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Huttball Championships - Bounty Hunters vs Droids


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“Ladies and gentlebeings! Welcome to the Pit! The bountiest and magnificent Giradda the Hutt salutes you!”


Round 1: Bounty Hunters vs Droids


Welcome to the first round of Huttball Championships, where iconic Star Wars factions go head to head in a game of Huttball, the famed and feared sport of the Smuggler’s Moon. Let the shenanigans begin!


Listen up! These are the rules of Huttball! Two teams. Bounty Hunters and Droids chosen by random draw. One ball, slippery as a greased Hutt! Grab the ball, throw the ball, get the ball over the opposing teams line anyway you can, and your team gets a point! Weapons, name calling, and cheating are all encouraged! But do not kick the ball! Hutts don’t have feet! Show our sponsor Giradda the respect he deserves!



  • Do not fly with the ball! Jumping up to platforms only, no flying and no jumping over obstacles.
  • Do not wreck the Pit! Players cannot alter or destroy the arena!
  • Uber-abilities are not allowed!
  • Do not use mind tricks! Force users cannot use mind tricks of any kind on their opponents.
  • No immortality! All players can be killed, and when they are they respawn.
  • Each team has a team leader, who are responsible for tactics and organisation.
  • Each team has a support group of four – but they cannot grab, throw or catch the ball.
  • Astromech units have an unique ability: they can hack and sabotage the fire traps and wind platforms by hooking up to base of ball holder.


So, the teams:


Bounty Hunters: Four of the greatest bounty hunters that credits can buy have assembled for riches and glory! Lethal, ruthless, fearsome, it’s the most infamous bounty hunter of the Clone Wars and bounty hunter Team Leader: Cad Bane! A vicious Jedi Hunter and mentor to Boba Fett, it’s the infamous assassin: Aurra Sing! Known and feared as he who ‘devours his prey’ it’s the scaly lizard: Bossk! And our final hunter, the bloodthirsty, brutal sociopath of Nar Shaddaa: Hanharr! And in support, a gang of alien mercenaries kindly provided by the Hutt Cartel – not favouritism, just business.


Droids: Looking to punch some holes in some unwitting meatbags, behold the galaxy’s killing machine elite!... oh and one feisty astromech. Cold, calculating and the mastermind of a Droid Revolution it’s the droid Team Leader: IG-88! Here to teach us the meaning of love, its Revan’s sadistic assassin: HK-47! The twisted creation of Darth Vader, its Starkiller’s murderous companion: PROXY! And last but not least, it’s the happy-go lucky, but surprisingly deadly, astromech of the Old Republic: T3-M4! And in support, a squad of reprogrammed B2 battle droids.


The teams have assembled, the bets have been placed, it’s time to choose a side – the hunting killing liquidators or the underworld enforcers? May the winners feast of victory!


Let’s play Huttball!

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NOTE: This series will not be taking the form of a tournament, and will be comprised of three parts. Just a fun distraction I came up with where you can to take a break from the heated arena of Aurbere's BattleZone. But if it takes off I might roll out some more installments, we shall see.


Debate on! :D


EDIT: If you have any suggestions, just post below.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Droids, they actually have a few advantages over the BHs and those being...


1. Calculations of the best possible route to get to the Endzone and also to gauge the distance of where to throw and such.


2. They can hack and disable or use the traps against the other opponents, this isn't to say the BHs can't do so but it would take more time.


3. Reflexes, now this has only been showcased with IG-88 and perhaps Proxy seeing as he is able to fight against Galen. But I can't recall any reflex feats from any of the BHs, though the droids should have greater reflexes(at least IG-88 and Proxy, given they have shown such feats IG-88 even moreso by droid standards.)


Now the BHs do have the advantage of jetpacks(Bane and Boba), but that is really only a minor advantage given the droids here. As far as weapons are concerned do they all have standard equipment?


You may wanna narrow down what some of them have though if they do, cause otherwise some of em are gonna bring with them a ton of firepower.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Now the BHs do have the advantage of jetpacks(Bane and Boba), but that is really only a minor advantage given the droids here. As far as weapons are concerned do they all have standard equipment?


You may wanna narrow down what some of them have though if they do, cause otherwise some of em are gonna bring with them a ton of firepower.

