useful if you hit multiple targets with Whirling Blow with Lambaste talented or if Lambaste applied Force Technique's Force Breach it could be useful but I seriously cannot see a point to this skill.


Can anyone help me out if I am over-looking something? It really just seems like Balance Shadow got a bit of a nerf PvP wise.



I am suggesting a change to said talent/ability. One of these 3 are what I had in mind and discussed with a couple other Shadows.

Reduce the Force cost of Whirling Blow by 50% when talented.

Apply Force Technique's Force Breach to 2-3 targets.

Once every 20-30 seconds Whirling Blow can be used without any Force cost.

Edited by AMKSED
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It's becoming more and more obvious to me that no one at Bioware really ever played Balance/Madness with the Shadow/Assassin AC. People were laughing at Lambaste during the PTS, and yet it's still released. I wonder, even when coupled with Battle Readiness, is Lambaste going to be doing any worthwhile damage at all? What the talent essentially does is to lower the force cost of whirling blow by 2 per each target struck, a maximum of 10.


Which is not amazing. Whirling blow, in my opinion, only really had one purpose in the game, and that was to unstealth shadows/assassins who had just vanished.

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As of right now, something needs to be done. Infiltration/Deception is highly too strong at the moment and Balance/Madness has been made pretty much useless in PvP.


As of right now the only thing I'm getting to hit over 4K is Force in Balance and Project when I get the 2nd proc. Spinning Strike is also hitting for 4k. But I'm getting 5-8k Projects, Breaches, Backstabs and Spinning Strikes on my Infiltration.

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Balance is completely garbage in 2.0, don't even bother with it until they (hopefully) fix it.


In the meantime, Infiltration is gettin' good.....


Let's *********** hope they REVERT the stupid changes. I'm incredibly upset about the changes to Balance, and it saddens me a lot since the spec used to be so unique and fun.


If they want to improve upon the mess they've created, then that will take a lot of time before Balance becomes even remotely fun again.

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As of right now, something needs to be done. Infiltration/Deception is highly too strong at the moment and Balance/Madness has been made pretty much useless in PvP.


As of right now the only thing I'm getting to hit over 4K is Force in Balance and Project when I get the 2nd proc. Spinning Strike is also hitting for 4k. But I'm getting 5-8k Projects, Breaches, Backstabs and Spinning Strikes on my Infiltration.


Infiltration isn't to strong its right where it needs to be. Don't blast a spec just because Balance sucks in Pvp something does need sorting with balance though it truly does blow.

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