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Bioware stick to classic star wars


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Then this fan-fic game is not for you.


Which is ironic, as if you love 4-6, that means you love the canon Force Unleashed games, which was exactly like a terrible fan fiction.


Don't get me wrong, I love Sam Witwer, he should be a Jedi in Ep. VII, but not Starkiller. Give him a new character because Starkiller is a Gary Stu.

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And the overall look. TOR robes do not look like the KotOR II ones nor the nerd pic one. Yet those two are very alike. And they are based on time periods before and after this game.


The KotOR ones are no more like the movie ones than the ones we have now. Its just a matter of taste and you happen to like the KotOR ones better hence you want them.

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Adults have no time to invest in the game, so it'd still be as casual and "dumbed down" (i.e simplified) to accommodate, and you'd be here complaining about how easy it is.


That's the problem with the Gamer life. When you're young, you have the time and energy to game, but no cash. Adult, You go the cash and energy, but no time. And when you hit your golden years, well, you can guess which one you're low on then.


Humanity sucks. I wanna be an immortal cyborg. Then I will never need to sleep or work again. I'll play video games all day long and be a cool crimefighter by night.


Not always true.


Many games popular with adults are both hard, and time consuming. Think Civilization. You're looking at each game taking as long as your average RPG of today lasts. We grew up playing RPG's where single fights could last almost as long as the entirety of most RPG's nowadays.


Adults want complexity, variety, flexibility, depth, and all those other good things. We want to be challenged and entertained.


We don't need a level-up ding every hour to pretend we aren't wasting our time playing a game. We know we are wasting our time playing a game, at least make us think during that time.


And yes, we know that calling Episodes 4-6 awful is an insult to awful things.

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The KotOR ones are no more like the movie ones than the ones we have now. Its just a matter of taste and you happen to like the KotOR ones better hence you want them.



Do you need to go piece by piece? Are you really that much of a Bioware apologist? Obsidian decided to go classic look on their game even though the time setting is centuries prior unlike the first game by Bioware. BW just doesn't want to go that route apparently and they are fighting it in every way.

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Which is ironic, as if you love 4-6, that means you love the canon Force Unleashed games, which was exactly like a terrible fan fiction.


Don't get me wrong, I love Sam Witwer, he should be a Jedi in Ep. VII, but not Starkiller. Give him a new character because Starkiller is a Gary Stu.


Im just saying, if someone considers anything other than 4-6 to be "bad fan-fic", including the movies made by George Lucas, then i dont know why he is even here playing this game.

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Do you need to go piece by piece? Are you really that much of a Bioware apologist? Obsidian decided to go classic look on their game even though the time setting is centuries prior unlike the first game by Bioware. BW just doesn't want to go that route apparently and they are fighting it in every way.


Oh yes, please go piece-by-piece... It would make it so much easier to show your obvious bias.

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