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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For future expansions, early access should be phased in.


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It worked so well on launch. Why wouldn't you do if for expansions? Instead of having everyone who pre-ordered by a certain day get early access on a certain day, you should phase it in over the course of 5 days giving those who pre-ordered early priority over those who pre-ordered later I think that would solve about 90% of the issues people are having with the early access. Edited by bbare
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Honestly early access shouldn't even happen. If anything for those who pre ordered the game should be allowed to try the expansion on a public test realm. The whole early access singles out those who didn't pre order the game in the time allowed. And most of those who pre ordered it on time get a "BIG HEAD" about it and think they are entitled to force others to get what they want. Seen some of those people already who want to do the missions in flashpoints for experience when the other 3 don't have the early access. I refuse to submit to someone who thinks I have to oblige them because they just bought the pre order on time.
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Honestly early access shouldn't even happen. If anything for those who pre ordered the game should be allowed to try the expansion on a public test realm. The whole early access singles out those who didn't pre order the game in the time allowed. And most of those who pre ordered it on time get a "BIG HEAD" about it and think they are entitled to force others to get what they want. Seen some of those people already who want to do the missions in flashpoints for experience when the other 3 don't have the early access. I refuse to submit to someone who thinks I have to oblige them because they just bought the pre order on time.


What are you talking about? Giving early access is singling out people. THAT IS THE POINT! Yeah, people can gain levels, want to gain levels. Duh.


The sense of entitlement is just seething from your post. No, everyone doesn't get the shiny red convertible, you have to pay for it. Some people have to work for a while and then buy it. But maybe their friend got it first because he had it on back order. That's life. Time to get over it and move on. Not worth the frustration for what amounts to a week head start in an MMO. (Hint, a week means nothing.)

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You should have bought the expansion prior to January 7th. You ignored the notice about pre-ordering and now you're all butthurt your friends are leveling without you. It was a choice you made, now live with it and quit whining.
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Nothing wrong with the way Early access was handled this time. Except for those who met the deadlibe and can't access the content. Other than that glitch those who wanted early access dud what it took to get it. Those who didn't care to do what it took to earn early access will get the content on it's release date.
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