Standard equipment, whatever weapons they typically favoured plus any additional arms they were known to carry.


As for the mercenaries, their equipped with standard blasters and frag grenades, the B2s have rocked launchers.

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Standard equipment, whatever weapons they typically favoured plus any additional arms they were known to carry.


As for the mercenaries, their equipped with standard blasters and frag grenades, the B2s have rocked launchers.


Oh jeez lol...well then alone, the BHs are gonna have trouble with IG-88. AKA: The walking gun, I mean even Boba had to have significant prep to take down 1 and that wasn't even in an actual confrontation.


However Bossk's Rebly-v10 micro grenade launcher could give some trouble, aswell as Boba's jetpack rocket...the other BHs don't really have big enough firepower to put a dent in IG's armor. They could take down T3 though, being a utility droid really..


Proxy on the other hand....an interesting case seeing as he can take the form of Jedi/Sith and such, and imitate The Force to use force push/bull and even saber throw, his durability...questionable but it could be good enough.


HK-47...there isn't really anything on him as far as armor and such goes. If we compare him to an HK-50 model, he would have a durasteel armor frame which is quite durable, going from that he would be able to tank some hits.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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This is genius :D


I'd go droids, and I can't think of many possible arguments that wolf hasn't covered, other than a more in depth look at the trap slicing....

T3-M4 is an excellent slicer, he could quite easily take control of both the flame traps and the air jets, keeping flames on a constant other than to let droids through etc.......


But I have to ask, can we have a battlefront 2 type rule, where boba and bane can't jet pack with the ball?!? Have some gravity enhancer or some ****.....


Edit: Just realised - No boba, wolf confused me :p .

Edited by Selenial
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This is genius :D


I'd go droids, and I can't think of many possible arguments that wolf hasn't covered, other than a more in depth look at the trap slicing....

T3-M4 is an excellent slicer, he could quite easily take control of both the flame traps and the air jets, keeping flames on a constant other than to let droids through etc.......


But I have to ask, can we have a battlefront 2 type rule, where boba and bane can't jet pack with the ball?!? Have some gravity enhancer or some ****.....


Edit: Just realised - No boba, wolf confused me :p .


Ya was meaning the jetpacks in use as of attacking and such, if they get the ball then no jetpack.

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Glad you like it. And concerning jetpacks\flying - they are only allowed to fly onto immediate platforms, they can't fly all the way. But good idea, no flying of any kind when holding the ball.


However the Bounty Hunters do have several advantages:



  • Cad Bane has rocket boosters, meaning he can easily move around the arena and avoid attacks, also good for catching the ball, as well as intercept the ball handler.
  • T3-M4 is vulnerable when hacking in the centre of the arena, leaving him open to say sniper attacks from Sing.
  • If they can keep relative control over the mid they can keep T3 out of the fight, giving them a numbers advantage.
  • Heavy hitters like Hanharr and are heavy hitters and more able to stun/dislodge the ball. (Note, stunning is all that is needed to cause the opponents to 'drop' the - need to add that to the rules.)
  • I imagine the BHs will be very efficient. Bossk and Hanharr will attempt to control the mid, and Sing will provide backup - keeping T3 and the B2s out of it, and Bane will also provide aerial support and be ready to catch the ball.

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Glad you like it. And concerning jetpacks\flying - they are only allowed to fly onto immediate platforms, they can't fly all the way. But good idea, no flying of any kind when holding the ball.


However the Bounty Hunters do have several advantages:



  • Cad Bane has rocket boosters, meaning he can easily move around the arena and avoid attacks, also good for catching the ball, as well as intercept the ball handler.
  • T3-M4 is vulnerable when hacking in the centre of the arena, leaving him open to say sniper attacks from Sing.
  • If they can keep relative control over the mid they can keep T3 out of the fight, giving them a numbers advantage.
  • Heavy hitters like Hanharr and are heavy hitters and more able to stun/dislodge the ball. (Note, stunning is all that is needed to cause the opponents to 'drop' the - need to add that to the rules.)
  • I imagine the BHs will be very efficient. Bossk and Hanharr will attempt to control the mid, and Sing will provide backup - keeping T3 and the B2s out of it, and Bane will also provide aerial support and be ready to catch the ball.


