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The outright lies people are telling regarding bolster.


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Its hard to have a conversation with you tho. This is the PVP forums, if you have very little experience with PVP, you really shouldnt be complaining about a system that is 2 days old.


Let me put it this way.


Bolster system is completely different, adjust and learn how it works. LOS is always available to you, if a team member is goin to kamikaze an enemy group, then dont expect to keep him alive yourself or without a tank.

This game isnt based on standing in one spot, spamming buttons. Movement is key from all parties. Sometimes all it takes is your target to LOS for you to bring them to 100% health in a few seconds. Back to pew pew.


Better for you?



Just to make sure, how long should I pvp before I'm good enough to post to forums?


Yes, the bolster system is completely different and TTK is reduced, and that's why it actually matters if you cast your heal now or a little time from now even if the target would have a large amount of hp. Before this wasn't the case. This change makes healing more stressful, and if something is stressful, it's not fun. For me it actually sounds that level 55 pvp is going to be much less stressing, which is too bad, since I enjoyed that when I level and do wzs, I don't have to be 101% ready to react to any direction all the times. I could make a mistake or a couple and it wouldn't really matter. Now it does matter.


And of course I could heal a team mate if the enemy would stop attacking him, but those low level people don't really have many abilities to use when trying to shake off a melee dps, and their only way to break line of sight is far too often to walk to a thing that isn't too close, even when they happen to be someone's alts and actually know what those things mean.

Edited by Seireeni
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Just to make sure, how long should I pvp before I'm good enough to post to forums?


Yes, the bolster system is completely different and TTK is reduced, and that's why it actually matters if you cast your heal now or a little time from now even if the target would have a large amount of hp. Before this wasn't the case. This change makes healing more stressful, and if something is stressful, it's not fun. For me it actually sounds that level 55 pvp is going to be much less stressing, which is too bad, since I enjoyed that when I level and do wzs, I don't have to be 101% ready to react to any direction all the times. I could make a mistake or a couple and it wouldn't really matter. Now it does matter.


And of course I could heal a team mate if the enemy would stop attacking him, but those low level people don't really have many abilities to use when trying to shake off a melee dps, and their only way to break line of sight is far too often to walk to a thing that isn't too close, even when they happen to be someone's alts and actually know what those things mean.


Heals should just be a dps nerf.... like protection you shouldnt be able to keep him alive under focus fire...

what level pvp are you refering to?


generally healing classes are efficient after level 30

Not much you can do before that

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Heals should just be a dps nerf.... like protection you shouldnt be able to keep him alive under focus fire...

what level pvp are you refering to?


generally healing classes are efficient after level 30

Not much you can do before that


I'm referring to level 10-29 bracket.

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Heals should just be a dps nerf.... like protection you shouldnt be able to keep him alive under focus fire...

what level pvp are you refering to?


generally healing classes are efficient after level 30

Not much you can do before that




someone said it nicer than me.

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I'm referring to level 10-29 bracket.


Well at that level healers are weak ...better heals come later in the tree.

It was like that before as well.


The difference was that because the bracket was 10-49 you could get a 30+ healer that would make difference.


11-29 bracket i think is more of who will make more dps first .....dont count on heals

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....is one of the easiest maps to los in


your point?


I guess I have to be explicit. I will not LOS and take all the damage if I have to keep the ball carrier alive in the cost of my life, or I would ignore the damage I'm taking to get in a position for an awesome let's score pull and then happily die. I could give you more examples that you shouldn't LOS in all maps as well, but it will make the post really long. But sure, you go ahead and LOS, it's your fault (per your previous post) that your team didn't score, but hey you are alive and you can do an extra 5k heal, right ? Good play.

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Well at that level healers are weak ...better heals come later in the tree.

It was like that before as well.


The difference was that because the bracket was 10-49 you could get a 30+ healer that would make difference.


11-29 bracket i think is more of who will make more dps first .....dont count on heals


Yeah, 10-29 is a dps festival, and I don't like it, and I don't think it's the right way to go. People who are new to the game will have no idea how to actually tank or heal in pvp when they hit level 30.

However, before 2.0, if 2 dps were 1vs1ing, no matter which one was better, if I started healing, I could make a difference. Now, I can't, if the enemy dps is good and the friendly dps is not, the enemy dps seems to usually be able to kill the friendly dps while I'm casting.

