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Please no more 4-man *requirement* for heroics


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I've just reached the final quests for the macrobinocular and I was in for a sad surprise. The first Heroic 4 can be done with 2 people without too much trouble, after we completed it we still helped someone who needed it to enrol him for the next one... to find out that you can't deal with the second puzzle if you don't have 4 players to each handle their panel — kinda like the Section X H4.


If we can 3 or 2-man (or less) an heroic, why should we be penalized? At this point it is nearly impossible to gather 4 people for this, been asking on Nar Shaddaa, on the fleet, on Makeb and either people have already completed it (with no interest to run it again, since it is a one time deal... brilliant idea if you ask me for a reason I am about to explain) or are far from reaching the last leg of the quest line (and that was with offering up to 300K credits for each willing person).


So I am asking, maybe I will just need to wait for a few days when everyone will start getting interested in completing it and it's probably going to be easier to run it so that's fine I can wait... But what about in a few months? People that need it will be very scarce especially when there are no replayability since the heroics are not repeatable and you can mark my words, if it is a total pain to find 4 people right now, this is going to be impossible in a few months. That's the difference with the Section X heroic that entices you to come back regularly for your comms so you constantly find people for it.


This is not an operation, it is just an heroic (heck I am not even sure any flashpoint requires 4 people), we shouldn't have to go to such length to find players.


And since I can already tell that someone is going to step in with "This is an MMO", so what? What's the difference between running an heroic with 3 or 4 people? I'm still "socializing", the only difference is being penalized for the lack of interested people.

Edited by demotivator
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Just wait until the rest of the population actually catch up and I'm sure there will be plenty of people doing the quests. I know I never have any trouble getting a group for the Section X heroic.


The issue is that people in the Section X area are there for the dailies, which include the heroic. In this case, you have to go deliberately to Nar Shaddaa, to do a level 53-55 based heroic, where people around are... level 20-25 and some of them won't even know what the hell you're talking about.


From personal experience, I had to camp around the promenade for two hours to get mine done and in order to get a healer, me and one of the other guys in the group started whispering level 53-55 players, to see if someone would like to help out, which turned out to be case.




After that, I haven't even tried to get people for the one on Ilum but I'll assume it will be easier... I hope.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Part of the reason some REQUIRE 4 people is to force the people who can do it with significantly fewer to help players who would have trouble, with them (mix the "pro"s in with the "amateurs"


As in there are not enough people to run it, so I'm forced to do it with these people? I can see the reasoning.


That would work if you could actually find these *four* people. Right now, this is pretty hard since they placed that heroic on a low lvl planet, so that's not the place where you can naturally find lvl 55 when you announce it on general. And I have no doubt that past the rush that is going to happen next week, it's going to be hard again to find a group because there is no replayability.


You also missed the part when I asked for people both on the fleet and Makeb, where you are going to find these lvl 55, and never got a single reply. And barely any when offering a nice sum of credits.

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Just wait until the rest of the population actually catch up and I'm sure there will be plenty of people doing the quests. I know I never have any trouble getting a group for the Section X heroic.


The heroic is repeatable, so you will always find people that need it especially when it is tied to a weekly granting comms.


Once you have completed the Macrobinocular heroics, there's no point coming back, it's not repeatable.


So this is going to be a pain again past the inital rush.

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yeah I was disappointed when I got to this quest. Got passed the first 4 man puzzle with only 2 but had to call in 2 more for the rest. Unfortunately the quest bugged out after the replicator droids and I was unable to complete it. Even after resetting it it wouldnt update. Now Im sitting waiting on BW's awesome and reliable customer service to fix it.
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Running into those heroics irked me, and I'm definitely not one to think the game should be soloable. It irked me because I had spent a long time doing the macrobinoculars/seeker droid quests alone, as a break from the crowded Makeb, and I was having a blast. The quest chains felt like they were supposed to be a solo experience. To then have a couple H4s thrown at me for both chains put a damper on the whole experience, which was overwhelmingly positive up to that point.


I can't remember which quests they were, but I was entering instances that said they would scale in difficulty with group size. Why couldn't the end of those two quest chains have been the same?


That being said, and more relevant to the OP, I also wish they'd stop making it a requirement to have a certain number of people for H4s. Section X was a disappointment, as I had had fun testing myself long ago on Black Hole's H4 and was looking forward to the same in Section X. Some of us like to find what challenges we can, and the game should try its best not to discourage us from doing so.

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