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We need a new records thread.


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he said he was putting one up friday.


also, healing is ez-mode now


Also heads up for the new records thread in your ss I will need to see your lvl. I see your lvl 55 :p I am also looking for some class experts that can say this record is possible this record is BS so on and so forth

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Just a thought, but maybe PvP records should only include lvl 55s. Everything below that lvl seems to be a tad on the strange side. Maybe one thread for top lvl toons, and another thread for 54 and below. This way everyone gets to wave their Epeen around a little. For example, think I still have the screen shot from Wednesday of my butt ***** naked lvl 24 sniper pulling a 9.4k crit. It was fun, but not a legitiment record of any sort to me. Just my opinion tho. Edited by Harglerode
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I <3 my roll :p


That being said with the current burst from Snipers/Assassins I would be dead w/o it


Healing output is higher yes, but the damage coming in is still not proportionate to healing out/player hp (IMO), SIN/Shd burst is insane now, same with SS/MM slingers/snipers. A MM sniper can burst close to 20k+ in about 4 seconds Probe/Ambush/followthrough/snipe/Execute , the only cast delay in that rotation would be your ambush everything else is pretty much only GDC delay, I crit sages on my sniper for 8k+ frequently.


So far (as a healer) Shadows and slingers are the bane of my existence

Edited by dego-harmonium
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Also heads up for the new records thread in your ss I will need to see your lvl. I see your lvl 55 :p I am also looking for some class experts that can say this record is possible this record is BS so on and so forth


I wouldn't actually submit this nonsense to a records thread, just felt the need to show how stupidly high Sage DPS can be currently :p


I wasn't using the bolster bug, at least not the "I'm gonna get naked and queue because I'm awesome" part of it. I was in mostly DG with a few Partisan/Conqueror pieces (implants/earpiece and boots), so bolster probably gave me a decent and arguably sizable boost.

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Gotta wait for the bolster fix on all levels imo. I apparently had a 23k ambush but was so wasted that nigh coming back from the bars that t i didn't remember or screenshot. My guildies told me the next day. So a missed opportunity on a record :( Edited by Jadenn
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She can take that up with the rest of Skroob. I wasnt around for that beef either.


I only did 1 ranked match vs Chaotic Pixels and I stayed at our pylon because they were outnumbered/had some DCs.

Edited by ace_boogie
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She can take that up with the rest of Skroob. I wasnt around for that beef either.


I only did 1 ranked match vs Chaotic Pixels and I stayed at our pylon because they were outnumbered/had some DCs.


Meh, don't take it to heart. As much s h i t as Roxxy talks, you would think she is the best healer on the server.

Edited by Milly_
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