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Legion X (Republic) is now recruiting


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Legion X is a social Republic guild of approximately 25-30 toons, with a solid core of six guys who run many missions and hard modes together. We'd like to expand and invite any new and experienced players to join our guild as the expansion is released so we can run story modes together as well.


We're not hard core players, but we do log a lot of hours and most of us are in our 30's and 40's age-wise. Our goal is to help each other learn about the game and play our classes as best we can. We also pvp and generally make fun of each other in guild chat, so you need a thick skin if you join us.


We typically play West Coast hours, but only because some of us are East Coast night owls.


We have Team Speak and an Imp guild <Legion Z> for out alt toons.


If anyone is interested, please feel free to email or pst Sharcie or Sharc.

Edited by thesharc
updated to reflect new information
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