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Unless you openly remove yourself from having LOS as a backup, in that case, it's your own fault.


So people cannot *ALWAYS* LOS then?


I mean, YOU surely can, but remember, you cannot assume then everybody plays as faultless and brilliant as you.



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I guess I have to be explicit. I will not LOS and take all the damage if I have to keep the ball carrier alive in the cost of my life, or I would ignore the damage I'm taking to get in a position for an awesome let's score pull and then happily die. I could give you more examples that you shouldn't LOS in all maps as well, but it will make the post really long. But sure, you go ahead and LOS, it's your fault (per your previous post) that your team didn't score, but hey you are alive and you can do an extra 5k heal, right ? Good play.


Are you being serious with your post? Clutching straws if you are.

I mean come on. Read before you post.

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So people cannot *ALWAYS* LOS then?


I mean, YOU surely can, but remember, you cannot assume then everybody plays as faultless and brilliant as you.




Whats your point?


Are you trying to say, that if someone cannot achieve what i can achieve(or mainly all of the half decent PVPers this game has) then they have the right to come here and complain that it's broken or they just do not like to be out skilled, out thought and out matched?

Edited by Scotland
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Yeah, 10-29 is a dps festival, and I don't like it, and I don't think it's the right way to go. People who are new to the game will have no idea how to actually tank or heal in pvp when they hit level 30.

However, before 2.0, if 2 dps were 1vs1ing, no matter which one was better, if I started healing, I could make a difference. Now, I can't, if the enemy dps is good and the friendly dps is not, the enemy dps seems to usually be able to kill the friendly dps while I'm casting.


I can remember back in the days whan i was leveling my sage that all the heals available in low levels (before i actually go high enough in the seer tree) were pretty long casts. Useless to intense fights.

I honestly believe that the bolster system is faulty. I think Bioware in their effort to adjust 1.7 level 50s so they wouldnt 1 shot level 30s after the expertise changes gave bolster way too much power.


Havent play the 10-29 bracket yet so cant say ....but what you say makes sense so i ll leave it there

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Yeah, 10-29 is a dps festival, and I don't like it, and I don't think it's the right way to go. People who are new to the game will have no idea how to actually tank or heal in pvp when they hit level 30.

However, before 2.0, if 2 dps were 1vs1ing, no matter which one was better, if I started healing, I could make a difference. Now, I can't, if the enemy dps is good and the friendly dps is not, the enemy dps seems to usually be able to kill the friendly dps while I'm casting.


Well to be fair here, you can heal. It's not smn will die in 1 gcd unless he is being focussed by 3+. At least as a sage that I have most experience with a benevolence is in a fairly short cast time and its healing has been nicely buffed in 2.0. It sucks that reduction cast time on deliverance is on tier 2, but even as that you should be able to get one out. Above all you have bubble which is a 4k instant shield. If your dps teammate still dies then it is clear he is very very bad if with 1.5 times the health pool of your opponent due to your healing is still going down. If you think of it it is actually better cause skill shines then and not simple numbers.

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Well to be fair here, you can heal. It's not smn will die in 1 gcd unless he is being focussed by 3+. At least as a sage that I have most experience with a benevolence is in a fairly short cast time and its healing has been nicely buffed in 2.0. It sucks that reduction cast time on deliverance is on tier 2, but even as that you should be able to get one out. Above all you have bubble which is a 4k instant shield. If your dps teammate still dies then it is clear he is very very bad if with 1.5 times the health pool of your opponent due to your healing is still going down. If you think of it it is actually better cause skill shines then and not simple numbers.



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Well to be fair here, you can heal. It's not smn will die in 1 gcd unless he is being focussed by 3+. At least as a sage that I have most experience with a benevolence is in a fairly short cast time and its healing has been nicely buffed in 2.0. It sucks that reduction cast time on deliverance is on tier 2, but even as that you should be able to get one out. Above all you have bubble which is a 4k instant shield. If your dps teammate still dies then it is clear he is very very bad if with 1.5 times the health pool of your opponent due to your healing is still going down. If you think of it it is actually better cause skill shines then and not simple numbers.


I'm healing with operative, I don't have bubble or deliverance. x) My biggest heal is kolto injection, which channels 2.5 seconds, which seems to be more than enough for a skilled dps to take a player from around 50% hp to 0. Even if the guy would have kolto probes on him. Kolto infusion is faster, 1.5 seconds, but now has a cd.

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