The rocket boots/jetpack that Boba/Bane have are gonna give them a very minimal advantage, due to IG-88's highly advanced tracking sensors, along with his heat/motion sensors and calculations. This would enable said assassin droid, to follow their patterns and get a shot off of where they are moving, he also has a number of weapons that would be effective there is a reason IG-88 was the Ultimate Assassin Droid, I mean not even Boba took IG on in a 1 on 1 confrontation, he had to use military-grade Ion cannons to take him out.


HK-47(spitballing) probably has some form of tracking in his layout, it would be rather stupid if he didn't.


Proxy....could imitate The Force, and pull the weapons from the BHs or use saber throw against em.


T3.....not sure what he could do other then traps(IG-88 could do the same), he seems to be the odd droid out here. I guess he could get the ball, and wheel around in the pit dodging fire from the others while the 3 droids give him cover.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Hold up.


A wookiee. And a Trandoshan. On the same team. What. So basically, Bossk and Hanharr will tear each other apart, making them pretty much useless. Bossk would probably see Hanharr's fur as a bigger prize than winning some Huttball match.


And if not, they'll at least resent each other, making them a very dysfunctional team, unlikely to pass the ball, let the other score points, etc. In contrast, the droids will be in perfect sync.



Also, PROXY! Another extremely cool droid. He could just morph into one of the bounty hunters, call "I'm open!" and then steal the pass. Or start a fight between Hanharr and Bossk by impersonating one of them.


Oh and


IG-88 > Bane

HK-47 > Sing


Droids got this one.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Hold up.


A wookiee. And a Trandoshan. On the same team. What. So basically, Bossk and Hanharr will tear each other apart, making them pretty much useless. Bossk would probably see Hanharr's fur as a bigger prize than winning some Huttball match.



Ya was thinking that too, but figured it doesn't apply here lol.


Edit: Hmm...224 views and no other responses?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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HK-47 > Sing


Droids got this one.

Don't forget, Aurra Sing used to be a Jedi and is a very powerful force user. Not only is she a highly skilled lightsaber duelist but she's also skilled in the use of telekinesis. And her sniping skills arguably rival if not surpass that of HKs (given the fact she can use the Force to increase the accuracy of her attacks.)


Given the fact that HK won't be expected a 'Jedi' fighter he won't be prepared for that kind of attack. From the balcony Sing can pull HK from his position and into the middle, leaving him exposed to attacks. Or alternatively shove him back. And if she finds herself under fire, she can deflect attacks with her lightsaber.


Bossk and Hanharr will likely be an ineffective pair, but they'll cause a distraction in the arena. Hanharr can take PROXY and IG-88, while fast, is not immune to Sing's sniping attacks. Once Sing has cleared a path in the arena ship can leap down, snag the ball, and pass it up to Bane.


Arguably the droids won't be able to intercept because:



  • T3-M4 will be taken out, or be avoiding Sing and Bane's attacks.
  • IG-88 will be in the same position.
  • Hk-47 immobilized telekinetically.
  • PROXY will be distracted by Hanharr and Bossk.
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This is a tough decision. The Bounty Hunters are cunning fighters, but then the droids are machines.


We have IG-88, who is basically a walking weapons depot. Plus he has amazing reaction and calculation speeds, far faster than a normal person.


PROXY, who can turn into most Force users and simulate their abilities (though I wonder if he can simulate their actual combat skill)


HK-47. Not much to go off of, but he has a pretty extensive history of facilitating communications and terminating hostilities. :p


And finally T3-M4, the most deadly astromech droid ever built. He's got blaster rifles, flamethrowers, ion weaponry, and grenades. Plus he has shielding modules.


On the other side, we have Cad Bane (who nobody messes with), Aurra Sing, the Jedi Hunter, Bossk, and Hanharr. Sing and Bane will do just fine, but I don't see Bossk and Hanharr working together. It's most likely they'll kill each other off before the match gets underway.


The droids have this one. The Bounty Hunters are really only half a team, with Hanharr and Bossk being the dead weight.

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On the other side, we have Cad Bane (who nobody messes with), Aurra Sing, the Jedi Hunter, Bossk, and Hanharr. Sing and Bane will do just fine, but I don't see Bossk and Hanharr working together. It's most likely they'll kill each other off before the match gets underway.


