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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Comms cap way too LOW


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I was just about to pop into this thread and point you all to Jesse's post. :) skitzogreg beat me to it. But yes, we're removing the cap.


Its really a great think that the Devs and BW consider what the players want and do it, that is what makes SWTOR a Better MMO than the others :)


keep it up please and give us Malgus`s armor :D

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i think we're talking about different things here. you're talking about the fact that you can't buy items above your level, which is different than having a limit. they can't just let you buy any old thing because then a level 10 could go and purchase level 50 mods and make more money than they're actually meant to be able to. it's a drawback to being able to spend comms you earn on one planet on a higher level planet if you're a slightly higher level than you're meant to be.


truth is though, planetary comms are easy to earn, if you're 2 or 3 levels below the mod you want to buy, just buy one for your own level then by the time you hit your desired level, chances are you'll have enough to buy more


no, we're talking about more or less the same thing. its a combination of things. you are basically telling me - buy mods under your level that you won't be using, be forced to shuttle back and force between planet and fleet, so I'll be throwing them on GTN anyways. and then by the time i finally FINALLY get to the correct level for the planetary mods I'm still limited by the number 50... which isn't even enough to outfit me, let alone my companion.


these 2 limitations combined make playing less fun. when they first created this restriction and made it weekly, I almost allowed my sub to lapse. because why the hell should I pay subscription if I'm still treated like a free 2 play player? then they removed it and I was happier, because I thought that at least I'll be able to pre emptively buy upgrades and stay ahead that way, but noooo... they had to add level restriction >_> makes me regret using that timecard after all.


and what is wrong with low level character having a lot of credits exactly? its not like they cannot just spend their cartel coins to buy packs or other cartel items, sell them on GTN and have a lot of credits that way. maybe even spend some extra real life money to increase gain.


oh wait, right, its ok if character get rich by paying extra to the developer, but its not ok though other in game methods?


not letting low level characters have more credits is a very flimsy excuse, once you look at it a little closer. there are benefits to lower level characters having more credits. more people to buy those lvl 10 cartel crystals. more people to buy all the various pretty orange shells of GTN.

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no, we're talking about more or less the same thing. its a combination of things. you are basically telling me - buy mods under your level that you won't be using, be forced to shuttle back and force between planet and fleet, so I'll be throwing them on GTN anyways. and then by the time i finally FINALLY get to the correct level for the planetary mods I'm still limited by the number 50... which isn't even enough to outfit me, let alone my companion.


these 2 limitations combined make playing less fun. when they first created this restriction and made it weekly, I almost allowed my sub to lapse. because why the hell should I pay subscription if I'm still treated like a free 2 play player? then they removed it and I was happier, because I thought that at least I'll be able to pre emptively buy upgrades and stay ahead that way, but noooo... they had to add level restriction >_> makes me regret using that timecard after all.


and what is wrong with low level character having a lot of credits exactly? its not like they cannot just spend their cartel coins to buy packs or other cartel items, sell them on GTN and have a lot of credits that way. maybe even spend some extra real life money to increase gain.


oh wait, right, its ok if character get rich by paying extra to the developer, but its not ok though other in game methods?


not letting low level characters have more credits is a very flimsy excuse, once you look at it a little closer. there are benefits to lower level characters having more credits. more people to buy those lvl 10 cartel crystals. more people to buy all the various pretty orange shells of GTN.

nothing is wrong with a low level player having lots of credits. why not give everyone limitless funds, then the game would really have a point.


all games are designed to give you a goal to work towards. i think the planetary comms cap is a little low, and it should at least be high enough to allow the purchase of a full set of gear for one character, but i think people are just looking for something to complain about.


you aren't forced to buy mods and gear below your level - you can purchase things AT your level, ie things you can use NOW.


in reality, there is no difference between continually buying mods 1 or 2 or 3 levels above what you can equip, then swapping them into your gear when you hit the right level, and just buying the mods once you actually hit the required level, certainly not in terms of the number of comms that you will spend over the course of the game. there may be some psychological confusion that makes people think that buying gear above your level is somehow better or more economical, but it really isn't, because you've then got gear sitting there that you can't use until you've levelled some, and in the mean time you may get a loot drop that makes the stuff you've bought worthless.


yes, a cap of 50 makes things slightly inconvenient in that you have to return to the fleet once you have 50 to spend them (on the most up to date mods for your current level btw, not potentially well out of date mods like the old syste would have forced you to do), but if you're earning more than 50 comms per day i think the cap is even less worthy of getting your panties in a bunch over.

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As a subscriber, there shouldn't be a cap, either on how much you can earn in a week or how much you can hold onto. The point of being a subscriber is to play the way you want to. The fact that the caps are insanely low makes it unworkable, but the caps simply shouldn't be there at all.


^^THIS^^. BW claims to be listening to the users, and the feedback. But even though the feedback supports removing the limits for subscribers, they chose to leave the caps in place anyway.


Why say you are listening to us, but then ignore (and even delete our posts leaving feedback... which left me feeling like our $29.99/month for two accounts was invalidated, and my feedback doesn't matter. End result: I canceled both of our accounts. Because, you know, they don't matter, either.).


