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What story should I do next?


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I've just finished my first story (SW) and I want to finish all of the stories. In which order shall I play them for the greatest amount of enjoyment? Should I get the SI and JC stories out of the way so I can enjoy the JK and IA stories or should I jump back and forth between (general consensus) good and bad in terms of quality?:confused:
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I too recommend switching between factions for each play-through.


Having played all the stories, I think to avoid spoilers and gain the most amount of appreciation from crossovers you'd want to do it in this order (note: original poster of this thread don't click on these spoilers, these are more so other people can see my reasoning):


- Any Imperial character before Consular because of Balmorra


Because the Consular kills Darth Lachris


- Consular before Knight


Because of the identity of the Children of the Emperor, which is the finale of the Consular story, being spoiled by Kira very early in the JK storyline


- Knight before Warrior


So that the knowledge that the Emperor is still alive doesn't ruin the feeling of the JK story


- Warrior before Inquisitor


Because Thanaton is still on the Dark Council in the SW's ending


- Bounty Hunter before Trooper or Smuggler or JC


Because the Trooper/Smuggler/JC meets Supreme Chancellor Saresh which would give away that Janarus was killed. Come to think of it, the BH story should be played first before any Republic storyline, I can't recall if Saresh appeared as the Supreme Chancellor in JK story


- Imperial Agent story should be last, since it references all the other class stories


You appreciate the Star Cabal more if you are able to recognize who all its members are from the other planet or class storylines, eg. Nok Drayen from Smuggler story, Kolovish the Twi'lek Matriarch on Tython, Czerka's Leksende family from Tatooine, the Prince from Alderaan, and also the living Rakata who I suspect was the one from the Inquisitor storyline. The Star Cabal also mentions that they "lost Corellia" which would make no sense if you had only finished the Imperial Corellia planet storyline


- Alternatively you could do Act 1 of the Agent before Consular and then save Acts 2 and 3 of the Agent for the very last. This crossover from the Consular story was actually so in-depth and confusing that I couldn't really understand it until after I played the Agent


Crossover between Zenith (Consular) and Agent story on Balmorra



Overall, I recommend playing the Bounty Hunter as your first Imperial character, because of Corellia. The BH makes the biggest impact in the war (all the other classes are ) and if you choose one "hidden" outcome you get additional context on why the Empire eventually



loses Corellia



which you do not get through any class stories, resulting in a "jarring" confusion for most players when they pick up the Ilum and Black Hole quests and are surprised that



all their hard work on Corellia was for nothing.





- Chronologically, the BH story can occur before, simultaneously, or after the Corellia planet storyline. I'm surprised the developers actually took the time to account for these possibilities

- The choices you make in the Corellia planet storyline affect the class story, surprisingly, especially the fate of the prime minister.

- This is almost a "hidden" outcome because if you do the planet and class stories simultaneously (or skip the planet story entirely like most people do) you'll end up at the Grand Assembly (class story) before you destroy the Green Jedi Council in the planet storyline, and therefore have no option to inaugurate Darbin Sull as the new prime minister of Corellia

- In most outcomes, Darth Tormen will kill the previous prime minister (not Darbin Sull) and the player can do nothing to stop it, however if you inaugurate Darbin Sull via the planet storyline first, he will give the address before the Grand Assembly

- So what, you say? I still think this is a big deal because Darbin Sull says something privately to the council members. The voice acting is very well done here and hints that even though he seems like the Empire's puppet he is actually sowing seeds of rebellion. No other class gets to see this, despite that NPC being common to the planet storyline.




and of course the story finale which I mentioned before, which would be spoiled if you played any Republic class other than Jedi Knight.

Edited by Jenzali
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