The droids have this one. The Bounty Hunters are really only half a team, with Hanharr and Bossk being the dead weight.

Note that its against the rules for players to kill members of their team, although this doesn't mean they have to be cooperative... Still Hanharr and Bossk just need to storm in and cause a ruckus, while Sing and Bane clean up and snag the ball.
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Wait...IG-88 getting destroyed by Sing? She doesn't have the firepower to put a dent in his armor, which is pretty much impossible to penetrate you'd need to actually get into it. Her lightsabers could do the damage sure, but that requires her getting close to IG which isn't a smart thing to do.


There is also the problem of IG's weapons which could cause some trouble for pretty much all the BHs


Modified DLT-20A blaster rifle-Highly accurate and consistent with its shots.


Pulse Cannon- Destructive, fast able to hit moving targets and groups.




Sonic Stunners- Can damage organics ears/brains.


Paralysis Cord


Poison/Trilon/Trifaraleen Gases(might not work on Bane/Boba, but the rest ya)


Thermal Detonators


Wide-Dispersal Radiation/Concussion Grenades



There is also the fact, that IG-88 could in fact reflect shots that Aurra Sing makes. He has done so before.

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Wait...IG-88 getting destroyed by Sing? She doesn't have the firepower to put a dent in his armor, which is pretty much impossible to penetrate you'd need to actually get into it. Her lightsabers could do the damage sure, but that requires her getting close to IG which isn't a smart thing to do...


....There is also the fact, that IG-88 could in fact reflect shots that Aurra Sing makes. He has done so before.

IG-88 is a fan of biological weapons.


Namely, extremely deadly gas.


Sing has to breathe.

IG-88 can reflect blaster bolts? With what? However even if he can, they likely be moving to fast (given its a sniper) and IG-88's attention will be directed at the lower arena. Neither does Sing need to destroy IG-88, his armour may be tough but if he's in mid flight or in a precarious position the velocity of the bolt may be enough to knock him down or dislodge him. And I'm not sure if IG-88 has ever defeated a Jedi, but Sing is extremely skilled and in a position to engage and defeat IG-88 if he tries to get away with the ball - given her powers in telekinesis and ability to Force leap. That would also lead to a temporary leader vacuum, if IG is sending commands to the other droids.


Aurra Sing also likely has breath control. She ain't gotta breath.

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That would also lead to a temporary leader vacuum, if IG is sending commands to the other droids.


Aurra Sing also likely has breath control. She ain't gotta breath.


If IG-88 is sending commands to the other droids, they're all going to have uber-fast reflexes. IG-88 controlled the Death Star. Also, if all the droids connect, they can transmit communications and even live feed of their line of sight, meaning that they'll be able to quickly determine the threats and eliminate them. In comparison, the bounty hunters have no effective way to communicate.


Also, just because she is a Force User does not mean Sing has breth control. That's not how it works. If she was not trained in it, she does not have it. Trying to boost her because she's the only Force User in this round doesn't make any sense. If its not a stated ability, she doesn't have it. No where does anything at she has Lightning. So does she have it now? No.

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If IG-88 is sending commands to the other droids, they're all going to have uber-fast reflexes. IG-88 controlled the Death Star. Also, if all the droids connect, they can transmit communications and even live feed of their line of sight, meaning that they'll be able to quickly determine the threats and eliminate them. In comparison, the bounty hunters have no effective way to communicate.


Also, just because she is a Force User does not mean Sing has breth control. That's not how it works. If she was not trained in it, she does not have it. Trying to boost her because she's the only Force User in this round doesn't make any sense. If its not a stated ability, she doesn't have it. No where does anything at she has Lightning. So does she have it now? No.

Breath control is one of the more universal abilities taught to most Jedi, so it is plausible to say she has it - although I agree its not definite.
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Bossk and Hanharr charge in. Bossk goes for Proxy, Proxy turns into Darth Maul. However, because he can't perfectly simulate fight skills, Bossk may be able to dodge his blows and deactivate Proxy. Meanwhile, Sing and HK-47 take up sniping positions. HK takes out Hanharr, and Sing goes for T3, but IG-88 covers the smaller droid with his superior arms and armoring. Cad Bane goes directly for the ball. T3 hacks into the terminal and sends flames shooting around Bane, cutting him off long enough for IG-88 to leave his side and go for Bane. Sing takes out T3 now, and then pulls her twin blasters and descends into the playing field. Bossk is engaging IG-88 and is blown away. As Sing goes for the IG droid, HK opens fire at her, forcing her down and providing a chance for IG-88 to go after Bane. Sing uses the Force to pull HK from his sniping position and throw him at IG-88. IG-88 smacks HK aside and the assassin droid regains his footing and goes in to battle Sing close-quarters.