I love the game. I miss playing it. And we would have given it a chance after playing it on PTS. I came on here today to see if BW had a change of heart, and I could resub. I'm pretty sad to find that isn't the case.

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97 Since planetary comms have no weekly cap I don't see the problem.


incorrect. Planetary comms are limited to 50, and that's way way to low. As was asked earlier, does the removal of the weekly cap also apply to the planetary comms? It IS a valid question.


Note: I just tested the 50 limit and verified that it exists. So even though I've barely started Balmorra, I find myself having to **** around with traveling back to fleet to blow my planetary comms. I don't need to upgrade my equipment, but I have to dump points. It's very annoying...

Edited by Glowrod
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incorrect. Planetary comms are limited to 50, and that's way way to low. As was asked earlier, does the removal of the weekly cap also apply to the planetary comms? It IS a valid question.


Note: I just tested the 50 limit and verified that it exists. So even though I've barely started Balmorra, I find myself having to **** around with traveling back to fleet to blow my planetary comms. I don't need to upgrade my equipment, but I have to dump points. It's very annoying...


He said Planetary comms have no WEEKLY cap, and he was correct.


Furthermore, how on Earth are you earning 50 planetary comms and NOT needing to upgrade your equipment? You should level at least once or twice before reaching the cap, and since mods can be upgraded every other level, I don't really see the problem.


Really, the only inconvenience I see is having to shuttle back to the fleet every so often if you are under/over levelled, but I think this is offset greatly by being able to carry comms over from planet to planet.

Edited by Jossajus
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He said Planetary comms have no WEEKLY cap, and he was correct.


Furthermore, how on Earth are you earning 50 planetary comms and NOT needing to upgrade your equipment? You should level at least once or twice before reaching the cap, and since mods can be upgraded every other level, I don't really see the problem.


Really, the only inconvenience I see is having to shuttle back to the fleet every so often if you are under/over levelled, but I think this is offset greatly by being able to carry comms over from planet to planet.


Since planetary comms have nothing to do with a weekly cap, I didn't catch it. Thought he meant no cap at all.


Let me paint a picture, again. What I USED to do is this:

1) Do all the quests on a planet.

2) go to fleet ONCE and update all of my gear. This typically flushes 30 minutes down the toilet due to traveling times and navigating a ridiculously huge fleet station that's over crowded and laggy as hell.

3) go to next planet. Rinse and repeat.


Traveling to fleet is a *********** pain in the *** and to toss out "Just go to fleet several times during a planets quest arc. No big deal" is stupid. going to fleet once is 30 minutes lost. going 3 times in the same number of quests is 90 minutes lost. putting the cap at the Ludacrisly low limit of 50 accomplishes nothing but wasting 60 minutes of my time for each planet for no apparent reason. Also, it makes me unable to get a full set of matching mods because I can only do half of my gear at a time. It takes me 97 planetary comms to fully upgrade my gear. Just earlier, I went back to fleet and had enough comms to update my armoring to level 7, and hilt to level 7, but then I was out of points. Every other slot is level 5. By the time I have enough points to update the rest, then the armoring and hilt will be behind a couple levels. And that assumes that my companion has no slotted equipment!

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Since planetary comms have nothing to do with a weekly cap, I didn't catch it. Thought he meant no cap at all.


Let me paint a picture, again. What I USED to do is this:

1) Do all the quests on a planet.

2) go to fleet ONCE and update all of my gear. This typically flushes 30 minutes down the toilet due to traveling times and navigating a ridiculously huge fleet station that's over crowded and laggy as hell.

3) go to next planet. Rinse and repeat.


Why do you need to go to fleet to spend planetary comms, when there are vendors on each planet, usually close to spaceport and reaching them that way is faster than going to fleet?

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Why do you need to go to fleet to spend planetary comms, when there are vendors on each planet, usually close to spaceport and reaching them that way is faster than going to fleet?


Because the ones on the planet are only for toons of a very specific level. If you are a little under level for the planet, or a few levels over level for the planet, those comms are useless.

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People, this is a no brainer. Why insist on defending the indefensible.


Yesterday I had to interrupt my quest progression after receiving 8 commendation cap limit warnings (48/50), So I went to the city and I had to bought an item I didnt want to be able to claim the rewards of 3 completed quests in quenue. Fortunately I was close to the level requirement so after my char leveled I could spend the commendations in mods, first I had to check the GTN prices to buy the more valuables.


Since I didn't spend all the commendations, because by nature I tend to save resources, today on the next planet I'll have the same problem, with the only difference that there is no GTN kiosk, so I'll have to travel to the fleet. :mad:


In summary, the warnings, the travelling, the the inability to spend the commendations because a lvl restriction, being forced to buy items I didnt want to make room for other quest rewards and finally being forced to sell (or store) the non wanted stuff. All this annoying process because a cap limit.


I really hope the next ASAP patch will remove the cap limit or increase it significantly (instead of nerfing the commendation drops, I'm serious here). I'm a subscriber and I pay to not have limit, at least not of these kind.

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