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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force shroud/resilience STILL broken?


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Popped it today in a warzone as I was about to lead my charge to the goal line only to be stopped in my tracks by a Sage, the SECOND after I popped FS.


So Bioware can you actually explain how FS actually works in your eyes because if you look at the text of the ability, its misleading or simply put, the ability is STILL broken and only works when it feels like it


Yeah I've been getting knocked back and pushed by just about every class while resilience/force shroud is up on my shadow and assassin. I'm not sure whats going on. This happens in PVE as well.

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I've hit one 9k on my level 36 Shadow, and I max like 8.2k on my 50 Assassin, so I highly doubt people are mauling constant 10ks at 55 if bolster is just as screwed up there.


Also, why are people fussing over 9k mauls? Commando can hit back to back 8ks with High Impact Bolt and Demo Round.



Juggernaut can leap (with root) and Ravage you a 10k and then have a chance of ending Ravage CD within a GCD and getting out another 10k.


Where's all the QQ threads for those?


Not to detour the thread but I think the qq is from people not adjusting to bolster either wearing PvP gear or something of that nature. I just dropped a sage in 3-4 hits but another sage I couldnt come close to the same numbers on. The one I dropped with easy was a spike out of stealth for 2kish, Maul with proc 11k, assassinate 7k. They weren't naked and I was shocked at how fast they dropped but that is not the norm typically maul crits around 7-8k. Once bolster is fixed we can get a true read on the burst but I think it will be like the latter sage were I couldn't 1-2-3-4 burst her down.


Yes I am aware of different specs and I don't know what the 2 were using and I don't think we should be able to drop a class that fast it's like launch OPs with adrenals and we can't have that going on. If after bolster changes we still drop anyone in 3-4 hits then Decep needs toned down.


Pre-55 WZ experience


On topic I have noticed Force shroud isn't working as expected as well. Much to my surprise on a Huttball hail marry I thought I had pulled off lol!

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At release it was possible for a centurion geared scoundrel to 2-3 shot a BM geared player. Sorry, I dont think a recruit geared assassin can 2-3 shot a WH geared player


Lame misdirect. Adrenals and relics not being usable in warzones is the real difference there, has nothing to do with class balance. If you could still pop adrenals and relics in warzones then you'd absolutely (still) be 2-3 shotting people. I say still because shadows/assassins were never (IMHO) weaker than scoundrels/operatives at launch.

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Settle down guys, geez.


Force shroud doesn't work 100% of the time. Whether or not the rest of the abilities are OP is irrelevant.


I know this has something to do with latency, but it's only become a problem recently (like maybe since 1.6, 1.7), so something that Bioware did effectively bugged force shroud.


It is incredibly frustrating to see my sin whited-out from force shroud only to get knock backed/stunned with a force/tech ability. What's the point of PVP in this game when quick reflexes are thwarted by a buggy game engine :rolleyes:


This is indeed an annoying problem but it has nothing to do with resilience. Entrench, evasion, hold the line - basically every single skill that is timing dependent now you're lucky if it doesn't get bypassed the first second or two because of latency issues with the servers.

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This is indeed an annoying problem but it has nothing to do with resilience. Entrench, evasion, hold the line - basically every single skill that is timing dependent now you're lucky if it doesn't get bypassed the first second or two because of latency issues with the servers.


I am not saying you are not having those issues because of latency - but resilience has been bugged since 1.3 (I believe). This is not latency.

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Have you played infiltration/deception yet?




Let's see. 8 percent mitigation against everything (better then medium armor) from talents, 25 percent dmg reduction out of stealth for 12 seconds (back to back blackout).


Oh yeah and I can open with a knockdown that procs a 10 k maul on cloth, and follow it up with a 3 stack breach (resets every time you leave combat) project that puts someone in execute range.


I can be immune to CC during the last part of the combo and kill someone without losing one health.


Against "good players" I can follow all that up with a low slash, shadowstrike/maul. I don't even to use my defense shield. This class is currently a joke.


I also have an on demand heal now that I use with a heal pot, and if all this wasn't enough I can taunt for a ton,


Scoundrels/operatives? I can kill them without losing one health. If they get the opener (should never happen) they are still going to die, because I can go immune to everything they do, and they go immune to only half my dmg.


Add to all this, if somehow, someway I was fighting the best player in the world? I can slow them from 10 yards out and run around in circles like a ******* hitting them with 5-7.5 k projects, with an autokite channel thrown in.


I have no counter in this game. None.


When I open on a scoundrel (some sin/shadow complained about the opener, cus they are STUPID), it takes off a balistic charge (that screws over a scoundrel/op more), so that I can then maul their face off. All I need is one maul, because they are dying to spells during their shield. If I want I can go immune to all their CC as well.


If you think this class is anywhere close to balanced you are delusional.


this. exactly. and who ever say anything else just want the class now overpowered to be more buffed to be the only PvP class

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this. exactly. and who ever say anything else just want the class now overpowered to be more buffed to be the only PvP class


I'm trying to figure out that a current ability which is broken, makes the class OP? Learn to play, MP, learn to play

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I am not saying you are not having those issues because of latency - but resilience has been bugged since 1.3 (I believe). This is not latency.


I have (and play) all the classes. Resilience issue to me looks *exactly* like when I hit dodge and still get hit with damage off an ambush. Or put a bubble up, see the animation, then take damage right after that isn't absorbed while the bubble isn't popped yet. I don't think its exclusive to that particularly ability at all.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I have (and play) all the classes. Resilience issue to me looks *exactly* like when I hit dodge and still get hit with damage off an ambush. Or put a bubble up, see the animation, then take damage right after that isn't absorbed while the bubble isn't popped yet. I don't think its exclusive to that particularly ability at all.


It might not be. I've also noticed that low slash doesnt stun any more 100% of the time either - this goes in warzones AND in pve. Over load/Force wave again still doesnt work properly either. Things that should have been fixed with 2.0 and they weren't.

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Oh yeah and I can open with a knockdown that procs a 10 k maul on cloth, and follow it up with a 3 stack breach (resets every time you leave combat) project that puts someone in execute range.


noobs L2P!.. assassin doesn't have (and never had) 7,8,9,10k maul proc, its not autocrit as other classes have! btw, full ewh aug sin here, never ever saw 10k maul (or assassinate) (with all procs) crit hits.


my sin can kill sage in 5-7 sec, for example me>shock (recklessness), sage> no any move, me>discharge (recklessness), sage>no any move, me>low slash+maul, sage>no any move, me>.... whatever, sage>no any move.. do u know why? because he is typing in chat "inc snow", "omg assassins so powerfull", "omg nerf em!"...


I have no counter in this game. None.


oh really? then u should go fight 5 vs 5, and count to 3 till snipers or smash would anihilate u. but w8.. u assumed that swtor pvp is all about 1vs1 duels... omg, buff healers, they have so low dps!

Edited by yauhen_pt
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