Bane uses his flamethrower on IG-88, whose armor protects him. IG-88 deploys poisonous gas, but since Bane has his tube breathers he just holds his breath and the poison doesn't affect him. Then he uses his jet boots to jump swiftly over IG's head and attack him from behind with both blasters at full speed. This probably dents IG's armor and throws him off guard. But IG quickly reacts to this threat and fires his rifle. Bane dodges this shot.


Meanwhile, Sing decapitates HK with one of her lightsabers and moves in to help Bane. IG sees her coming and fires with his blasters. Sing uses her Force-enhanced reactions to move out of the way, but since IG-88 has predicted this he launches a grenade at the exact spot Sing rolls to. She's blown away, leaving IG-88 and Bane to shoot it out. Bane tosses a thermal detonator at IG-88, who scoops it up and returns it. Bane manages to move in time, but drops the Huttball in the process. IG moves toward the ball, firing at Bane the whole time. Bane is forced to take cover under the girders. As IG picks up the ball, he throws a sabotage charge at the girder supports, bringing them down on Bane.


Last Droid Standing: IG-88

Victory: Droids

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Bossk and Hanharr charge in. Bossk goes for Proxy, Proxy turns into Darth Maul. However, because he can't perfectly simulate fight skills, Bossk may be able to dodge his blows and deactivate Proxy. Meanwhile, Sing and HK-47 take up sniping positions. HK takes out Hanharr, and Sing goes for T3, but IG-88 covers the smaller droid with his superior arms and armoring. Cad Bane goes directly for the ball. T3 hacks into the terminal and sends flames shooting around Bane, cutting him off long enough for IG-88 to leave his side and go for Bane. Sing takes out T3 now, and then pulls her twin blasters and descends into the playing field. Bossk is engaging IG-88 and is blown away. As Sing goes for the IG droid, HK opens fire at her, forcing her down and providing a chance for IG-88 to go after Bane. Sing uses the Force to pull HK from his sniping position and throw him at IG-88. IG-88 smacks HK aside and the assassin droid regains his footing and goes in to battle Sing close-quarters.


Bane uses his flamethrower on IG-88, whose armor protects him. IG-88 deploys poisonous gas, but since Bane has his tube breathers he just holds his breath and the poison doesn't affect him. Then he uses his jet boots to jump swiftly over IG's head and attack him from behind with both blasters at full speed. This probably dents IG's armor and throws him off guard. But IG quickly reacts to this threat and fires his rifle. Bane dodges this shot.


Meanwhile, Sing decapitates HK with one of her lightsabers and moves in to help Bane. IG sees her coming and fires with his blasters. Sing uses her Force-enhanced reactions to move out of the way, but since IG-88 has predicted this he launches a grenade at the exact spot Sing rolls to. She's blown away, leaving IG-88 and Bane to shoot it out. Bane tosses a thermal detonator at IG-88, who scoops it up and returns it. Bane manages to move in time, but drops the Huttball in the process. IG moves toward the ball, firing at Bane the whole time. Bane is forced to take cover under the girders. As IG picks up the ball, he throws a sabotage charge at the girder supports, bringing them down on Bane.


Last Droid Standing: IG-88

Victory: Droids


What about Boba? Though I am unsure Proxy would lose to Bossk, given that he can replicate The Force and has shown to be a good lightsaber combatant, due to his programming and various combat modules. A fight between Proxy and Sing, would be interesting though.

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What about Boba? Though I am unsure Proxy would lose to Bossk, given that he can replicate The Force and has shown to be a good lightsaber combatant, due to his programming and various combat modules. A fight between Proxy and Sing, would be interesting though.


Oh, shoot, I must have missed that one of them was Boba. :p


My view is thusly flawed.

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